Trailer Trash


Pastel Wednesdailies (Read 18 times)



    Sky was all shades of pastel this morning.  Sun not yet over the horizon as I drove in.  Did 6 on the TM last night.


    QOTD: If money was no object and you didn't have to worry about vacation days where would you go?  Why?  REI sent me a link to "adventures" they arrange, all over the world.  The Sedona trip looked like one I'd enjoy.  There's some in Spain, Italy, all over the US...I could spend the rest of my life just jetting around and doing "adventures"  DH not so much-he's a homebody.


    Are we there, yet?

      Finally took a rest day yesterday after 13 days and 86 miles.  Easy later today in the 6-8 miles range.


      QOTD:  If you add the additional condition that I'm physically capable of enduring the trip, I'd love to go Gates of the Arctic NP.  After that one of the long distance treks in New Zealand.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





      running under the BigSky

        4 miles with DW and Tiny E yesterday evening


        day off today so probably gym sometime this morning and hit the trails in the afternoon


        qotd: there's a bunch of adventures around the world that interest me, but I think a long loop in the Alps would probably be near the top; there is an outfit that does a multi-day tour that roughly follows the UTMB (supposedly where they vary from the normal route is even better!)- they have you staying in little mountain villages along the route through France, Italy and Switzerland and take care of all meals (mention of hot springs and lots of good local wines Smile)


        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √




          Short run over lunch break.  Don't have time for too much, but just getting outside will be worth it.


          Sandy - how is your DW doing? Hope all is well.


          Bert - my fiends son didn't get the theater part, but he did get a 4 part TV gig that will film in NYC at the end of January.  So no trip to NYC in the Spring, but I'll let you know what he's doing on TV (he can't tell anyone yet what the show is).


          QOTD:  I'd tag along with George to New Zealand, and then stop by and see some old classmates in in Australia. On the way home I'd make a trip to Egypt and see the pyramids and then lastly a trail run up to Machu Picchu.


          edit : if I timed it right I could stop and see some of the le Tour de France.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


          Refurbished Hip

            Good morning!  I'm planning on walking on the treadmill tonight with a couple of 5 minute run jaunts mixed in.  If it doesn't make my hip feel worse, I'm going to keep doing it.


            dhuffman - Sedona is beautiful and not crazy far from you.  Hop in the car and go!


            QOTD: I'd be going to either Nepal or Chile/Argentina/Patagonia.  I'm not a history person at all, so I feel like a lot of Europe would be lost on me, but I would still love to do a big bike trip around there riding from one small town to the next.  Big cities aren't my thing.  Seeing Le Tour in person would be pretty darn cool too.

            Running is dumb.



              I lucked out and spent my entire 4 year plus 1 of my Army career living in Germany.  Did weekend trips all over western Europe.  I'd like to visit some of the Eastern European countries.


                Did 5.5 miles yesterday, speedwalking with my injured friend. If I get her talking (not hard), her pace is slightly easier to keep up to without actually jogging (not running). Quite warm here for middle of winter. No worries, a front blew through last night with some rain and lots of wind.


                qotd: Iceland and Norway. Then Patagonia with side trips to the Antarctic and the Galapagos. I want to hit both polar regions. I also want to see the Shetland Islands, go back to Kodiak, AK and also visit Denali NP and the northern tundra.  Give me a few more minutes and I can make the list much, much longer.

                Queen of Nothing


                  early am text "the rain and the wind, omg"   I was dressed and ready to go so I said come.  So we ran 5 ish.  Once at the trail wasn't that windy and not much rain.


                  QOTD:  I know it's a cliché but I would do Van life for awhile.  But since money is no object I would upgrade to a small RV.  Travel US and Canada.  The only countries I have ever thought about visiting are Italy and Norway, so I would make a visit there.  I would also go on Wardens trip through.


                  AT:  If I moved to Oregon I would run in Washington. . 


                  Mandy:  You should talk to Duffman...she walks all her Ultra's...maybe running isn't your body thing and you can start speed walking.   not being mean just trying to give you peace.......oh and see runtrails post...








                    A few years ago at Stone Mill, this pair of women came through our AS. They were friends that got together a couple of times a year and 'instead of shopping and drinking, they did crazy stuff like this' ...walking (and talking) ultras. They were going at a good pace, but said it was a great way to see each other and catch up on their lives.  It stuck with me as it was obvious they were having a great time.


                    Mandy:  You should talk to Duffman...she walks all her Ultra's...maybe running isn't your body thing and you can start speed walking.   not being mean just trying to give you peace.......oh and see runtrails post...


                    Refurbished Hip

                      Mandy:  You should talk to Duffman...she walks all her Ultra's...maybe running isn't your body thing and you can start speed walking.   not being mean just trying to give you peace.......oh and see runtrails post...


                      Sue, I've been walking and walking and walking (and hiking and hiking and hiking) for years.  I walk a shit ton.  My problem now is that even walking is causing me pain.  My hip joint is fucked up.  It's not my fault.  I hit the unlucky genetic lottery.  My body has issues that are not fixable without more surgery.  I will need to get my hip replaced someday.  I'd just like to delay that as much as I can.  Right now I'm not sure if stress/grief has made things flare up or if I've hit the point of no return.  I can live without running.  I can't live without being able to walk/hike/get outside.

                      Running is dumb.




                        qotd: there's a bunch of adventures around the world that interest me, but I think a long loop in the Alps would probably be near the top; there is an outfit that does a multi-day tour that roughly follows the UTMB (supposedly where they vary from the normal route is even better!)- they have you staying in little mountain villages along the route through France, Italy and Switzerland and take care of all meals (mention of hot springs and lots of good local wines Smile)


                        If you get stuck on the mountain, hopefully this helicopter pilot is there to rescue you like he did for this group. What an amazing pilot.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        Refurbished Hip


                          If you get stuck on the mountain


                          I'd place my bets on Warden if we're doing Warden vs the mountain. 

                          Running is dumb.


                          running under the BigSky



                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                            running under the BigSky


                              I'd place my bets on Warden if we're doing Warden vs the mountain. 


                              thanks Mandy Smile


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                              I lost my rama

                                Hi All.  I've started training specifically for the NYC Half and Big Sur Marathon, so I'm off the trails for now (I know, heresy around here).  Taking advantage of the unseasonably warmer temps so far this year.  Last year, the East River had ice on it at this same time.


                                QOTD:  I'm with Mandy in hitting the Himalayas, which I've wanted to do for many many years, as well as Patagonia.  But if money and time were no object, I'd stop by a few other spots in between.


                                AT:  Sorry to hear your friend's son didn't get the part, but glad he found another acting gig.  Looking forward to hearing about it when it can be made public.

                                3/17 - NYC Half

                                4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                                6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                                8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours
