Trailer Trash


Thoughts about Ragnar Trail Relay? (Read 45 times)

    We all have our own motivations for running on trails and I was curious how this struck you folks.


    Ragnar Trail Relay


    Teams consist of 8 or 4 runners and will run a total of 120 miles. The race takes an average of 20 hours to complete. Teams will begin in staggered start times between 10 am and 7 pm on the Friday. You will run with your team through the night under a star-lit sky. Teams will finish on Saturday between 9 am and 4 pm. When you’re not running, you’ll be busy cheering on your teammates and soaking up the party atmosphere at Ragnar Village!

    Leave your vehicles in the parking lot and bring your tents. This relay is about camping at Ragnar Village.


    The closest one to me is Sierra At Tahoe.  I am going through the pros and cons of doing this.


    Most of the pros revolve around it being a new challenge (Awake 20 hours, strange trails in the dark, running at a high elevation), and a good time bonding with my friends.


    While the Cons are: burning a couple more vacation days, my family is busy at the county fair (annual event), it happens 4 days after returning from a week in Wyoming (also a plus from an elevation standpoint), First year of the "event", and A Ragnar type event seems contrary to the whole trail running "mindset".


    Your thoughts?





      So for "early registration" I get the joy of paying $130 to run somewhere around 15 miles.  Meh.


      I'll pay the local $6 park entry fee and run as many miles as I want.  Yeah, I can even pay $15 and camp in the park too.

      You people have issues 

        I was very excited about this, because it gave me a chance to get some of my "non-serious" running friends to do an event with me. I guess that tells you how I feel about it... It turns out, no one could really do it that weekend (West Virginia) so I've made other plans. I'm disappointed it didn't work out. However, I do see the other side of things, how it's commercializing trail running etc. I think it's only good for the sport up to a certain point.