Trailer Trash


Good Fridailies! (Read 39 times)


    Morning folks! Got in 5 miles this morning. The moon was out, but covered by a few clouds. all in all, a very nice morning to run.


    QOTD: Do you ever train for bad situations on purpose? (i.e., getting your shoes wet at the start of a run, eating the big burrito from Filiberto's (or insert local dive Mexican food place here) 5 minutes before you go out running, working a 12-14 hour shift, and going for a 3 hour run after work, before eating dinner?)


    I've been trying to prepare myself for anything I may encounter out there. Yes to all of the above. I think its good to be prepared. I'd like to think that all my runs and races are going to be perfect, and that nothing will go wrong, but we all know how well that works out.

    Occasional Runner

      Good morning! I had a great 6 mile run this morning. My turnover has returned and I felt really strong. I hit the gym for some circuit training after the run and that felt great too. I'm feeling much better about the American River 50 miler next weekend.


      QOTD: Frequently. I run on tired legs so I can get comfortable with it and understand how to deal with it. I think it's critical for preparing for long races. I also try to get out in terrible weather, because unlike road runners, our races will go on in ALL weather conditions and we need to know how to deal with it. It's equally important to know what gear works well in different weather conditions.


      Le professeur de trail

        Morning! Happy Good Friday for anyone that celebrates.  I got in a workout at the gym early - stairs o death, and a very light upper body workout followed by a (dare I say) "jog" to check out the new shoes.


        birdwell - sounds like a great morning run for you

        lace - good to hear you are feeling better


        New Trail Shoes Alert********


        So I went with Salomon XR Mission.  I originally ordered the Cascadia 7's but then recieved an email saying sorry we are out of stock for your size.  They had the ugly green ones in my size though.  But I just couldn't do it.  Too ugly.  So I went with these.  Salomon has been good to me so far.  The above shoes are begging me to take them out tomorrow morning on my LR.  Not sure yet.


        QOTD: I don't intentionally run in a condition to train for that condition but I have learned to enjoy running in most weather and trail conditions.  The variety helps spice things up.  I suppose it naturally helps to get me prepared for races where I might encounter such things.


        Have a great weekend!

        My favorite day of the week is RUNday



          The weather was beautiful for our 8 mile morning trail run.


          QOTD: I tend to do that stuff, but not to intentionally train for it.


          Tallahassee, Florida


            Good morning all!


            Ran 4 last night and hope to do 6ish tonight.


            QOTD The only thing I do  is run in all kinds of weather ( except for ice) never know what's gonna happen on race day. Did a 20 miler on the rail trail in last year in torrential rains, and was one of the "Best runs ever"!


            running under the BigSky

              Morning all!   my run yesterday was in shorts!!!!!!!!  winter is losing it's grip Big grin


              strength training on tap for this evening


              qotd: if you counting getting out in miserable weather- yes I've trained fro bad weather, come to think of it running in snowshoes has to be along those same lines Smile


              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              flashlight and sidewalk

                Yesterday's 5.5 went well.  I fell for the first time in a while...enjoying the scenary a little too much.  The run ended up being a 3 minute PR on the loop without trying for it.  I've made noticable improvements in power walking the steep steps up the Palisades.


                Nice easy 5 at the nature preserve this afternoon...just found out I'm getting out of work at 1:00 instead of 3:30.


                QOTD: I would pretty much run in any weather, but I don't go out of my way to do it.  I rarely try to avoid puddles because I feel like wet feet are something you juat have to deal with.  No I've never taken on the "Birdwell Burrito Challenge"...I don't think I ever will (purposely).


                **Ask me about streaking**



                  Good morning all. Easy 5 this morning.


                  Looking forward to returning to the trail this weekend.


                  QOTD: Not really. I just do no cancel training running for those particular reasons.


                    Good morning everyone.  Took a SRD yesterday 'cause I flew home and couldn't fit a run in.  This morning did 11 miles on the local greenbelts.  At one point jumped 3 feet in the air because I thought I saw a snake in the pre-dawn grey light.  Turns out it was just a stick...  LOL.  That did get the heart-rate up though.


                    qotd:  Along the same lines as lace_up, I sometimes try to run on tired legs.  Do this by running while traveling and also running after crewing all day for my DD at her horse races.  Back-2-back 20's is also good for this.  I don't cancel runs due to weather, I tell people that sometimes the weather can change three times during our races so we have to ready for anything.  All-in-all these are all head games to develop just the right amount of stubbornness needed for those long days on the trail. Wink


                      First the QOTD:

                      Running in the evenings, I  will have to run on a full stomach every couple of weeks.  That seems to let me know my limits when I hit an aid station.

                      Running back to back runs has really made me deal with tired legs in my training.  A real confidence booster.

                      In a wet winter I'll get my feet wet right off the bat.  This winter has been rather dry.


                      Last night I did a double run.

                      First, at 6:15pm was group speedwork, a 1/2 mile loop in the old Rural cemetery.  Some little rolling hills but they sure affect your pace.   We warmed up with 2 laps at 50%.  Ran 1 lap at 75%, then one lap at 85%, and then half a lap at 90% with 1/2 lap of cool down, and then two full laps of cool down. I felt slow, but that could have been the people I was trying to catch..


                      Then I drove 15 minutes to the State park trailhead and did a 6 mile run with about 600 feet of gain in the first 3 miles.  I noticed in the last half my headlamp was pretty dim and must need new batteries.  I tripped a lot on the last 3 miles of downhill and fell once.  I still finished a good 10 minutes faster than I expected.


                      Meal Report...

                      After letting my family know I was Alive after my solo run "in the wilds", my wife informed me that their dinner was leftovers and if I expected to eat I needed to take care of myself.  I stopped at the restaurant owned by a client and ordered a "turkey fried steak"  and a Russian River Damnation.  After soup and a salad, I had to get the TFS to go, and that is my lunch today...




                        Hopefully a bike ride to get some more hill work in and loosen the legs a bit before tomorrow's long run.


                        QOTD: Not intentionally, but I run after work all nighters, in the dark, on tired legs, etc. Better than nothing

                          Super slow 3 miles for me this morning, testing the achilles. Only a tiny bit of tightness so hopefully I managed to avoid anything serious. Looking back at my log I realized I have a period of 5 consecutive days where my 7 day rolling average was above 60 and including a fairly hard run 27 mile race... oops. I'm not ready for that kind of volume yet.


                          qotd: I have deliberately soaked my feet in a creek at the start of a run... either to test out a new pair of shoes, or a new shoe/sock combination. I need to start playing with eating before runs,to let my stomach get used to having something in it while running.

                          Pinhoti 100: Finished :D


                            Morning All!


                            I think it'll be a rest day for me today. My 13+ on the snowy/icy trails was tough yesterday. I probably could have benefited from a lower mileage day before I ran that much. Boyfriend and I officially bought a boat yesterday! Today before work were going to relocate to boat to our place and then head to the local fishing store to buy some necessities.


                            QOTD: I've never purposely trained for a bad situation. Purposely being the key word here.


                              Good afternoon all! I had a most awesome run on the trails of French Creek last night. Sort of hard to explain but many of my runs as of late while not awful have involved a lot of creakiness in the knees, hips, back along with much stumbling and plodding among the rocks. Last night I just sort of cruised around over the rocks up the hills and down them with a sort of ease that I haven't felt since last summer. Really felt great. I kept it easy but ran a fairly fast loop for me without even trying. Probably could have pushed a loop CR if I had wanted.


                              Tonight, just an hour on the trails of Green Lane is the plan, then Blue Marsh Lake Loopie tomorrow. LadyB is having her teeth cleaned so she will miss out on tonight's run.


                              QOTD: I'll run in about any sort of weather but can't say I "seek" out awful conditions. I have been know to radar watch in the summer months and try to find my way into a cooling summer shower. Worst (or best) weather depending on your perspective was the Winter Wallup Run (NorEaster) around Blue Marsh in Dec 09... 25 miles. The drive home was more treacherous than the run!

                              In dog beers, I've only had one.

                                Just to clarify....  I do sometimes go out of my way to run in "bad" weather, but only because I like to.


                                Tallahassee, Florida
