Trailer Trash


Humorous Fridaylies (Read 15 times)



    Did one of those paint and drink wine classes last night for the first time...I can't drink with the meds but omg my painting definitely "impressionistic".  It has a vague resemblance to the picture we were supposed to be paining but I had a great time.  She does this first Thur of the month so I plan on going to the one in Feb too.


    With the dark and the heavy rainfall I didn't get home til late so no walks for me.  Plan on making up the miles tonight.


    Today I'm grateful for my sense of humor even if it is kind of weird.


      Double dailies!!! Cut and paste time.


      Did the gym stuff last night, and since I was not time pressed I channeled Mandy and ran 3 miles on the treadmill. There was a cute young girl walking next to me, so of course I pushed the pace a few times. So there was that at least. Not sure of run today. Right knee is achey. Time to see the orthopod I suppose.


      DHuffman - the painting sounds fun but I bet with wine even better. I think I read you were on Meloxicam. I had that once for some knee issues. Really worked for the pain, but it felt like it elevated by blood pressure. So watch for that.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.