Trailer Trash


Venus Weekender (Read 19 times)


    Beautiful crisp clear morning, 37 deg and only 97% humidity (ok at least it wasn’t 100%). Venus shining really bright in the predawn sky.  Nothing like an early easy 10 miler.


    Off to do stuff today...  have a great Saturday everyone.


    qotd: If you decorated, is the X-mas stuff still up? When do you usually take it down?


    For us it’s usually done on the new year’s break.  Lights and other stuff away and tree in the huge recycling pile. My wasn’t the first tree there by the way.



      1. Got the 3.5 mile snowshoe race done, averaging a little over 15 minute miles on brutally hilly course. Now I’m having lunch and rehydrating at a brew pub in Ashland looking out at a frozen Lake Superior. It’s a good day.


      Qotd: never put anything up since DD moved out.



        10 soaking wet trail miles this morning. Radar said rain would stop, and it was wrong.  Toes were pretty cold by the time we were done.  One of those mental runs as we could have cut it short twice, but kept plowing on.  C&O 20 miler tomorrow.


        Would have loved to have seen Venus, but too cloudy out.


        QOTD: We usually leave our tree up until Epiphany, which is tomorrow.  Need to light the way for the Three Wise Guys Men to show up o the 12th night.  Same with outside lights, they'll be on tonight for last time.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



          1. Got the 3.5 mile snowshoe race done, averaging a little over 15 minute miles on brutally hilly course. Now I’m having lunch and rehydrating at a brew pub in Ashland looking out at a frozen Lake Superior. It’s a good day.



          So, did you wear the shorts?

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Nope. There was one dude in shorts and a tank top but the temp at the start was about 25F. I did get warm out there but not too bad. As usual I left shortly after finishing but I think I placed right up there. Gonna get back to the cabin and sign up for a couple more. Fun stuff.


              Got in just under 4 with the group this morning. It felt exhausting. Legs were tired, even after taking 3 days off. Just an off week for me, I guess.


              Harrier-- congrats on the race. Sounds like you really earned that beer and pub lunch.


              qotd; We (or rather, I) put up lights and a tree for the first time in quite a while. The tree and inside decorations came down on the 31st. There are lights at our front door which I'll leave up for the next week. Our area does keep the outside lights going well into January. It brightens up the dreary and dark month, IMO.

                12.5 rainy, blustery miles.  Not too cold, lower 50s.  I love stormy weather, and we're in for a few days of it.  I know a couple people doing a 24 hour race at Crissy Field in San Francisco today, and they are probably not loving it.  


                I haven't been snowshoeing in years.  Used to really enjoy it, should try to get up to the snow more often.


                QOTD: we don't put up much in the way of Christmas decorations so it's easy to take it down, usually around new year's.  Although there is still a stack of Christmas cards sitting on the dining room table, which I will probably not get around to answering...

                6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                Refurbished Hip

                  I'm jealous, Harrier.  I haven't been up to Ashland in a long time.  And you totally should have worn shorts!  There's nothing better than traipsing through the snow in shorts.


                  What a bizzaro January day around here.  It got up to 50 degrees!  That's practically unheard of.  I went out for a 41 mile bike ride.  That's nuts.


                  QOTD: Well, it takes me about 30 seconds to put up my Christmas tree and another 30 seconds to take it down.  It's already down.  I'm not much of a holiday person.

                  Running is dumb.


                  Thread killer ..

                    I had a bit of a set back with the flu and took another day off . We are waiting on the storm that is over by Gatsby now , it's due here later with feet of snow in the Sierra . We may get some down here , the forecast is all over the place .


                    QOTD: We take down our outside lights on New Years Day and that's is pretty much all we do decoration wise .

                    Queen of Nothing


                      Little over 7 on Friday... have company who get up around 5:30 so can’t even get out before they are up!  No run today and now Gatsby rain is here....bowling, games, and lot’s of food and nonrunning...


                      qotd: no decorations were up at my house so nothing to come down.


                      Yesterday:  I have trails right outside my door and right outside my office... more within. 10 mikes but I have adventured out 60 miles to head further up for new trails.









                        5 mile yesterday then a massage and then a pedicure....was a nice sunny day.  Should be nice today too for my 12.  Maybe windy.


                          Plan was to get out the door at 4:30am this morning.  So after a little extra sleep and a little procrastination I was out the door at 5:15.  Conditions pretty much the same as yesterday. Did 20 miles.


                          I bought new new shoes yesterday and took them out of the box this morning, wore them today they felt great. Plan on wearing them in the marathon in two weeks.  Oh yeah, I’m officially tapering now.


                          Venus was just as bright this morning as it was yesterday.




                            20 miler on the C&O turned into 16.5, but was a good run.  Where we parked, the trail is still blocked going North for some construction that was supposed to be done months ago.  We headed South and at 8.25 miles the trail was pretty washed out with overflow.  Didn't want to go through ankle deep water and run 11.5 miles with soaked feet, so turned around and caught Jess on her way out. She turned with me and we ran North into a strong headwind. I cussed a few times as the gusts were up to 40 mph (hat blew off 2 times).  Ended up with 9:26 pace for the run and DW was in the low 10:20 range, so pretty good given the wind (it's totally flat).  I passed a heavyset man riding his bike into the wind.  Think I scared him pretty good when I said "HI" (pretty loud as I was just next to him ).


                            I prefer to run into the wind on the first part, so was really hoping we could have gone North first.  Next time I'll have to drive to a different section so we have options.


                            Football now and taking the tree down.   I put the tree outside the patio and dump bird seed all over it.  We'll see birds for the next several weeks, and usually a few Cardinals which is DW's favorite.

                            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                            running under the BigSky

                              10-ish miles snowshoeing in the Ellkhorns yesterday with a few of the local running group folks- gorgeous days, probably upper teens to start, low 30's when we finished- no wind to speak of


                              3-ish miles with DW and Tiny Elvis in a mini-blizzard; was like being in a snow globe that someone had violently shooken up!!!!


                              qotd: we just had a "mini tree"- think Tiny E size  taken down just after the 1st



                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √