RA Coaching Forum


mikeymike's quixotic quest (Read 854 times)


    I feel good. Easy 7 this a.m. Probaby easy 8 with strides tomorrow then 13 ish with some kind of workout on Sunday. Was thinking of doing the 8 x 400 workout again but now the weather looks shitty. So it will likely be something on the roads. We'll see.

    Runners run

    madness baby

      This is great, Mike. So out of my league, but cool to see. On another topic, will you be watching the marathon on Monday? I lived in Boston for a couple of years and, now that I'm a runner, I'm sad that I never made it out to cheer on the runners. I just realized the start is right where I was staying a couple of weeks ago, too. Hopefully you'll be there right in the front to start in '08. Man that would be cool. Smile

        Thanks! I had planned to watch the Marathon from somewhere near the finish--my office is in Ft. Point Channel so we could walk, run or take the T over to the Back Bay to watch. But now I'm taking Monday off and going on a job interview from 11:30 to 4:00 so I won't even know what happened until Monday night. I wasn't even looking but this recruiter called me an it sounds like an interesting opp. so I'm going to check it out. Sounds like the weather will be lousy anyway so at least I'll be warm and dry.

        Runners run


          Week beginning 4/9/07 -- 58 miles in 7 runs. Mon - 6.4 easy jog Tue - 10 with 8 x 2 min on / 1 min off, and 6 x 30 secs on / 1 min off Wed - 5 easy Thu - 8.3 miles mini progression run Fri - 6.8 easy Sat - 8.3 easy Sun - 12.9 mile progression run in the pissing down rain. All in all an okay week. I had a lot going on in real life and just felt like I was treading water running-wise but looking back, it was a pretty decent week. I broke from my normal "two big workouts" philosophy due to scheduling so stuck in a little mini progression run on Thursday. Today's (Sunday's) run was a pretty good effort. It was cold, pouring rain and windy so I decided to bag my plans for a track workout and do a high aerobic progresison run, figuring it would keep me warmer and less likely to injure myself. I committed early to keeping it going as long as I could keep getting faster each mile--then as soon as I couldn't, I would end the workout. I kept it up through 10--which ended up the steepest longest hill on the route--then cracked in mile 11. I just couldn't recover fast enough from the charge up the hill in mile 10 to crank it down in mile 11. Once I finished mile 11 slower than 10, I just cruised the reast of the way home at a medium pace to keep warm.

          Runners run

          madness baby

            Good luck with that job interview. Looks like you won't miss too much tomorrow anyway. I have a friend running for charity and he just sent us the update that it's going to be incredibly nasty out there tomorrow.

              Thanks, Chica. I think it went pretty well, we'll see. I gotta go back and meet with the prez of the co. on Thursday night. Not sure if I want the job but I'm pretty sure they liked me. This weather has got to stop, it's dragging me down. Probably a big part of why I'm so tired, well that and a bunch of other stuff.

              Runners run


              keep running.

                Job interview? Mikey I thought you loved your job's beer selection? Confused I loooove how you do progression runs when you don't get your two big workouts per week scheduled in due to "life and such"... I did that a couple of times after coming to the 2000 mile thread. Your suggestion for progression runs as a quality run is really really smaaaahhrrt (how do you type a Boston accent anyhow?) I'm sorry the weather is getting you down. Sad I used to love going to coffee shops to read and study when the weather sucked horribly. My favorite stop was Espresso Royale. Man I miss that place! The best coffee EVER!! Plus they fill their jukebox with awesome tunes that cool kids like. Smile When do we get to see your race photos? -J
                running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                madness baby

                  I had to leave Boston because of the weather. Too much for a southern gal to handle! Glad the interview went well. Oh, I realized the END of the marathon was at the library, the Lenox, etc, rather than the start. That would make more sense. Hope your week picks up! Smile

                    I do love my job, but if someone throws a lot more money at me I gotta listen...got mouths to feed you know. Muse when you were in Boston running your runs along the Charles, I was probably living in Cambridge...doing my runs along the Charles. We probably passed each other on the footpath...how six degrees. I don't have a lot of current race photos...most of the ones of me that were on the web have expired. That's what happens when you've only run 3 races in the last 2 years, haha. Here's a thumbnail from the 2003 Baystate Half: The following one is from the first mile of the 2004 MA Law Enforcement Half where I ran my PR and finished 8th. I am bib# 1009 and that is Shannon Hovey from CT, the eventual women's winner just on my left shoulder. She finished a couple minutes behind me but we ran together for parts of the first 8 miles or so: And this one is from the last 400m of the same race. The battle for 8th place between the three of us in this photo. I caught the two other two guys (1474, Paul Pillott, right in front of me and the guy right behind me) at the turn onto this parkway and an old guy on the corner yelled out, "Eight, nine and ten! Now sort it out!" And we did. I got 8th in 1:17:56. One of the best races of my life:

                    Runners run


                      This morning my run got whacked. I had planned 10 with 5 x 1 mle. Now I'll try and squeeze in 7 along the Charles at lunch and see if I can get out for 10 tomorrow. Life is cramping my running stile. Alas.

                      Runners run


                      keep running.

                        Mikey, WOW!!! Ultra mojo-age there. Thank you for posting that!!!! Look at your quads. holy amazingness! Uhmmmmm wow.... WOW! Thanks for that! Thanks for the photo of you pushing. I like to see that someone as fast as you DOES experience pain... Smile Sounds like weird logic but I'm always oddly convinced that uber fast runners just have this gift and don't push. I know that's not true at all... but I like to SEE the pain. Smile NICE! totally understand about the desire for more $$$$ okay off for my run... see you in a bit. Smile
                        running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.


                          rockin black socks...

                          keep running.

                            Surf hahah black socks... I should find purple running socks! how sweet would THAT be? Shocked Mikey if you passed me along the Charles River (weird to think huh?) I probably felt a sudden breeze of wind, then saw lightening in the far far off distance. That was you. I was the freshman 15- errr 25 .... at a standstill.... huffing and puffing to lose those gosh darn pounds. Actually, I should thank the Charles River for helping me knock off a bunch of pounds my senior year. Smile
                            running until I hit 1900 miles for the year. whether fast or slow I will just run.

                            madness baby

                              I had my first run along the Charles just a couple of weeks ago. Hope to get another one in when I'm there for a wedding in June-it was just beautiful and made me miss the old times. . . well, when I was in the bars, not running. Mike, great photos. That girl looks like she's about to tag you on your arm. I guess she's checking her watch? I dunno, I think my story sounds better. Wink That's why you kicked her ass.

                                That girl looks like she's about to tag you on your arm. I guess she's checking her watch? I dunno, I think my story sounds better. Wink That's why you kicked her ass.
                                I think she's actually sharing a water bottle with the guy next to her who is right behind me. She had some guy with her who was pacing her or something. They both passed me right after this photo was taken. I passed him at like mile 6 or so. Then I caught up to her on a section of course that went up and back on a paved bike path through some woods. After the turn around we were running back down the trail facing all the people coming up the trail and it was a while before we saw another woman. As I was passing her, I said, "well, I guess you're gonna win." She was hanging on at that point and couldnt even respond. But she did end up winning by a lot. She's a good runner.

                                Runners run
