Trailer Trash


Happy New Year (Read 21 times)



    I found that if I don't get up at the same time every day I get a migraine so...I did 3 on the TM and finished the year with 1340 well above what I thought I could do at the beginning of the year (1040 or 20 miles a week).  If it hadn't been for the deer induced back issue I could have done more but who knows...any way looking forward to seeing what I can do in 2019.


    QOTD:  Cold weather gear.  I don't do well in the cold (not very well insulated) and have a Feb and then a Mar event so what would a person wear especially for cold at night for a 50 miler. I fully expect it to take at least 20 hours.


    I know most people do gratitude's during Thanksgiving but in keeping with my trying to be grateful for what I have so here's today's...I'm grateful for the friends I've met here and their gracious and accepting attitudes.  Thank you for being who you are.



      Good morning. Feels like a regular Tuesday for me.  Heading out in a bit for a long run. We're just waiting for the wind to die down to a safer levels to be on a trail.  It's 58* and wind gusts up to 40mph right now.   This time last year it was snowing and 5*.


      dhuff - same to you. You are a nice addition to our group.


      QOTD:  Depends on temperature and pace.  At 32* I wear a short sleeved shirt, jacket, gloves and a hat.  At 50* during a 24hr race I might wear the same thing because I'm mixing walking and running so I get colder. I'd suggest layering so you can add or take off as needed.  Also, If my head and hands are warm, I can wear less on my body.   If you have a drop bag option, that will help you, otherwise wrapping a jacket around your waist or stuffing one into a pack so you have it if you need it.  I have a very lightweight jacket that stuffs to the size of a small pair of gloves.  I have that with me in my pack on most winter runs in case I need an extra layer.

      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Refurbished Hip

        Good morning and Happy New Year!


        I'm giving myself permission to do a whole lot of nothing today.  I'll walk to the grocery store at some point.  We have probably 6" of fresh snow on the ground from yesterday.  No one has even started shoveling.  I have to give Sydney her first injection today.  I'm a little nervous.  I'm supposed to get her test results back late this week.


        QOTD:  You need layers.  The typical layering approach is a wicking layer against your skin, an insulating layer in the middle, and a wind blocking layer on the outside.  Bring more clothes than you expect to need.  Even 50 degrees can feel VERY cold in the middle of the night after running all day.  Bring a beanie and mittens and pants.  Chemical hand warmers.  If you're cold, you're going to be miserable.  Sometimes you get so cold you can't generate your own heat anymore.  That's when things start to go South.  So be proactive about staying warm.  But not too warm, because sweat is the enemy in the cold.


        I think it's good to do gratitude all year long.  I've been trying to think of 3 things I am grateful for about my day every day.  They can be big or small things.  Thanks for joining us, dhuffman.    We've had a couple of new people join us this year and it's been very nice!

        Running is dumb.



          Mandy what kind of lizard is Sydney?  I've had Burmese pythons and have wanted an iguana but DH isn't fond of reptiles even tho I think I might be one . I like warm sunny places.


          Refurbished Hip

            Mandy what kind of lizard is Sydney?  I've had Burmese pythons and have wanted an iguana but DH isn't fond of reptiles even tho I think I might be one . I like warm sunny places.


            LOL.  I also think I might be a lizard.  


            Sydney is a bearded dragon.  I never would have given a reptile a second thought as a pet before she came into my life, but now I absolutely love having her!  She's a great little buddy.  Iguanas are very cool looking, but they're not very nice.  Beardies are called the puppy dogs of lizards.  One of my favorite things is to sit on the deck in the sunshine in the summer with Sydney on my lap.  She soaks up the natural sunlight and I drink coffee and we just hang out together.


            Here she is:


            Running is dumb.


            Refurbished Hip

              Not sure if you guys venture out to the main forums at all, but Eric knows that everything is wonky and is working on fixing it!  We should be restored to order eventually.

              Running is dumb.


              Are we there, yet?

                Not sure if you guys venture out to the main forums at all, but Eric knows that everything is wonky and is working on fixing it!  We should be restored to order eventually.


                Unless it's all due to a single glitch, Eric has a lot of work to do.  There are multiple(?) issues on the log summary page as well as the thread name issue.  I for one will add a little extra when I renew my subscription, if not before.

                 2024 Races:

                      03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                      05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                      06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  Wow, this website certainly has some issues at the present. LOL!  Back from the north country where we just caught the edges of 2 separate storms then drove home today to see we got a little ice then snow over the top of it. In the meantime there is no snow on Jan 1 in Wausau, Wi. Rather weird.  Anyway did a bunch of snowshoeing up there including some bushwacking and some 3-5 mile runs on some snowshoe trails. I'm entered in a snowshoe race on Saturday in Cable,Wi. Looks to be a little over a foot on the ground there. Planning on 4-5 snowshoe races this winter most being 5k's with one 7 miler.


                  Total miles for 2018--1867  I never have any yearly goals other than stay healthy and keep it enjoyable.  Heading out shortly for 7-8 on the roads.


                  Not sure what came over me but I just entered the lottery for Moose Mountain. What'd you think Mandy?  runtrail? right up in your neck of the woods!


                  QOTD--cold weather gear, hmmm, probably the wrong one to ask despite living in this state all my life and including northern Wi. for several years. I run hot. I'll wear shorts into the mid 20's and during the really cold runs just a tech tee with a light running jacket. I don't mind being cold for the first 10 minutes or so 'cause I know I'll be heating right up. -5 to -10 with a breeze blowing is usually my limit though.


                  Mandy--you mentioned the shoveling. What's up with that anyway? No one had started clearing their drives yet when I rolled in around 12:30. I cleared our drive before I even unloaded then I saw a few neighbors venturing out to clean up. Maybe hungover?


                  Refurbished Hip


                    Not sure what came over me but I just entered the lottery for Moose Mountain. What'd you think Mandy?  runtrail? right up in your neck of the woods!


                    Ahhhh, my slowest marathon ever!  As much as I need to make better memories on the North Shore, I'm struggling to walk right now, so I'm shying away from making plans at the moment.  But you have fun going up Moose Mountain, where they don't believe in switchbacks!


                    I'm not sure why it continues to amaze me at how horrible people are at shoveling every damn year.  I'm sure it's part hungover, part holiday, and part laziness.

                    Running is dumb.


                      SRD today.  Volunteered at the marathon this morning, fun as usual. Here’s our spot on the lake.



                      Then loaded the bikes on the new bike rack (which worked great by the way), and DW and I did 10 miles on the Spring Creek hike/bike trail. Great day for a ride.


                      dhuff - nice, we’re glad you’re here.


                      MM - nice lizards is she doing the dog trick with food on the nose?


                      qotd: agree with the others, layers are the best way to control temps. Gloves and hat also help a lot. Having extras in the drop bag for the night is also key.


                      qotd2 - 1783 miles.  Lowest yearly total in a long time, but 3 months with low mileage will do that.



                      Le professeur de trail

                        First day of 2019 and I ran.  A little under 3.  Felt pretty good. It helped that it was 50 degrees this morning.  Weird!


                        RA is very wonky right now.  You would have though we were back at Y2K or something.


                        From yesterday - sorry to hear about your FIL Bert.  If you ever need someone to talk to about personal demons, let me know.  Not as a therapist, just a friend.


                        QOTD: What Mandy said.  Layers.  For me, if it's cold (low 20's and below AND there is a good wind, it's a tough run for me.  I feel like that wind just cuts through the layers.  I have a nice lightweight jacket that works really well trapping in body heat.  A layer or two under that with some gloves and I am good.


                        Have a great day!

                        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                          Got a nice 6.5 miles in. Did a run/walk to keep the heart rate down. Really windy here for awhile but it died down some by the time I got out.  Figured I needed to break in the new year right since last years miles were so crappy.


                          QOTD:  Don't really have much to add here beyond what the others have said.  Maybe you could plan to change into dry clothes in the early evening hours if possible, then try to cut back your effort to reduce sweating.  I've found that running just a little chilly keeps the sweat down and helps me to not get cold so quick.

                          a smith

                          king of the non-sequitur

                            QOTD: what Madison Mandy said. as a wicking layer i use coolmesh singlets. but as a northwesterner cold usually means 30's and damp. today i ran ~14.5M with a buddy and then jumped into the sea! i was thinking about the value of rituals but there seems to be a physical bonus to this polar-bear thing. it took my breath away but then when i got out i wasnt cold. weird. and there were a bunch of people cheering me on! it was puget sound so the water temp was probably about the same as the air temp (low 40's). or maybe that doesnt count as polar-bear plunge?


                            Bridle Trails 50k 1-13-24 5:39

                            Cottontail 6 Hour 4-13-24

                            Cougar Long Series (May,June,July,Aug 2024)

                            Carkeek 6 Hour 10-19-24 

                            Queen of Nothing


                              Productive day up T 6 doing laundry..yard work till noon than a 5 mile run and back to more hours of yard work.  Tired now ...Wotd:  to comment but layers...yes layers








                                5k at the local parkrun this morning. It was on a paved trail so I think it counts. Holy crap does that distance hurt! But I did hit #1 in my age group. I would say, knowing my competition around these parts, this was not the most competitive crowd. Usually I'm much further back from top of my age group. 


                                And Harrier, that would be a solid 'no'. I would like to flatter myself into thinking I could handle that race, through good training, but definitely not in my cards this year. I know those races, even the marathon distance, are a unique kind of hell between terrain, weather and altitude by a thousand cuts.  But Rocksteady knows their stuff when it comes to races. Good luck for the lottery! 


                                Not sure what came over me but I just entered the lottery for Moose Mountain. What'd you think Mandy?  runtrail? right up in your neck of the woods!
