RA Coaching Forum

Muse Runner's 10k Training Log (Read 1627 times)


keep running.

    I am also looking forward to Mikey's journal! wahoooo!! Smile my run today sucked. boobies are not good. being a woman sucks sometimes Sad Roll eyes
    running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

    keep running.

      Well... I've got heavy leg problems. I didn't eat enough carbs to recover and now I suffereth. I've got a 13.5-15 mile run to do this Saturday so today has to be like yesterday... almost wogging here. I just want to hit above 40 miles this week and I know I can do it. I'm going to keep mileage juggling on a low-high schedule (with every 3rd week as a recovery... ehem boyz in the 2000 mile club) and see how I do. I think I'm going to get run over by a pack of wild men when I run my 5k one Saturday if I don't do a long run on the Sunday following... argh. Sad
      running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

        You did that track workout on Wednesday? Yup not surprised your legs are still heavy. I think the pace was a tad quick--that's what it means. Easy 45-60 min jog today and see how you feel tomorrow. You can still do 13+ Sat you may just need to scale back the pace a tad. No biggie. Part o' the process.

        Runners run


        keep running.

          I'm trying not to be too hard on myself for not running 13 miles today. Oh well. I did 10 and that's all I could do without hating the run. I did mixed trails and asphalt and the trails were freaking grueling XC style steep. I didn't walk the hills but I wanted to at times! By the time I got on the asphalt I was doing a 8:40 pace very comfortably. Smile I could have used some company to push my endurance but I was bored with running loops around my neighborhood. I'll have to plan better next time! Anyhow my motto is run within my limits and run comfortably and allow myself to recover from the hard training I'm doing 2x per week these days. Looking forward to a nice easy run tomorrow maybe I can throw in about 5-6 miles. I'm sure I can since I stopped before I got too too tired. So that will get me about 41 miles for the week. Roll eyes
          running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

          keep running.

            I'm going to attempt 7- 8 miles today. I'm just gonna see how I feel. I'm excited for my speedwork next week, not too excited about my tempo mile repeats but I'll do them. Smile I'll go really light for Mondays' workout that way I have some nice energy for Tuesday and Thursday of this week. Other than that, things seem OK now I just need to tackle my school work. Sad
            running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

            madness baby

              Muse, I just read on the main boards that you're doing an ultra this summer. I thought I'd refrain from hijacking there. Your training is impressive with 40-something miles in a week! Thanks for sharing it all. It'll inspire me for my little 3-miler today Wink And did you seriously post at 5:45 on Sunday west coast time? I think I need your motivation right now.

              keep running.

                Run chic, Yup I get up between 4:45 am and 5:15am every day. I have to in order to run, mess around on the message boards, write my dissertation, and work part time. Smile If I slept in until 7am I wouldn't be able to play online! I only need about 6 hours of sleep per night. Only when I get depressed or "hormonal" I sleep about 8-10 hours. I am crazy huh? hehe thanks for the nice words girlie!
                running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                madness baby

                  yes, you are crazy! Good for you, though. What's your dissertation on?

                  keep running.

                    Dissertation topic was on neuroscience and theoretical modeling of brain activities via measuring through physiological activity. Now it's on culture. LOoooooOOOOOoooong story. My legs are tired. Should be interesting to see how I'll do on my 1200's. I did 10.1 miles yesterday, 7.4 in steep hills before that, 10 miles in hills again, and I don't recall what before that, but all I know is that that is too many miles and not enough down time. My calves are tight and swollen. Sad But I'll just get through this workout.
                    running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                    Wasatch Speedgoat

                      Don't get injured!!! You sound pregnant with injury Shocked Steve

                      Life is short, play hard!


                      keep running.

                        Sad I know I need to decide: speed or miles, not both. I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sleepy today. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I need to get through a day of work and avoid the Trent monster on the 2000 mile thread!
                        running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                        Wasatch Speedgoat

                          Well, you can do both, you just need to run your distance days slow with absolutely no fast running, except maybe end with a pickup....and then speed days are speed days. If you feel tired like you do today, sometimes it's better to take an easy day than do more hard stuff. You've done a lot the past few days. I had several long and hard weeks and am now backing off for a 50 mile I have a week from Saturday. I must've needed it because all of a sudden I'm feeling better after a week of easy stuff. Be careful not to let that 2000 mile club effect your training. Not all of us can do as Jeff does Wink I learned many years ago after countless injuries trying to run a ton of mileage that a great running formula is s + R=Success. Notice the small s on stress and a big R on rest. As important as the hard running is, without the easy days you will not progress. Good luck with it all.... Steve

                          Life is short, play hard!


                          keep running.

                            Steve, Thanks for the moral support. I can really use advice from a person with experience and who has a wonderful outlook on running. You remind me of an article my friend Bill gave me on running and perspective. I'll have to find it. If you notice my log I don't even put pace down for some of my runs. It's no mystery to me, I am not looking at pace when I run rough terrain. If it takes me 14 minutes to run up a hill with my HR low, so be it! I have never been a person to run long distances at a pace less than 1.5 min away from my race pace. If it's closer in time to my racing pace than that, my HR goes up and that's just silly. A trick I learned a little while ago is that it matters not how I pace my regular runs. It's all about race day for me. Since that realization I've PR'd pretty consistently Smile thanks for your tips and thoughts... Blush
                            running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.


                              Muse i like your style.

                              Wasatch Speedgoat

                                Muse....good thoughts and good running. Sounds like you have your running act together. And I just noticed your Sig! Here's one of my favorite articles: http://www.rrca.org/resources/articles/slowdown.html I don't totally follow this way of thinking because I'm from the old school where you run a lot of miles and run as many as fast as you can without getting too tired or injured. I like to run at a low HR when I'm run down or have overdone it, but most times I run by how I feel, otherwise i will train too slow. What I like about this article is it gets you thinking about rest and how important it is in the whole picture. Steve

                                Life is short, play hard!