Trailer Trash


Fridaily (Read 20 times)



    They found the missing WI girl.  I have friends in Eau Claire who have been posting stuff on FB since October. I'm sure NH and Mandy have been getting this story a lot.


    SRD today.  Had a great snow run yesterday until I kicked a rock and fell on my side. Did a few rolls before I stopped. Been a long time since I rolled that far from a fall.  Laughed it off and limped back to the car. Would be funny to have seen on video.


    Early run tomorrow before the snow starts.  We're in the 3-5" range, so should be fun on Sunday's run.  I love snow runs.


    QOTD:  Weekend plans?

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


    I lost my rama

      Looks like the snow hitting PA is going to blow south of us, so we're not expecting any of it.  It's been cold and blustery though.  I've switched my running from planned distance to planned time for this training cycle.  This evening, I have a 75 minute run at near-LT effort.  I only know the distance covered after the run.


      AT - Glad to hear you were ok after the spill and had a good laugh.  Have fun playing in the snow this weekend!


      Sandy - Glad surgery went well with DW.  Hope she recovers quickly.


      QOTD:  Not much planned here.  Were getting new storage closets installed today, so some house cleaning and sorting out old junk to get rid of.  Staying out of the cold, except when running.

      3/17 - NYC Half

      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



        Don't think I've ever rolled...usually I just fall.  The one at Brazos was probably the best...full face plant into the mud, my face was covered in it. I got up and laughed and my friend was astounded that I was laughing.  What else could I do?  Hope you are all right.


        Glad the girl was found.


        Sandy glad DW's surgery was good, healing vibes.


        I did 2 miles at the indoor track and even through in some short runs.  Still slow AF.  Oh well it's early and if I keep trying I might get a tad faster.  At least it's a change up.  I finished the 6 with the remaining 4 on the TM at home.


        We are getting just rain, no snow, no wintery mix.


        QOTD: I have 14 on the schedule for Sat and then Sun I'm going to visit DD, she graduated from college with a degree in HR (online program) so we are going to celebrate that. She likes to knit so we're going yarn shopping


        Le professeur de trail

          I am keeping my streak alive.  Only one run thus far in 2019.  Woo Hoo! I had my pre-op apt last week wit my PCP with subsequent labs and EKG. My EKG showed "abnormal" so PCP would not clear me for surgery.  I get a call from the cardiologist provider to schedule before I heard from my PCP that the referral was made.   I get confirmation why it was made and had my cardiologist apt yesterday.  She looked at my EKG and after asking several questions, she said that the EKG triggered an abnormal result due to a low heart rate...which is due to being a runner.  I could have told them that.  But I realize there is a liability thing and specialists need to interpret, yada, yada, yada, ... So the cardiologist is "not worried", but she still wants to send me for an echocardiogram.    So I do that next week.  This is why I don't like going to the doctors.  

          I do want to get in at least some running in the next 3 weeks but time is limited.


          QOTD: Work party for DW tonight sans kids.  Saturday morning is the PA farm show, followed by basketball gamesssssss.  Sunday is church followed by hopefully a little bit of playoff football (Go Pats!) and then jetting off to a hockey game (Hershey Bears).  So not much time to run but the incoming snow looks fun.


          Have a great weekend!

          My favorite day of the week is RUNday





            I am keeping my streak alive.  Only one run thus far in 2019.  Woo Hoo! I had my pre-op apt last week wit my PCP with subsequent labs and EKG. My EKG showed "abnormal" so PCP would not clear me for surgery.  I get a call from the cardiologist provider to schedule before I heard from my PCP that the referral was made.   I get confirmation why it was made and had my cardiologist apt yesterday.  She looked at my EKG and after asking several questions, she said that the EKG triggered an abnormal result due to a low heart rate...which is due to being a runner.  I could have told them that.  But I realize there is a liability thing and specialists need to interpret, yada, yada, yada, ... So the cardiologist is "not worried", but she still wants to send me for an echocardiogram.    So I do that next week.  This is why I don't like going to the doctors.  

            I do want to get in at least some running in the next 3 weeks but time is limited.



            A bunch of useless testing so they can cover their asses.  I signed a form saying I denied to have an echo due to my low pulse before I had knee surgery.


            Make sure when you talk to the anesthesiologist that you tell him / her that you are a runner and your resting heart rate is always low.  That way if the alarm goes off (at below 50 bpm) they don't freak out.  Plus they might give you something to keep pulse up during the surgery.

            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Refurbished Hip

               Make sure when you talk to the anesthesiologist that you tell him / her that you are a runner and your resting heart rate is always low.  That way if the alarm goes off (at below 50 bpm) they don't freak out.  Plus they might give you something to keep pulse up during the surgery.


              This is what I did and they were thankful for the information, because apparently my HR got down to 42 during my surgery!


              I saw that too, AT, about the missing girl being found.  I am very interested to hear more details.


              QOTD: Not a whole lot.  I need to go across town to the vet and pick up more meds for the lizard.  Planning on watching some football.  Sunday looks good for a bike ride outside as long as we don't get any snow before then.

              Running is dumb.

              Queen of Nothing


                Group run this morning.  Rose felt we were going pretty fast ad as disappointed hat we average10;40 miles.  I was like; that's pretty good for us. 


                QOTD:  Well thought I would be raking leaves again Saturday but looks like rain.  so we might just do something fun.  Friends coming over tonight for games.  Play a new game past weekend and loved it.  Otrio  It's tic tac toe but with a three different  pieces to play on each square..we love games. Sunday is long run..DH going out of town after long run maybe stop at a brewery on way home.



                Dhuffman:  I need to learn to knot because I love yarn.


                Jamie:  I would lose my mo jo to run if I knew I was going to have surgery and would need to stop soon anyways.  So I get it. 








                  Did 5.4 miles in the cold.  It seems like like anything below 40 and I start to get really slow. That being said it was a pretty good run.


                  Jamie - Sounds like you will be suffering from sports overload by the end of the weekend.   I have to see who the Pats are playing then decide if I'm rooting for them or not.  GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!



                  A bunch of useless testing so they can cover their asses  Increase their revenue


                  Probably shouldn't ask me how I feel about the medical field these days. Anymore It doesn't really exist  to return a patient to health, but to transfer your wealth to the people with medical degrees.  There are, of course, some exceptions, but they are getting fewer and fewer.  You'd be shocked at how many times we get called to medical offices for "heart Problems" and the so called DR will tell us there are EKG changes that warrant a trip to the ER. Often there is nothing wrong with the EKG and no changes from the old ones, it just that the machine read it differently.


                  Queen - right now it's dry at my place and it looks like the snow will miss us.  I have pleanty of leaves that need raked and it will be dry enough that you could do it on Saturday .


                  QOTD: Rodeo tonight, (of course I'm working at it not just spectating). A 24 hour shift on Saturday and a 12 hour Sunday night.  Money, Money, Money .



                    QOTD: Rodeo tonight, (of course I'm working at it not just spectating). A 24 hour shift on Saturday and a 12 hour Sunday night.  Money, Money, Money .


                    We won't make it to the Farm Show this year, so grab some deep fried cheese and a chocolate milkshake for me.

                    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                      AT, I'm not familiar with the missing WI girl story.  Was she found okay?  Not okay?   


                      Rain today, woo!  Went to kettlebell class.  Some sort of run tomorrow.


                      QOTD: I'm volunteering at a trail race tomorrow.  I always enjoy seeing people I know and meeting new folks.  And I'm earning some freebie race credit.  Win-win!  I think the rain tapers off later tonight so the trails should be nice and juicy for the runners tomorrow but no rain for us volunteers.  

                      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR