Trailer Trash


The Weekender Edition (Read 23 times)


    I have spent some time lately lurking...and decided today is a good day to try and get started here again. I miss you all, I just don't get much chance to check in before the day is over.


    Still running a lot and loving it. I am semi laid up due to some hip problem. The other day my hip we t into spasm while I was out on a run at the state park ..had to hike in ..and that was pretty difficult. Dr. Google thinks it is likely bursitis. Assuming it heals, I will continue to train for the Kettle Fun Run. Paid way too much for a fun run. It is a night fun run associated with the 100 miler and 50k. It should be a great adventure.


    QOTW: what are your ratings of your winter weather so far? I love snow...and we have NONE ..well...just a smarter. However, up until this week I have been able to run in my sandals without socks .I kind of like that .on a scale of 1-10..the winter weather here is a 2. Very disappointing

    January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


    running under the BigSky

      just got back from our Paradise Vally/Yellowstone trip- had a great time balancing getting out and hiking/snowshoeing w/ some wildlife viewing, fine dining (and drinking!), soaking in hot springs and just lounging (or napping as some refer it to )


      qotd:  great winter thus far, quite of bit of snowshoeing including an overnight outing- have some more overnighters planned for soon- also see above getaway



      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √



        I ran a 4 mile loop this morning in the rain. It was a cool 45 or so degrees, and it felt great, pretty fast while also being effortless. I had my 50 year old colonoscopy on Wednesday, and all was clear. We have been super busy at work, so I have been pretty much absent around here lately. But I am still running around 15 to 20 miles per week. All is good.


        QOTD: We have had a mild winter, but it has been consistently cool and wet. I have run in a lot of mud.



          Slept in this morning.  Both DW and I caught up on some sleep.  Thursday night when we slept in the Hospital we kept getting woken up hourly for general rounds, but then every 3 hours they'd turn on the lights and give her meds and take some vitals (in the morning I told then that they'd never make it in the hotel business).  Anyway after tending to the patient this morning I got a late start and did a quick 5 miles. My DW is doing great by the way, we walked 1-1/2 miles this afternoon, and she kept pushing the pace.


          Hi moonlight, don't be a stranger.


          mt, great photos, looks like a great getaway.


          LB, glad to hear your not full of sh.....


          qotd: I'd say it's about normal, so I guess a 5.



            LB: glad you have been cleared for ten years!


            Sandy: glad all went well with your wife's procedure. Sounds like she is bouncing back.


            Warden: as usual, you live the life I dreamed of when I was 18! Beautiful pictures beautiful wife, awesome life! Enjoy every day.

            January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


              Almost 6 miles, speedwalking. My friend should hopefully cleared to begin running again in a couple of weeks. It was a nice walk with her, and her DH. Good friends so I'm happy to skip running to enjoy their company. And towards the end, it started snowing. We might get 3-5 inches. Holy cow.   But the minnesotan in me is looking forward to running in it tomorrow morning.


              Sandy-- glad to hear DW is doing well.


              qotd: It's been generally warmer and no snow or ice. For others, they might rate it a 9-10. I say 3. I want some cold, definitely snow. Not too warm.


              Refurbished Hip

                I will continue to train for the Kettle Fun Run. Paid way too much for a fun run. It is a night fun run associated with the 100 miler and 50k. It should be a great adventure. 


                You're going to be at Kettle this year?  Me too!  Smile  I mean, provided my friend I'm planning on crewing makes it here uninjured.  We'll have to figure out a way to meet up - I would love to finally meet you!


                Nice job, Nurse Sandy.  Glad your DW is doing well!!


                Love the pictures, as always, Warden!


                QOTD: I hate the snow and we have none, so I'm a happy camper this winter so far!  I'm still biking outside in January, which is super crazy.

                Running is dumb.


                  For sure we should meet up! Which race are you doing? I am planning on spending a weekend in May down there to run. IF I could ever train for a 100 miler I would like it to be that one...I think.



                  You're going to be at Kettle this year?  Me too!  Smile  I mean, provided my friend I'm planning on crewing makes it here uninjured.  We'll have to figure out a way to meet up - I would love to finally meet you!


                  Nice job, Nurse Sandy.  Glad your DW is doing well!!


                  Love the pictures, as always, Warden!


                  QOTD: I hate the snow and we have none, so I'm a happy camper this winter so far!  I'm still biking outside in January, which is super crazy.

                  January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                    Just got in from a few days out in Utah visiting my grandson, oh, and his parents. Flew into and out of Vegas and rented a car for a change up and flights to Vegas are dirt cheap. Interesting town to say the least. Spent one night in St. George and thought about Birdwell. Hope all is well with him and his family. Too much snow in the mountains around SLC to get a good trail fix but still logged a lot of miles and of course continued my research and found a few more potential trail runs for my next time out in early May.  Still though, it is great to be home in Wi. 


                    AT, yes I was following the rescue of the girl in NW Wi. Get teared up just thinking about it as most peeps in our state.  Would just want to wrap my arms around her and protect her from further harm.


                    QOTD--Well, I can't complain tooo much as it has been mild but on the other hand I don't have much snow even up north so no good skiing and a snowshoe race I was planning on doing near Eau Claire has just been canceled so that sucks but still, mild is good. But I've running in shorts in January so....


                     Assuming it heals, I will continue to train for the Kettle Fun Run. Paid way too much for a fun run. It is a night fun run associated with the 100 miler and 50k. 

                    Gonna be quitting my part time job near the end of April and a very busy May ahead with canoe trips, DW's retirement, and a trip to Utah but I'm gonna try to make it over there to see you guys if your talking about the June 1st event.


                    Refurbished Hip

                      For sure we should meet up! Which race are you doing? I am planning on spending a weekend in May down there to run. IF I could ever train for a 100 miler I would like it to be that one...I think.



                      Oh, I'm not running!  LOL.  I'll be crewing for Mainegal and SpreT (if anyone remembers those names...blast from the past!)  I suppose I might pace for a while if my body is up for it, but we'll see.


                      And if Harrier comes to Kettle, we'll have a proper little Trailer Trash FE.  Nice.    Let me know if you wind up coming for a training run in May too!


                      Birdwell actually moved to Phoenix recently - maybe he'll pop in here again soon.

                      Running is dumb.

                        Volunteered at a trail race in the morning.  Then went up to San Francisco to run some errands, and ran 15 miles around the northern edge of the city (Crissy Field, GG Bridge, Baker Beach, Lands End).  Always fun playing tourist in SF.  Pics are of the Presidio coming down from the bridge as the sun was going down, and the Lands End trail looking back to the GG Bridge.



                        Hi Moonlight!  Sorry to hear about the hip problem.  Be careful of relying on Dr. Google, he's often a quack.  


                        Warden, looks like a wonderful trip. What's with that big grin?  I tried to make a Warden face.


                        Nurse Sandy, hope your DW is doing well and you are waiting on her hand and foot.  


                        Looks like a possible Trailer Trash FE at Kettle!


                        Hi to everyone.

                        6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                        7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                        9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                        Queen of Nothing


                          Who is SpreT.... Mainegirl is Marie, right.  I remembet  the name SoreT



                          Oh, I'm not running!  LOL.  I'll be crewing for Mainegal and SpreT (if anyone remembers those names...blast from the past!)  I suppose I might pace for a while if my body is up for it, but we'll see.


                          And if Harrier comes to Kettle, we'll have a proper little Trailer Trash FE.  Nice.    Let me know if you wind up coming for a training run in May too!


                          Birdwell actually moved to Phoenix recently - maybe he'll pop in here again soon.

                           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄






                          Queen of Nothing


                            Nice pictures Gatsby.... I did chipores all day.  Long run tomorrow.


                            qotd: need more rain

                             05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                             08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                            Refurbished Hip

                              Who is SpreT.... Mainegirl is Marie, right.  I remembet  the name SoreT



                              Mainegal is Amy.  SpreT is Rob.  Rob wasn't around a whole lot, but I think XT met him a few times.

                              Running is dumb.


                                Hey I remember SpreT, tell him Sandy (aka: Slowdown) says hi.


                                Nice photos Gatsby.


                                Did 7 mi this morning. Beautiful 39 deg with low humidity. The taper continues.  Long range weather for the marathon looks great, they’re calling for clear skies and 32 deg at the start and about 40 deg four hours later.


                                DW continues her amazing recovery, we did a 2 mi walk this morning. She stopped taking one of her pain meds (nerve pain blocker) and is now only taking the prescribed Tylenol and Advil combo.

