Trailer Trash


Failed Friday (Read 19 times)



    LB2 - Hope you can get a new streak going soon.



    We are going to start it up tomorrow and see what happens. I feel great when I run everyday. I just realized I am already 4 days into a streak.


    Queen of Nothing


       What? Hmm maybe a challenge for next month 150 miles.



      You do realize that is one mile short of averaging exactly 5 miles per day for the month.

       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








        Whew...had to observe an inventory count this morning now back to spreadsheet hell.  You all are doing so well milagewise.


        Mandy that's some great bike miles.


        qotd: after my 4 tonight I'll end with 80.  I just seem so very tired lately.  90+ days and I need to get my ass in gear.  I'm hoping that 30-50 mpw will be good enough for a 50 miles at the Lhotse 24 hour.  That's my goal.


          Gym stuff today at lunch then short run with the Lady on some mucked up trails after work. No rain or storms forecast today!! I think we will wander the hills of Coventry Woods. Those trails drain pretty well.


          QOTD: 113 + tonight, so around 118-120 it looks like. Whatever happened to those 250 mile months?

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


            Did about 26 miles on the bike. The computer screwed up so I'm going to have to compare with my GPS and try to figure out what the actual mileage is.


            I normally park at R.B. Winter State park. They got hit with a bad storm, supposedly a down burst, not a tornado, and lost about 500 trees .  Things were enough of a mess there that I went up on the mountain and parked on the state forest land.  The trails were a mess. I probably stopped 15-20 times to remove small trees. There was one nice oak that was down over the trail. About a 24" one and would have be straight and clean for at least 30-35 feet with some good stuff above that yet.  Ripped it out by the roots.  Real shame as it would have made some good logs if they ever timber that area out. As it is it's too far back in to justify trying to get it out.  Now the poor squirrels and deer will have to do without it's nuts .   The trails were a sloppy mess. Came back covered in leaves, pine needles and mud.  Could have been a lot of fun, but sadly I wasn't feeling real strong today.  Failed to ride some portions of the trail I should have just killed.


            With today's ride the cost per mile for the bike  has come down from $54.32 to $41.59 .  Now if Bert-o can catch another fish this weekend, his cost per fish will be down to $500.00 .


            Mandy -  I don't keep up with the new replacement hip technology but I think there is one out now where they should never have to replace it again. They can just resurface the contact points. That might be something to look into.


            QOTD: 122.7 mile Running and about 242 bike miles.  Haven't had that many running miles since February 2018.

            Queen of Nothing


              Anybody else getting gay pride advertising on here since Sandy posted the picture of his belt buckle and t-shirt 

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                Anybody else getting gay pride advertising on here since Sandy posted the picture of his belt buckle and t-shirt 


                "Not that there is anything wrong with that..."  I'm more than happy to oblige  .




                Faster Than Your Couch!

                  Did my run, and it was epic. 13 miles of mud ( up to halfway knee-high), super technical rocky roots, boulders, and some pine needles in between.


                  Ended up looking like DD1, covered all in mud, leaves, and needles. I made about 2,300 ft of elevation, which is a lot for me now, and the middle 4 miles were not pretty. Should have brought a snack along. Water is now readily available at all the springs, but i just ran out of fuel and had to hike some of the last hill. I had not planned on running quite this far, just got carried away once again. 


                  So make my mileage for the month 130 now.


                  Mandy: I am sorry to hear about your hip. This does not sound good. Do you know what happened after the surgery, it seemed to heal up well at first, right? Is this common with this type of injury or surgery? Maybe a second opinion gives you more insight before you decide on the next step.


                  Berto: Hey, you got some nice miles, too! Don’t compare to previous years, life goes on, and you are where you are now. See the positive side, there’s potential to either just enjoy your current state, or take things up a little. Either way, give yourself credit for the effort you put in.

                  Run for fun.


                  Are we there, yet?

                    Easy 4.5 miles with some light fartlek.  Had to run that far after my comment to the Queen


                    qotd: 155 miles for the month

                     2024 Races:

                          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.




                    Queen of Nothing


                      I think I’ll run a mile tonight when I get back from the brewery 


                      Easy 4.5 miles with some light fartlek.  Had to run that far after my comment to the Queen


                      qotd: 155 miles for the month

                       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








                        Well got my 5 in the finish the month with 81 not what I'd like but better than some lately.


                        I have a question - there's a 50k on July 19 it starts at 9 pm and is on an asphalt path in Wichita, KS.  It's exactly 6 weeks from my 24 hour and would give me a training run at night on the same type of surface as the 24 hour one.  After the last few failures I'm kind of scared to sign up but it would be a perfect training. Price goes up tonight so I have to decide now or just pay more later.  Not sure how to get past the gun shy stage I'm in.


                        Faster Than Your Couch!

                          Dhuff, I’d sign up. Sounds like a great training run. Do you think the cutoff time is manageable? If so, it will be fun and a nice confidence booster.

                          Run for fun.



                            It has a 13 hour cutoff...I've done other 50k's well within that range.  And no technical  Plus I've not done near enough night training and this would give me other people around so I would feel better.


                            And damn Ultrasignup for having my info pre loaded...and like that I'm in for another go at 50k.
