Trailer Trash


Treadmill Trash Thursdaily (Read 22 times)



    Below 0* wind chill here all day, and since I'm still coughing a lot, I stayed inside and did another TM run.  8 miles at a very easy pace.  My lungs felt like it was faster.


    QOTD:  January mileage?  Bonus for a Warm Weather Picture. I'm at 152 for the month.


    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


    I lost my rama

      Last two nights were on TM.  Today is the coldest day yet, so I'm glad it's a SRD.


      AT - Nice canyon pic!


      MTA - Saw this in my email spam folder this morning... Runners Brave Minnesota Polar Vortex for 135-Mile Ultramarathon


      QOTD:  193 for the month.  Best month since June.


      And do wish I were here running on the beach again....


      3/17 - NYC Half

      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



        Still in KC til Friday working on this audit.  Hotel TM since its cold AF here.


        qotd: 126 unless I get 5 more tonight, which I doubt, but I'm ok with that given my back issues. I suppose I should be in taper mode but it's only a trail marathon and since there's a 100 too the cutoff is 35 hours.  I don't have to hurry and it's only a training event.  Still trying to determine if I can do the 50 on Mar 30th or stay with the 50k.


        Refurbished Hip

          Well, I'm still alive and my car has been running/starting like a champ, so I can safely say that I am surviving this deep freeze so far.  Madison was pretty shut down yesterday - all the schools and colleges closed, business closed, even the USPS didn't deliver mail.  My company was still open, but the CFO kicked us all out at 4:30 and made sure everyone's car started.  (Not everyone's did.)


          I plan on riding the bike trainer tonight.


          QOTD: 13 miles running; probably around 170 miles biking after tonight.


          I like warm weather pictures.    I am counting down until March, when I will be in Arizona!


          Running in Costa Rica.  That was hot.


          Mountain biking in Sedona, where I burnt my arms to a crisp.


          Even home has heat and sunny bike rides and ice cream sometimes!

          Running is dumb.


          Refurbished Hip

            And not that I want to ruin all of these hot weather fantasies, but this was my bedroom window this morning with it being -29F outside.


            Running is dumb.


              Temp was reading -5 this morning on the thermostat for the heat/AC unit. It shows both indoor/outdoor. Similar reading on my phone. No wind there so just cold and raw, nothing like Harrier or Mandy weather. Might actually get outdoors later for a run if the wind stays down. Seems like the thing to do. Anyway, just gym stuff last night and added in 30 minutes on the bike to nowhere.


              QOTD: 120 so far. Thought I'd be lower as I had a slow start this month.


              Jamaica Mon'. Negril, on the rocks. Really liked staying on the cliffs as opposed to beach. No sand! I could even walk on water.


              In dog beers, I've only had one.


                Planning on 5 after work today.  I seem to be in an after-work rut these days.  Just sleeping in too much....


                qotd: 120 mi, actually I thought it was going to be less considering the taper and recovery weeks.


                Every picture I take down here is a warm weather photo.  But here's one from Pen Y Fan. Sweaty from the little day pack.



                Are we there, yet?

                  Why doesn't this old also kills the winter bugs?  I've been in bed for two days so I'm missing running in the cold.


                  qotd: Even missing the last two days of the month I get 159 miles.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  running under the BigSky

                    nice pics everyone! Smile


                    got 4 miles on the trails yesterday evening with DW and Tiny E


                    I'm still sore from squat/bench "marathon" on Tuesday, but active recovery is the only way to roll 


                    off work today, so Tiny E and I will get 6-8 miles later


                    qotd: 135-ish almost equally split between hiking and snowshoeing/skiing, running miles for January stands at 0!!! 


                    backpacking last August in the Crazy Mountains



                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                    Queen of Nothing


                      I walked the dogs this morning...shit if I knew it was my last chance to get miles in for the month  I would have got my lazy ass up! 


                      Winter is returning for us.  It's suppose to be low 50s at night  better buckle down.


                      QOTD:  140.. how did that happen??  Must be the longer week day runs.  Yea pictures!!!  Just now going through QOTD and funny how many folks were surprised by their mileage.


                      AT:  Before trail fest?


                      George:  Nice mileage...get better...many this bug is what got you at your last race. 




                      Bullard's Bar

                      Image may contain: dog, mountain, outdoor, nature and water


                      Near the Sierra Buttes

                      Image may contain: tree, outdoor, nature and water


                      I will be here on Sunday with these people who I love very much(me parents and big sister)  next week   and it will be warm. 

                      Image may contain: 4 people, including Sue Piscatella, people standing, sunglasses and outdoor

                       05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                       08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄









                        AT:  Before trail fest?



                        I will be here on Sunday with these people who I love very much(me parents and big sister)  next week   

                        and it will be warm. 



                        Yes, that was our GC stop  2 days before Trail Fest.

                        Enjoy your trip with the family.



                        Nice pictures everyone.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          -3 degrees at the house this morning and -8 at the lower elevations. Didn't let DW take the BMW because on that model the crankcase ventilation system will freeze up when it gets too cold and will suck all the oil out of the crankcase.  Had that happen last year. Great German engineering . Then the American designed Saturn Ion wouldn't start. But at least that has an excuse. The battery is only 16 1/2 years old . Guess I should replace it.


                          Did a hard trainer workout last night with some good lifting.  I think  it was 18.7 miles.  Should have ran some on the TM but my right calf is having some issues right now so I'm taking it easy on that.


                          QOTD: 69.1 miles running and 161.9 on the trainer.


                          Image may contain: tree, sky and outdoor


                          The beach at Waekiki 2016



                          Whales off Maui


                          Image may contain: people standing, ocean, sky, beach, cloud, outdoor and water

                          Sun going down over Lanai from Maui.


                          No photo description available.

                          Finishing up Call of the Wilds at about 85-90 degrees if I remember right.


                            Got my carcass to the gym earlier. A short treadmill run and weights. I'm thinking about running on the trails while DS is in the pool. I will report back on that one.


                            qotd: Great pictures, everyone! 60 miles for me. Not a surprise.


                            Hunting Island, SC. But it actually was not that warm for spring.


                              And not that I want to ruin all of these hot weather fantasies, but this was my bedroom window this morning with it being -29F outside.



                              Mandy,  On my way in this morning near Belleville the temp read -33F in the car. One of my buds driving in from Verona hit a low spot and the temp read -39F in his car. Brutal. Funny to think we're gonna be almost 80 degrees warmer in a couple days.   Nice pics everyone.


                              Another day on the elliptical with weights, core, and stretching added in. Yay.


                              QOTD--A down month but there is this weather thingie going on.  146


                              Refurbished Hip

                                Mandy,  On my way in this morning near Belleville the temp read -33F in the car. One of my buds driving in from Verona hit a low spot and the temp read -39F in his car. Brutal.


                                Holy balls.  That's some crazy shit.  And I can't believe it's supposed to rain this weekend.

                                Running is dumb.
