Trailer Trash


Thirsty Thursdaily (Read 12 times)


running under the BigSky

    Hello Trailers. 

    5 miles (800’ )with a 50# pack, TE didn’t carry anything 


    qotd: summertime drinks?  I’ve been rocking root beer floats of late; DW found a good root beer, add copious amounts of vanilla ice cream - done!



    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



      No run today. Went to the dentist and then scheduled a stay in Sedona after our Grand Canyon trip. It's at a forest service ranch that is hard to book. It'll be a good place to recover from our big hike plus enjoy the trails of Sedona on quieter days.


      As for exercise, I may run later or I might do more yoga and strength work. Probably the latter.


      qotd: seltzer with a dash of homemade sour cherry syrup. Or a gin and tonic, but who am I kidding? That's a year round drink.


        1) ran 5 mi to park.

        2) walked 4 mi with friend.

        3) ran ran 4 mi home from park.

        4) took shower.

        5) ate breakfast.

        6) watched Jeopardy.

        7) took 2 hr nap.

        qotd: I also like a g&ts. But these days a HEED, PowerAde or GatorAde to rehydrate are also good.



          Ran Thursday morning, about 3 miles.


          QOTD: Water and a reduced amount of beer.



            Cheers to Thirsty Thursdaily! Running under the BigSky sounds amazing. Impressive 5 miles with a 50# pack—serious dedication! As for summertime drinks, your root beer float game is on point. Root beer + loads of vanilla ice cream is a classic winner. Keep crushing those mileage goals!