RA Running Game 2021

Game Engagement: Please read and reply!! (Read 84 times)


    Couple of thoughts - I do really like this game when the social interaction is high.  When I was on a dead team, we didn't do well and it wasn't really fun.  The past few months for me have been personally tough and both my running and team interaction has declined.  So, its not just that chattier teams necessarily win more, but I do feel like my ability to run more is tied to times when I have more mental energy for engagement as well.


    For the main forum, I honestly forget about it all the time.  I think the lack of racing is a big part of that because looking to see who won the race points was always something to pull people into the main forums.  I might also just have too many other "user groups" from past years that I should figure out how to delete so I can see the active ones better.


    One thought to keeping the year long competition but  helping with the "seasons" aspect would be if we could change goals either once a year in June or even each quarter.  That way people whose racing season correlated with bigger miles certain times of year wouldn't be challenged by setting a year long goal.  So the idea would be to have more of a weekly goal distance for a set number of weeks rather than an overall year goal that determined your weekly mileage across all 52 weeks.  I'm sure that's another thing that would be tough to change, but I feel like it would be so much easier to nail down a reasonable goal.


       I might also just have too many other "user groups" from past years that I should figure out how to delete so I can see the active ones better.



      Go into the group, click “Options,” then click on “Leave Group.”



        I'm another that tends to forget about the main group forum, focusing only on my team page.  I wonder if it would make a difference to get rid of the private team forums?  I remember years ago when the private forums were created for team-strategy.  Prior to that (as I recall), all the team threads were in the main forum.  But it kept me in the main forum, seeing all kinds of threads I might not have normally seen and encouraged a lot more participation beyond my specific team.  Take All-Star week, for example.  These days, I only know the posters that are on my team (and the long-timers from RWOL).  Before, I would have a better grasp of who was participating where and what competition might actually be there.


        There are trade-offs, I know.  But maybe it would be better to consider eliminating the private forums to go back to one big group.  (One big happy family!) 



          I think private forums are here to stay. You need a place to tell your team (like I did last week), I'm going to be under on mileage, can someone else help with my share of the mileage goal. The key isn't to necessarily get this forum super active, but the fact is it's a small group who ever even check it. This is where game announcements happen.

          Half Fanatic #9292. 

          Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


            I agree that private team forums need to stay. This is where teams can strategize, talk about extra miles, lack of miles, etc. Things you may not want opponents to know. it's like our huddle in the football game. 



              . it's like our huddle in the football game. 


              😀 Love that analogy!

                Hi everyone,

                Yes I agree we should keep team groups. This is my first year playing, and it has been very helpful in keeping my runs consistent. Obviously, I can't compare year to year, but I've enjoyed the game and my team tremendously (even when I don't post in our team forum). I always read what others write and it encourages me to keep going.

                Half Crazy K 2.0

                  I agree that private team forums need to stay. This is where teams can strategize, talk about extra miles, lack of miles, etc. Things you may not want opponents to know. it's like our huddle in the football game. 


                  Definitely this.


                    My team is pretty active on our board.


                    I find I am torn on my opinion of the game this year.  It is definitely nice being on a team and having the goal to help the team sometimes helps you have the drive to get an extra couple miles in to hit green to win the week or help make up if you know a team member is going to come up short.


                    However, on the flip side of this, there have definitely been some weeks where I have gotten in a few extra miles to do this when I probably really shouldn't have and might be risking injury by putting in miles my body might not be ready for.  Currently injured right now - not due to the game, but partially due to the game I may have rushed my return after an injury in June.


                      I’m one of the more “reserved” types who doesn’t use social media much and isn’t very active on the team forum … BUT, I really like having the team concept. It definitely motivates me to keep on running. Although I don’t respond much, I do read other’s posts and “feel connected”.


                      I hear @jeffdonahue when he speaks of possibly “overdoing” it to help out the team. If there were an easy way to add a break(s) to the game, I would be all for that. I know some have suggested shortening the year, but what if, just like in football, basketball, etc, we had “half-time” or “end-of-quarter” breaks. Maybe it’s just may ageing body speaking, but what if we had three break designated weeks (spring/summer/fall) that didn’t count? Or, what if each runner was given an “sick week” (like a sick day at work) every 4 month that you had to use or lose (so you couldn’t build them up and take a month off)? 

                      Please take these suggestions as just ramblings from someone who has just been subjected to dreaded, yet constant, days of high temperatures and high humidity (90%+) all summer long. It made running a “chore” at times. Thankfully, I’m starting to sense a weather/attitude change!


                        Just found this thread - and adding my 2 cents.


                        Agree that there is a correlation between the chatty teams and success in this game - I see there are posts on this page from 4 of my teammates from team Modi-5 from my first year in this game.


                        In 2020, with the combined effect of the pandemic, cancelled races, Hurricane Laura redesigning my house and my spouse having health issues, I spent much of the year on IR (or leave of absence) as I significantly reduced my mileage.

                        For 2021 I joined as an individual, with the intention of being an active participant in the individuals forum, but haven't posted there for months. I haven't missed the game or done much running this year, but am trying to get back to running a few miles each week.


                        I think the numbers participating have now fallen below the minimum needed for an effective game in the current form. It worked pretty well with 200 players - 10 teams of about 20 players each, but smaller teams mean much less social interaction as well as significant effects from a few team members on IR and fewer teams mean playing each of the other teams far more often in a year-long league.


                        A shorter season or seasons might help, but the racing season in Louisiana (Oct-Mar) is very different from that in Michigan.

                        Perhaps shake up the game entirely - appoint team captains and let them select their team members, have different challenges each week, etc. - or devise some sort of individual league or ladder system.


                        Thanks to the admins for all the work they do, and of course to Eric. Much appreciated.

                        Started running at age 60.

                        AG 60-64 PR - 5K 25:45, 10K 53:28, HM 1:57:39, Marathon 4:32:09

                        AG 65-69 PR - 5K 26:11, HM 2:02:39, Marathon 5:04:47


                        Upcoming race: Four on the 4th 7/4/24 maybe.


                        just another runner

                          I think it has quite a bit to do with races being cancelled.   A number of participants, perhaps casual runners and the hard core ones too, use races to train for as motivation.  I mean wasn't Boston cancelled/deferred/virtual, which is what some strive for?  With qualifying races being cancelled, as well as others, doesn't that figure in as to why some people run less from a motivation standpoint.  I get that few in the game have actually BQ'd, but runners still have the desire to participate in longer races or races in general.  I don't know if ALL communities are allowing races now or not.


                          Yes, all runners aren't out there just to prepare for a race.  I just think it makes a big difference.  It drives activity (training runs) and people want to share that activity, hence interest in the game.


                          I prefer the team game myself.  I like to compete and the team game scratches that itch.  As a team member I don't want to be the weak link so I feel committed to get my mileage.  Yes life sometimes gets in the way and the team forum allows me to communicate when that happens.  I don't want my opponent to see that so they can slack off and yet still win. (Reason for keeping team thread)


                          I don't have the data but curious to know how much mileage is decreased after being eliminated from the playoffs.  If it decreases wouldn't that show that the game matters, to some at least?


                          Some ideas that might work include: 3 (or whatever number works) no competition weeks, have the game end on Halloween and have those friends that you know locally and see at races join the game.  Yep, a couple of those have been thrown out there.


                          Just my thoughts. but what do I know, I'm just an old retired GI.

                          The first step is to get up off the couch!

                          Half Fanatic #889





                            I don't have the data but curious to know how much mileage is decreased after being eliminated from the playoffs.  If it decreases wouldn't that show that the game matters, to some at least?


                            That could also be related to the time of year and life getting busier around the holidays.


                            One of the options we are considering is taking the positional week competitions - I think there are 2 or 3 of those where #1vs#2, #3vs#4 - and making those non-competition/rest weeks. They are spread pretty evenly through the year.

                            Half Fanatic #9292. 

                            Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.

                            Half Crazy K 2.0


                              I don't have the data but curious to know how much mileage is decreased after being eliminated from the playoffs.  If it decreases wouldn't that show that the game matters, to some at least?



                              I was on a winning team in 2017 and 2018. You can probably look at my log to see when in November or December my team was elimainted in 2016 (maybe not as clear since I did my one & only full), 2019 and 2020. There definitely aren't many 50+ mpw in my log other than playoffs or this year's All Star week.


                              In a normal year, I find it easier to run higher mileage around Christmas due to taking that time off of work. 2019 was an exception.


                              just another runner


                                That could also be related to the time of year and life getting busier around the holidays.




                                I concur, and then ask how does the drop off compare between those still in the competition and those eliminated.

                                The first step is to get up off the couch!

                                Half Fanatic #889