Trailer Trash


Whensday!! (Read 19 times)


    I had a great run this morning. I'm still transitioning to the concept of time vs. mileage based on effort. It was an easy effort for about an hour (54:35 actually). I was scheduled for an easy 45 minutes, but I added a little loop that happens to be a mile long. Thus, I am still somewhat aware of mileage.


    QOTD: When you are focused on a goal, do you try to look at things holistically or do you try to compartmentalize different aspects of the objectives that lead to accomplishing the goal?


    I try to do both, whether it is at work or in running or whatever. For the holistic aspect, I look back on the 30 day rolling total of time/mileage to gauge whether or not I am on track to accomplish my goal. On a more micro level, I do tend to assess individual runs to check for improvement.  However, I also try to be mindful to not get too focused on details that are useless. For example, if I have a bad run, I don't dwell on it for very long, but if I have a series of sloppy runs, I will often take a little break from it and may even change my approach when I come back. I did this recently, and backed off on my schedule for a few weeks. It seems to be paying dividends now, and I am considering ramping back up to my more ambitious schedule for the rest of the summer.




      This will be my first Wednesday lunch-time run in a few weeks, so hopefully I survive the heat and humidity. Days like this is the reason I put a shower in in my office bathroom.


      XT -safe travels and good luck. At least you won't have to worry about what shirt to wear for the race, as I'm sure you'll be topless.


      QOTD:  I look at the big picture.  If little pieces don't fall into place, it's easier (and for me, less stressful) to focus on the whole picture and what i need to do to accomplish that.   My bother is a a "minutiae guy" and really gets caught up in every little detail. It works well for him, but would cause me stress.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        No run again today, and have a small list of things to do before leaving for Ohio tomorrow. Looks like a hot one over there this weekend.


        QOTD: That is a fancy question. Running wise, I don't focus much on individual runs anymore other than the key long runs. Now this was different when I ran marathons as I'd pay attention performance in tempos, tune-up races, and the long runs. So more of a big picture guy, looking at overall volume per week/month. Work wise I tend to lay things out in more detailed fashion, but you have to know where you are going to do that.


        AT - Yeah, one less chafing concern at least.

        In dog beers, I've only had one.


        Endless trails

          Legs felt heavy this morning on my climb up to the trail, some days its a slugfest.

          I did a short 3 mile run, nothing fancy. I think I have successfully addressed my

          recent nagging blister issue, just a small shoe modification.


          QOTD: Depending on the size and importance of the goal I start with the details

          and slowly move toward looking at it more holistically.


            Another slugfest here-- 5 miles on a combination of paved and dirt trails, and a little bit of road in the neighborhood. I had DH drop me off this morning at the park and I ran home.  I was afraid of what has been happening lately-- lots of good intentions, few runs. It also was one of my first high heat and humidity runs of the year. Ugh.


            qotd: both. I focus on the big picture and the details help provide a general path to get there, but leave lots of room for change and adaptation.

            Queen of Nothing


              ZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz will try to run after work...gym at lunch...


              QOTD:  hahaha I just run and then I suffer at the race due to lack of training.  Well this has been me for the past two years.

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







              running under the BigSky

                rain has moved out, sunshine in- will try and get 5-ish on the local trails this evening


                qotd: more of a big picture guy when it comes to goals; but do often get into the minutiae when it's "game time"- the Bob Open comes to mind- training wise definitely big picture, execution of the event- very detail oriented



                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  More effin storms just keep rolling thru, one after another. Breaks in the action to do some things and then here comes the thunder again. Launched my small boat this morning at my landing and my Cross trek was just throwing mud to get out of there. That never happens but the ground is just so saturated. Oh and fishing was decent despite being blown all around. Caught a small northern and released it and the next cast was a decent musky. Nothing to it. 

                  Supposed to have some more storms roll in this afternoon so I'm hoping I can get out and have time for at least 6 trail miles. If I'm already out there and it starts that's fine as long as I'm not dodging trees falling over. As long as I'm in the forest lightning doesn't concern me--now on a lake, a golf course, above treeline, etc., that's a whole nuther topic.


                  QOTD-edited as my first response came across stupid and snarky, sorry. Beyond that I don't really have a good answer. Incapable of any deep thoughts these days.


                    7 humid miles. It's not fun.

                    Qotd I just try to get in my miles. If I run 50 mpw in the mountains the rest will fall into place.


                      Replaced driveway 


                        Fixed the ditches. 




                              Queen of Nothing


                                Nice work NHLA!

                                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





