Trailer Trash


Another Winter Tuesdaily (Read 19 times)


    We have a "wintery mix" today, a.k.a freezing rain. I can hear the ice drops falling on the windows. Later, it will switch to just rain. The plan is a run of undetermined length with my run buddy. It will likely be a soggy, slushy muddy run.


    Have a great day! I hope someone has warm sunshine today.


    AT: Thank you for the advice on hip exercises. The pain and most of the numbness are gone.


    QOTD:  I am trying to improve my technical hill running skills. I really am not good at either, but I am really bad at down hills. For you skilled in the art, what do you do to improve your skills.

    January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k



      Taper madness.  On top of all the work I've gotten it's not pretty. Best thing though is the work is stuff I like, research and data analysis so takes my mind off the silliness I signed up for.


      qotd: this is something I struggle with a lot.  Not just downhills but any technical terrain as I don't get to do those type events much.  There's nothing nearby so I typically just "wing it" when I go to a race.  I've considered buying one of those ladder type things made of cloth to lay on the grass and work on footing.  Once it gets a little nicer I could run around the pasture, lots of uneven grass and even some rocks.  Of course I'm not wanting to do things like Leadville but there are some technical events in KS (Hawk) and some here in OK.  Outlaw is going to be technical.



        8" of snow and now freezing rain. I'm waiting a bit to see if roads improve and I'll head up to the mountain and run on logging roads and maybe see if AT is packed down at all.


        Moon - glad they are helping.


        QOTD: I think climbing is a matter of training and getting in shape to run uphill. Hill repeats help a lot. Descending is another matter, as some people just aren't comfortable running downhill quickly, especially on technical trails.  I love running downhill, but I also love speed (skiing, downhill on bike, driving, etc.).  DW hates running downhill quickly.  One way to help is to slightly raise the arms to help balance you and lean with the hill.  If you lean back too much, you'll never be able to let go.


        edit : Also not locking your knees out and staying light on your feet helps maintain balance and reaction time for obstacles.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


          A 5 mile slog last night with the Lady on the lightly snow covered trails of Coventry Woods. I keep adjusting my regular evening loop to make it shorter but still end up with slower times. LOL, do I suck or what?! Not sure of running plans today. Mix of snow, sleet, freezing rain, and rain later. I will make a decision later this afternoon.


          QOTD: My best advice is to practice on downhills and find out what works. AT has some good advice but I never gave it much thought while running. I used to love downhill trails, gentle or steep. I had many a fine morning run ending with an airplane glide down the steep hill at Monocacy Hill trails. My knees don't like that so much now, but set me up on a gentle down hill and I am fine.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


          running under the BigSky

            We’re above zero, we’re above zero! 


            5 miles on slow, snowy trails yesterday with Tiny Elvis- his first miles since last Saturday- maybe I should invest in a small treadmill Smile


            going to get out for a few miles after work


            qotd: I agree with AT- your arms play a major role in balance downhill. For really technical downhill, it’s almost like dancing- you have to be super focused or something very bad is going to happen.


            There are some folks that simply have no fear (I’m not one Smile) and fly down crazy stuff, my guess is that it catches up to them every once in a while. I’ll go pretty fast, but it’s a controlled fast- I just won’t let go completely


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Back home yesterday after a great trail running excursion in Tennessee. Did another epic run on Sunday in pouring rain and temps at 37F. Great run but after 4 hours I was slightly hypothermic. A number of remote waterfalls and some subterranean streams appearing then disappearing in the stream/river bed. Interesting stuff. Squeezed in a 4 mile run in the hood last night as I knew we were about to get hit with another snowstorm. Blew off work today due to the weather though I could have made it in. Screw it, it's just a part-time gig. Weights and elliptical today.


              QOTD-I used to be one of those that would just bomb the downhills. Short legs with a rapid turnover. Fearless. Alas, aging has changed the approach these days.   Bombing downhills on old legs, joints, bones, etc. is not really advisable at least for me after having hip surgery.

              I do think leg length matters so if you are a long legged person you're at a real disadvantage on steep technical hills. My advice in addition to what's been already posted is to focus on a high turnover with a shorter stride and work on picking up those feet. Keep your eyes focused on the trail and be looking for landing spots a step or two or three out ahead. Kind of a body sway from side to side as you keep your hips over your foot for balance. I've fallen enough times so I'm fairly programmed to tuck the arms in and roll as I fall. So far anyway, no broken bones.


                Yesterday was a rest day. Did about 3 miles of what I call 'walking errands' and then some yoga last night. The rest felt good on my tired legs. Today, not sure. Did a quick rowing session and my plans are for a few miles during swim practice. The rain is supposed to lighten up later today. Sun tomorrow (maybe).


                qotd: I can't give any advice here. I'm slow and steady uphill, downhill or flatland.

                  Hello!  I'm new here. I do 'know' dhuffman and gatsyby (HI you two!!) from another forum that I'm not active on.

                  I prefer dirt trail running but have run a few road races.

                  I live in northern AZ. But have lived in the mid-west as well, surviving those bone-freezing polar vortices.

                  Today:  ran 6.2 miles on a popular dirt trail, skipping over some muddy/icy/slushy areas.  But it's sunny!!



                    Hello!  I'm new here. I do 'know' dhuffman and gatsyby (HI you two!!) from another forum that I'm not active on.

                    I prefer dirt trail running but have run a few road races.

                    I live in northern AZ. But have lived in the mid-west as well, surviving those bone-freezing polar vortices.

                    Today:  ran 6.2 miles on a popular dirt trail, skipping over some muddy/icy/slushy areas.  But it's sunny!!


                    Welcome.  We're an long going group originally from Runners World that transferred here years ago.  Always love new members and new input.


                    I'm from South Central PA (lots of PA people on here) and run on the Appalachian Trail and surrounding trails.

                    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                      Welcome Az2!  It's great to have new voices join us. I'm hopefully heading to your area in mid to late april. I was eyeing a HM around Prescott, but any races or runs suggestions would be appreciated.


                      Hello!  I'm new here. I do 'know' dhuffman and gatsyby (HI you two!!) from another forum that I'm not active on.

                      I prefer dirt trail running but have run a few road races.

                      I live in northern AZ. But have lived in the mid-west as well, surviving those bone-freezing polar vortices.

                      Today:  ran 6.2 miles on a popular dirt trail, skipping over some muddy/icy/slushy areas.  But it's sunny!!


                        Taking an URD today. Went downtown to City Hall to watch my DD and her friend receive proclamations from the Houston Mayor today, it's officially Devan day in Houston today, how cool is that?  She got it for doing the Mongol Derby, plus she's something called an Airport Ranger (they ride the trails around IAH.....   and keep an eye out for nefarious or unusual stuff).


                        (r to l) me, DW, Mayor Sylvester Turner, DD...


                        Hi az2, welcome aboard.


                        qotd: As a flatlander living at sea level I'm actually ok power walking uphill. I used to be quicker going downhill, but now I seem to be much more cautious, an old age thing I guess.  However I do still try to follow the good advice mentioned above.



                          Thanks for the advice on hill running. I have recently started using my arms to try and propel me through technical areas even if it is not hills. I think it helps. Fortunately I run mostly by myself so no one sees me flinging myself down the trail. I am going to try and do hill repeats s couple times a week and hope for the best!


                          Harrier: sounds like a great trip!


                          Az: welcome! Glad you are joining the group!

                          January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k

                            Hello!  I'm new here. I do 'know' dhuffman and gatsyby (HI you two!!) from another forum that I'm not active on.

                            I prefer dirt trail running but have run a few road races.

                            I live in northern AZ. But have lived in the mid-west as well, surviving those bone-freezing polar vortices.

                            Today:  ran 6.2 miles on a popular dirt trail, skipping over some muddy/icy/slushy areas.  But it's sunny!!


                            Hi D!  Nice to see you here.   Are you in AZ full time now or still heading back to MN periodically?  This time of year, I'm sure AZ wins hands down.


                            Speaking of NorCal, we have an "atmospheric river" bearing down on us, meaning lots of rain (and snow at higher elevations).  Not as cold as the last round of storms over the weekend though, temps should be low 50s.  Going to be a wet run tomorrow!  10 miles today plus KB (kettlebells, a strength class I do 2x per week).


                            Sandy, very cool that your DD got a proclamation and a day in her honor!


                            QOTD: since downhill has been well addressed, I'll add a couple things about uphill.  For me, what works is shorter strides, planting the forefoot, and pushing off with the front of the foot.  That assumes the hill is runnable and not too steep.  Those I walk.  

                            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                            Refurbished Hip

                              Welcome Az2!  It's great to have new voices join us. I'm hopefully heading to your area in mid to late april. I was eyeing a HM around Prescott, but any races or runs suggestions would be appreciated.



                              Which HM?  I did a race in Prescott last April.  Lovely area.

                              Running is dumb.


                              Refurbished Hip

                                Hello!  I'm new here. I do 'know' dhuffman and gatsyby (HI you two!!) from another forum that I'm not active on.

                                I prefer dirt trail running but have run a few road races.

                                I live in northern AZ. But have lived in the mid-west as well, surviving those bone-freezing polar vortices.

                                Today:  ran 6.2 miles on a popular dirt trail, skipping over some muddy/icy/slushy areas.  But it's sunny!!


                                Welcome!    I would love to change my username to ArizonaMandy someday.  Haha.

                                Running is dumb.
