Trailer Trash


back to the grind Mondaily (Read 22 times)


    Got out of bed early this morning and it was a good thing I did, heavy frost on the vehicle. Took a extra 10 minutes for it to warm up enough to clear the windshield.  Of course I could have scraped it but that would have been like doing work .   The sun was coming up and it looked really nice down over the valleys with the fog hanging low and clear above.  Though it would be a nice drive in as I go through a really nice scenic area but the clouds rolled in spoiling it.


    Turkey season must have opened up as there were a lot of hunters out.  Just tons of them on the south side of the one mountain that I cross.  Was going down over the north side and there was not a hunter in site and guess what I saw meandering along.  A really nice size turkey just ambling along . Guess he knew where to be and where not to be.


    Oh yea, no running and probably not even a parking lot stroll. It's been busy.


    Bert-O  - Ouch, that looks miserable.


    QOTD: Haven't seen anyone from high school in years.  When I was trucking I'd run into another guy that I had hung out with who was also in the business.    Never was invited to a class reunion.  Probably something to do with me not coming back after graduating from 9th grade .


    Every now and then I'll see someone from my Paramedic class but that's rare and I don't really keep in touch with anyone, it's just more a thing of meeting up at classes, conferences or the hospitals.

    Queen of Nothing


      XT:  Glad you are still with us.

       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








        Not much running this weekend. Had a bit of a freak out Saturday morning. Not sure what happened, typical morning but when I sat down to eat breakfast I had this strange feeling that is hard to describe. Sort of a buzzing, ringing in my head, and at first I thought it was nothing but it didn't go away and then I felt a bit of anxiety and elevated heart rate. Felt a bit foggy in the head or maybe just nervous that was something was wrong. After a talk with my wife, and her mom who is a retired nurse I went to the ER. Labs and EKG came back normal, BP was high probably from nervousness and HR spiked once when I was waiting for doc. I was confirmed to be healthy, a victim of cardio tachycardia and possible panic attack. I was prescribe Ativan but did not fill the script. Felt pretty much normal the rest of the day and in fact did some yard work and other normal stuff. Weird. I had this happen once before, shortly after my choking incident but I don't quite get what happened yesterday. I guess the ER visit was the right thing to do, but I felt sort of stupid afterword.



        Any dizziness or vertigo, or just the "buzzing feeling"?  Was buzzing in ears, or was it a head-like feeling?

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        I lost my rama

          AT - Hope you're on the mend from that fall.  Yeah, it's those ones where you don't know what happened until afterwards that really get you.  And crap, I should have taken pics of the balls.  That would have made a great looking collage, haha!


          XT - Sorry to hear about that, but it's good you went to the ER, just in case.  I still get freaked out a bit when something gets caught in my throat, but allergies also swells my throat a bit, so be aware if that's the case.  Hope things fall back to normal.


          Dr J - Yay!  Less than one week left!


          warden - Hope the stars align for you.  In any case, I'm looking forward to your adventure!


          NH - Wait, you did a 4 hour run/hike on Sat, then did a 20K race on Sun???  No wonder it was rough.


          Sandy - Wow on DD's (mis)adventure on that horse!  Glad she's ok, but I can see how it gets to you.  Nice you'll get to visit PA too.


          Sue - I was hoping for a kiss. 

          3/17 - NYC Half

          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


            This morning was probably one of the most pleasant runs I have ever had in my life. It wasn't very far, but it was just so smooth, fast, and effortless that it seemed like a dream. It was right at daybreak, and I had no light. I wish I had more runs like that.


            QOTD: I keep in touch with a couple of people from high school. I have become reacquainted with a couple from college as our career paths have crossed. I learned from an early age to treat people well because you never know when your paths may cross again. That attitude has paid dividends in unimaginable ways for me. There have been at least one time where someone and I have gotten off on the wrong foot and it came back to bite me, but I can promise you the "wrong foot" never started with me. Plus, in that case, I would have rather had it come back to bite me because that group of people sucked as human beings. And when it was all said and done, they got a lot more grief than I did. It was a political thing. If you knew the whole story and didn't believe in karma, you would totally believe after hearing it. You really do, in the end, reap what you sow. Anyway, I keep up with quite a few people I was in the Marine Corps with.




              Turkey season must have opened up as there were a lot of hunters out.  Just tons of them on the south side of the one mountain that I cross.  Was going down over the north side and there was not a hunter in site and guess what I saw meandering along.  A really nice size turkey just ambling along . Guess he knew where to be and where not to be.


              If I remember correctly, you are in PA. Season opened April 27 and runs through May 31.



                AT - Buzziness was overall head like feeling. They did check my ears and asked me if it was ear specific but it wasn't. Plus it was mild, except when I first noticed it. I guess I was just losing it, but I am pretty plugged into my body being a runner and all.


                Berto - There weren't any eating/throat issues. That has all passed several years back. Just a weird sense in my head and nervous system I suppose is the best way to explain it.

                In dog beers, I've only had one.




                  NH - Wait, you did a 4 hour run/hike on Sat, then did a 20K race on Sun???  No wonder it was rough.



                  I was wondering who would be the one to give me shit for that!


                  But, but, back when I was young ......



                    Sandy - about DD - she had a better reason to fall than Diane and I had. We're just clumsy 


                    Ha, I think the horse she was riding was really green and I guess a bit clumsy too.  Just to give you an idea, here's a pic of the little guy.


                    DD trotting him out for vet inspection, I guess the first day and not after the mishap.




                      He's beautiful.  And I am so very



                        AT - Buzziness was overall head like feeling. They did check my ears and asked me if it was ear specific but it wasn't. Plus it was mild, except when I first noticed it. I guess I was just losing it, but I am pretty plugged into my body being a runner and all.



                        I sent you a PM.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        I lost my rama


                          I was wondering who would be the one to give me shit for that!


                          But, but, back when I was young ......


                            Yeah, we all can dream...


                          Sandy - That's an awesome pic!


                          XT - Did they rule out BPPV (a form of vertigo)?  I get that once or twice a year, usually during change of seasons.  I never feel "sick" but it really messes up my head and balance.

                          3/17 - NYC Half

                          4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                          6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                          8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                            XT-  Somehow I missed your post before I posted.  Quite a few differential diagnoses here from anxiety to neurology to cardiac to.......... well, you get the point, it could be a lot of things.   I'll touch on the cardiac one as I've run into a few cases like this that I've been able to solve and were cardiac related.


                            Now maybe you know about everything that I'm about to write, but then again maybe not.


                            When I hear symptoms like this I tend to think of it being caused by tachycardia which apparently they kind of diagnosed you with.  The problem with this diagnosis is that people can have symptoms like this literally for years and if it doesn't occur while you are at the Dr's or the ER the problem is not found.


                            What I would recommend that you do is start  checking your pulse at your wrist on random occasions.  Maybe you have done that in the past and are  pretty comfortable with getting it.  If, or when, you have another episode check your pulse for a minute and see what it is.  The two main things that I would be looking for is A-Fib or Paroxysmal Supra-ventricular Tachycardia (PSVT).  By definition the PSVT will start and stop and that's why it's difficult to catch.  A-Fib will also start and stop on it's own so it can be difficult to catch too.  A-Fib can either present as fast or slow.  In A-Fib your pulse, of course, would be irregular, while in the PSVT it would be regular.


                            I would imagine that your normal resting HR is rather low while you also have the ability to push your HR quite high.  The thing to remember here is that if you would have a episode of A-Fib with a rate in the 120-140 range you may think that is not that bad as you often have a rate that high while running. With A-Fib though, the top and bottom parts of the heart are not working together correctly resulting in a drop in cardiac output of 20-30%.


                            I just recently had a patient who was having random "spells" somewhat like this for over a year.  24 hour Holter monitor found nothing. They nearly passed out and the ambulance was called.  On the way to the hospital she had a burst of a wide complex tachycardia that I was able to get a basic EKG strip of.  Unfortunately it ended before I could get a 12 lead so I couldn't diagnose PSVT vs. V-tach.


                            As always these are just two of a number of potential diagnoses.

                            Queen of Nothing


                              So it appears her 15 mile run was with the horse. 



                              Ha, I think the horse she was riding was really green and I guess a bit clumsy too.  Just to give you an idea, here's a pic of the little guy.


                              DD trotting him out for vet inspection, I guess the first day and not after the mishap.

                               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                                AT, Bert-o, dhuff, et al...  my DD said it was fun to ride that wild thing, but she had to pay 100% attention 100% of the time.  It was just an intro of the horse to a ride and to see if it was going to work out.  The jury is still out I guess. The owner is a friend of hers, same person who lent her a horse for Tevis 2 years ago.


                                So it appears her 15 mile run was with the horse. 

                                Ha Ha, they only trot out about 30 yards out and back so the vets can see the horse's gait.  My DD said the horse was so wild and juiced up (horny?) that he wanted to fight or mount anything that moved.  I think if she tried to run any distance with it it would have dislocated her shoulder and elbow.  I understand the ride management discretely mentioned to the owner that she should think about getting him gelded  , which I think was in the plans anyway.

