Trailer Trash


Mundane Mondailies (Read 252 times)


Dirty Girl

    Rest day here after 41 miles last week! Yay!


    Loving the pics! Thanks!


    Mandy: Glad to hear about the pain free ride. Good stuff.


    QOTD: I wear many different shoes...Montrail MM, Bajadas, Saucony Xodus, Peregrines, Hokas...

     4/13 Bull Run Run 50 miler- DONE!


    running under the BigSky

      Not really tricks, I guess. Since I don't have a long race planned until a 50K in April I have a little

      time to work out some issues on long runs. Yesterday I ran the first hour with 25 mins running,

      walked for a 1 min. After that I switched to 5 mins running, 1 min walks. I'm basically just trying to

      improve my recovery time, both during the actual run and post-long run. I recently read two different

      ultra running articles and both suggested the 5 to 1 ratio as a way of increasing the long run. 18

      isn't really incredibly long but I did notice that my pace per mile was better by close to 2 mins. At

      first the 5:1 seemed a bit excessive, but I think it will help me push into that 24-28 mile range. I have

      no doubt that once I get stronger and my body more familiar with the distance that I'll modify it.



      I may have to give that a go my next long run; my last long run (20) I was really dragging butt the last 4 or so miles- some walking dispersed in amongst the running might have helped


      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √


        Tonight will be an easy 5 miles out and back from home. 


        QOTD:  I'm a New Balance guy since they make WIDE widths.  880 trail are the ones I'm wearing now.  I wear the 860's on the Road and gentle trails.  which coincidentally have the same last.




          Tonight's plan is to run for 75 minutes, however far that takes me, at a pretty good pace. 

          QOTD: I use cascadias currently, but was at my LRS this very morning trying new trail shoes out. I think I may just order the NB 710's and give those a shot. But then again, I really have no idea what I'm doing either, 


            I'm a little late to the party. Rest day for me. I'm still working on (or rather plan to write up) a RR for my trail race yesterday. Mondays are hectic at work. I'll have more down time tomorrow. Smile


            QotD: I'm new to trail shoes but just bought a pair of Brooks adrenaline gtx.



              I too am late to the party, but better late than never, eh?  Spent the day with my head in a computer, then sent a note to my best gal wondering if she wanted to join me in a little jog.  Others complain about having non-running spouses.  Below is the other side of that coin, which I wouldn't trade for anything.


              7 miles in the dark park, slipping and sliding in mud.  The ankle seems functional, which is awful nice.


              Seven is also the minimum number of pairs of Cascadias I've owned.  Hell, I ran Boston in them!  The gal bought me some Hokas recently which will be nice on the really really long stuff.


              G'night all!



              Refurbished Hip

                Weegee, that's awesome.  Smile  I hope to have a running (or runner resting) spouse someday!

                Running is dumb.
