Trailer Trash


Classic Movie Wednesdaily (Read 16 times)



    Finished with 18.6 yesterday.  Went back out with DW for a few miles.  Ran 8 this morning since I thought it would be hot over lunch. Beautiful out there today. No humidity and felt perfect.  I might walk at lunch or later do a walk / run with DW.  This damn  GVRAT has me pushing it like I have a race coming up.  Unfortunately, Montour 24hr was to be this Friday, so no race in my near future.


    QOTD:  Our local theater did Classic Movies on Wednesdays in the summer. This year, no movies due to COVID, so DW and I have been watching our own at home since Wednesday was a fun summer date night.  We watched "To Kill A Mockingbird" last week, and we are going to watch "Chariots of Fire" tonight.  What Classic movies would you want to watch, either for first time or again?

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      I awoke to a terrible storm this morning. I drank coffee and watched another episode of "Turn: Washington's Spies". After the storm blew through, I ran an abbreviated run of the old, short loop for 2.5 miles in 23:06. I'll be on the phone for work shortly, and most of my day will be spent like that.


      QOTD: I would like to see "Chariots of Fire". I have never seen it.



        Well, I had to get up early for a fasting blood draw... at Quest labs of course. Thus the daily, and that is done. I had my doctor throw in the Covid antibody test since I was getting stuck. Figured why not. Just some little work things to accomplish today. Verify a few changes I put in yesterday at a client later today (waiting for job to run), work on some open projects, see what else crops up.

        Run/workout. Wogged about this morning after getting back from the lab and having breakfast. Humidity and dewpoints dropped over night. Pretty nice out there. Last night, a rather slow creaktacular 4 miles out on rugged side of the lake. I'll get Baker out this evening for 5 miles or so at a TTBD.


        QOTD: Off the top of my head, Apocalypse Now. That trip down the river was so damn intense. Also, the original Dune, though I doubt that would register as a classic.


        Finished up mulching the side bed this weekend just as the lilies reached their peak.



        In dog beers, I've only had one.


          Got in 4 miles of wogging this morning on new trails by the new pool. Actually, it was much more hiking over running, as Chowder was unruly. I also forgot his running leash, and his harness, and my spibelt so I was trying to hold onto a wild dog, my phone, my keys and trying not to fall. Chowder is exhausted now. I might go without him on Friday. Really pretty park, a good sized creek, a lake and rolling hills through the woods. Few people, too. (AT-- it was Lake Frank). Yesterday was 5.5 miles of walking. I wanted to take the day off, but forced myself out there.


          XT- the pool looks really, really nice. plus the garden.


          qotd: Nothing really comes to mind, except The Shining, which like, Dune, might not qualify as a classic but it's an oldie and goodie in my book.


          Are we there, yet?

            Today's supposed to be my interval day, but haven't decided exactly what I'll run.


            QOTD:  I watched Arsenic and Old Lace last night.  I prefer the classics to most anything done this century.  Was bummed when Xfinity made TCM a subscription channel.  I used to watch movies there regularly and on demand.

             2024 Races:

                  03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                  05/11 - D3 50K
                  05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                  06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





            Le professeur de trail

              5 miles this morning.  Was surprisingly pleasant out after a humid day yesterday.

              T-minus 3 days to vaca!!!!!


              Just saw NYC marathon got cancelled.  Not surprised but since it's a November race, it just makes me wonder what other dominos will fall.  I did see that Badwater is a go though with precautions.  Totally different races of course.


              AT: Way to push!

              XT: Nice looking pool and surroundings.


              QOTD: Classic movies for DW and I are Pretty Woman, Dirty Dancing, … 


              Have a great day!

              My favorite day of the week is RUNday



              Ultra Cowboy

                Did 3.5 miles last night at dark as the fog rolled in.  Turned out to be a good run.  My headlamp was pretty dim.


                XT I had a blood draw about a month ago.  I wanted to check for antibodies, so I did the rest of the bloodwork too.


                As for classic movies, I should watch "the Oxbow Incident"





                  Did you all get your antibody results yet?  I'm curious and have thought about having it done since I have to have periodic blood draws because of my thyroid (it has caused kidney damage).  I've read various articles that says if you had a mild case or were asymptomatic your antibodies might not be strong enough to ward off reinfection.  So now I want to know what exactly is "enough".  If I have "enough" can I then go out in public somewhat without fear of infection?

                  Ultra Cowboy

                    Mine was clear...NO antibodies...even after 2 respiratory sicknesses...




                    Are we there, yet?


                      Just saw NYC marathon got cancelled.  Not surprised but since it's a November race, it just makes me wonder what other dominos will fall.  I did see that Badwater is a go though with precautions.  Totally different races of course.



                      Berlin cancelled also.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K
                            05/25 - What the Duck 12-Hour

                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        I'm getting ready to head out for a run, probably 10. Seems like a break in the t-storms at the moment, it'd be nice if it would still rain though.  I had my early morning "virtual Mumbai meeting" this morning and will do it again tomorrow, so I'm relegated to afternoon (hotter) runs today and tomorrow.


                        Our "brilliant" Tx governor has come out with one of those wishy-washy statements... something like...  "everyone should not leave your home.... unless you need to go out."  Like I said the other day, our 30 year old county judge has more balls and she is sending out much clearer messages than the Gov. Unfortunately the Gov can overrule her in the governmental hierarchy and clouds her messages with his crap. So now our ICU beds are filling up.


                        qotd: We watch old movies every once in a while in fact I think the last one was "To Kill a Mockingbird".  Maybe I'll suggest "Blade Runner" since my DW hates that movie  .
