RA Running Game 2022


Week 8 Accomplishments (Read 41 times)



    Most Miles Run This Week

    Krash (GRe?) 116.41 miles

    CalBears (LM) 114.14 miles

    Michaelmarty (indiv) 92.16 miles


    Most Time Spent Running This Week

    Krash (GRe?) 17:11:32

    CalBears (LM) 16:52:39

    Mom4Running (MF) 11:47:48


    * Seven of eight teams were 100% or better to weekly mileage goal. Top team was Got Run, eh? at 158.93%.

    * Five of eight teams were 80% or better in the green. Three teams were 100% in the green: Appreci-8 Your Stride, Call the Race Director! and MotherFooters.

    * Three runners were over 200% to individual weekly goal. Seven runners were between 150% and 200%.

    * One team runner posted a zero week.

    * Krash (GRe?) ran the Jackpot 100 USATF 100 road Championship, finishing in 14:59, 5th male and 1st in AG. Congrats! Smile


    What else is going on, runners? I see a lot of runners are hitting highest week of the year mileage so far.

    If you are having success and want your accomplishment noted, you can message me and I'll highlight it in the weekly thread. Smile

    Half Fanatic #9292. 

    Game Admin for RA Running Game 2023.


      Way to go Krash - congrats on your achievement!


      June 22 - Mad Fox Trail Fest 10K