Trailer Trash


Saturdailies (Read 35 times)

    Marley and I took it easy on a nice 3 mile trail run. I placed my feet carefully since I am nursing a sore foot.


    Tallahassee, Florida


      5.4 miles last night. Was  about 35°Which was very nice considering some of the temperatures lately.


      QOTD Who do you think will  make it to the Super Bowl?

      I'm thinking it will be Seattle and the Patriots, and I could see Seattle winning the Super Bowl!



        DW and I had a beautiful 10 miler on some icy ATV trails.  Screw shoes today, and it looks like it's time to make a new pair, since my shoes are getting a bit worn.  I had a lot of miles on them before I relegated them to screw shoe status.


        QOTD:  No dog in the fight, so I'll say Green Bay and Indy.  Not a NE fan at all, and can't stand Pete Carroll.  I think if you get sanctioned by the NCAA, then you should be banned from coaching in the NFL until those sanctions are lifted.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        Refurbished Hip

          11.5 miles today.  Woo hoo!


          QOTD: If I had to guess, Seattle vs NE.  I am rooting for Green Bay (obviously) and Indy though.

          Running is dumb.


            It's a rest day for me today. I went to bed last night at 8:30, and when I got up this morning I still felt tired. And sore. And hungry. So I'm taking a lazy rest day.  I had a great rehearsal with my wind quintet this morning and my wonderful wife baked us pineapple upside down muffins that were hot and ready after our last piece. Maybe I'll take my son to the pool later.


            QOTD:  Eh, football.

            Queen of Nothing


              Aught oh! 

              11.5 miles today.  Woo hoo!


              QOTD: If I had to guess, Seattle vs NE.  I am rooting for Green Bay (obviously) and Indy though.







              Queen of Nothing


                I've been hauling tree rounds from front of yard to back which is about a 30% grade.  Drinking a beer while my lunch cooks then going to walk the dogs.  After seeing Mandy's post I better go for a run with Earl after the walk.


                Qotd: I don't pat attention but since green bay is a possibility and we were invited to a superbowl party I want to cheer on green bay.  Also liked them better than Lions growing up.  I think it was there colors.   








                  Morning bride ski, then 3 miles running up from Northstar village to mid-mountain (less and less snow) and now some snowshoeing after chili and a margarita. Work and cooking for friends tonight


                  QOTD: would love Green Bay vs Colts


                  Did I miss where in Brazil Kelly is?


                    After a man cave workout and being a lazy slug I did get out for 12 miles on the roads. Roads were kind of necessary by today's condition but that is just way too long on pavement for me.



                    QOTD: If I had to guess, Seattle vs NE.  I am rooting for Green Bay (obviously) and Indy though.


                    QOTD--This sums up my thoughts exactly. I will say the best two teams in the NFL are playing tomorrow in Seattle.


                    Adding--It now looks like we will be getting that Springer after all. Find out tomorrow for certain with a meet and greet.  3 year old girlie named Sara. Looks like 3 dogs will now be terrorizing the household

                    Queen of Nothing


                      He said on FB he was plagued with vomiting so stopped but was able to crew/pace his buddy to a victory.  Then he posted beer drinking pictures 


                      Morning bride ski, then 3 miles running up from Northstar village to mid-mountain (less and less snow) and now some snowshoeing after chili and a margarita. Work and cooking for friends tonight


                      QOTD: would love Green Bay vs Colts


                      Did I miss where in Brazil Kelly is?







                      Occasional Runner

                        Sorry, internet is really spotty here. So here's the story...


                        I got sick EARLY in the race, somewhere around mile 12. It was 90+ degrees and I think I took in way too much fluid and electrolytes. I got bloated, tried to recover but ended up puking for 20 miles. I decided to keep running until I could resolve the issue or have total physical failure due my inability to take in calories and fluids. I just came to a point where I couldn't function. I couldn't eat or drink anything, so I was unable to keep moving forward. I dropped out, slept for 4 hours and started to crew and pace my buddy to his eventual American record in the race.


                        It was a great time, despite my issues. A blog post will follow.


                        Le professeur de trail

                          I did not get to run today.  Just no time.  I will hopefully get out to a favorite trail in the AM.


                          Mandy - you are killin it.  Way to Go.


                          Kelly - sounds brutal.


                          QOTD: Born and raised in New England so of course I am counting on them.  I think Seattle will edge out GB but I will cheer for GB.  A rematch of GB vs. NE would be a good game.


                          Have a great night!

                          My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                            Good luck tomorrow and here's hoping she takes to you, DH and the other two springers!   If not, feel free to send her my way.

                            Adding--It now looks like we will be getting that Springer after all. Find out tomorrow for certain with a meet and greet.  3 year old girlie named Sara. Looks like 3 dogs will now be terrorizing the household


                            And nothing, running-wise for me today.  Two swim meets for the kiddos and it was a lot of fun just seeing them work.


                            Kelly- sorry to hear about your race, but nice job pacing your buddy.


                              9.2 miles on the roads but some of those roads are dirt and are still covered with glare ice sometimes under a thin layer of stones. Kind of like running on marbles at times.


                              QOTD: I think it will be Seattle and NE. Who do I want to see? Well I really don't have any connection to Seattle but like some of the players on GB so I hope they make it. On the AFC side I don't really like Belichick and think Brady is arrogant but I kind of like to follow some of the other players on NE. At the same time it would be nice to see Andrew Luck take the Colts all the way but I've also not forgiven them for leaving Baltimore many years ago. I know, I know, I hold a grudge for a long time.   I'll be disappointed if the Packers lose tomorrow, but I won't care too much about the AFC game. In the end I'd like to see the Pack win.  Now how is that for some complicated thinking .


                              Faster Than Your Couch!

                                No run for me today, only 3 hours of skiing ans 2 hours of inline skating with the kids. Oh, plus a round of strength training at home.

                                Not as good as a run, but at least something, and a lot of fun. Taking it easy these days.


                                Qotd: I have no clue. Baseball, right? 

                                Run for fun.
