Trailer Trash


the Thursdaily (Read 22 times)


running under the BigSky

    Morning Trailers!


    Got 6 miles in with Tiny E yesterday- snow was a lot firmer due to cloud cover and an earlier start.


    I'm going to make a few adjustments to this loop and give it a go on skis today.


    qotd: anyone read Game of Thrones?  watch the HBO series?  My SIL gave the first book around Christmas- it sat for a couple of months and then decided to give it a go.  I'm now on the third book   I'm waiting to watch the series until I finish all the books (five).  I know the show is critically acclaimed and has won numerous awards, so look forward to giving it a peek.


    2024 goal 2024 miles

    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



    Refurbished Hip

      Good morning!  I haven't checked in much lately.  Been biking and climbing a lot.  Pretty happy with where I'm at regarding both.  I tried a short run the other week and wound up in a lot of pain.  It's still lingering over a week later.  So.  Guess I'm not running anytime soon.


      QOTD: GoT!!!!  T-minus 9 days until the final season!  I'm a fan!    I haven't read the books yet, but I would like to after the TV series ends.

      Running is dumb.



        Finished 2 of the kids taxes so now heading out for an hour or so run.


        Here's some non-snow-covered pictures for you, Mike.

        Jess running on Pinckney Island National Wildlife Park.



        QOTD:  Read them before show came out.  DW didn't read them, so when show started, I told her not to get too attached to any Stark's.  I liked the first 2 books the most.  We are waiting for the final season to start and end.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



          Still nothing from me.  It's ween a weird week of "what's in the yard".  Got home yesterday and the horses were in the front yard.  Appears my DH left a gate open when he mowed on Tues.  Luckily they come when I call so I got them back into the pasture area and then gave them some grain as a reward.  Since they get then when they come and they are retired I have no problem getting them where I want them.


          Tonight I have my once a month art class.  We're making some weird clay fish things.  My DGD wanted my paintings so they are hanging in her new room.  SIL had something happen yesterday, still unsure but he passed out at work and they took him to the ER.  Running a bunch of tests but DD thinks maybe he had a cyst rupture?  Any of you medical types know about males and cysts?  They are checking for kidney stones and going to do an abdominal CT scan as he had some pain before he passed out.


          I have a question many of you live within 30 min of varied trails?  I have my gravel road with miles available but it's not exactly "trail" unless you compare to rail trail.  Within a 90 drive I could go to some other trails. 30 min and there's a 1 mile paved loop in a park.  I plan on hitting that several times before my 24 hour as it's on the same terrain.

          Also what do you carry with you, if you do, when you are out on a long run.  I'm thinking of doing a 15 miler soon and plan on taking my hydration pack cause I can have water and food with me.


          qotd: I've read all the books but am waiting for the last one that has been years in the making.  Not seen the show as we don't have HBO.  Once the last book comes out I'll see about getting the shows on tape.  I want to see the dragon.



            Dreamer - saw this today and I thought of you. 


            “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


              Slacked off on running last night and just walked a few miles around the neighborhood with the Lady. We about a 2 mile loop that we do with some hills of course. Hey, I am trying to make it sound like a workout. Ha. Windy as all get out but mild temps. Plan to get out and run this evening up at Coventry Woods.


              QOTD: Yes, I've read all the books and have finally gotten over my anger of the HBO show jumping ahead of the books. I do a lot of double takes when watching the show as they have changed some story lines and/or moved characters into places they've never been to in the books. My wife hears me shouting at the screen when they do that. Lots of gratuitous sex and violence in the show, but the books are that way too. Favorite character is Arya. Love her storyline/chapters in the books.


              DHuffman - Lucky here in my part of PA. I have a dozen or more different places with miles of trails within a 15-30 minute drive. I have not been doing long runs recently, but my old practice was to carry one or two handhelds and some gels or salt tabs. Depending on the route I might be able to find water fountains along the route (parks, campgrounds, etc.) but I often would plan a route to loop back to my car for some real food on longer runs.

              In dog beers, I've only had one.


                No run this morning. I guess my streak will end at 19 days on this go. We have a "gully washer", "turd floater", or whatever you want to call a torrential downpour with lightning. Dog is freaked out; I could barely get him to go outside this morning. It took me an hour to get him to calm down after I shot my gun in the back yard yesterday evening. If he sees me in running clothes during the day, he goes nuts wanting to run. If he sees me in anything that is camo or with a gun, he gets anxious and starts whining. I guess he associates both with a loud boom.


                QOTD: I have not read any of the books or seen any of the episodes of Game of Thrones.




                   SIL had something happen yesterday, still unsure but he passed out at work and they took him to the ER.  Running a bunch of tests but DD thinks maybe he had a cyst rupture?  Any of you medical types know about males and cysts?  They are checking for kidney stones and going to do an abdominal CT scan as he had some pain before he passed out.


                  I have a question many of you live within 30 min of varied trails?  I have my gravel road with miles available but it's not exactly "trail" unless you compare to rail trail.  Within a 90 drive I could go to some other trails. 30 min and there's a 1 mile paved loop in a park.  I plan on hitting that several times before my 24 hour as it's on the same terrain.

                  Also what do you carry with you, if you do, when you are out on a long run.  I'm thinking of doing a 15 miler soon and plan on taking my hydration pack cause I can have water and food with me.



                  1) If he had some blood loss, passing out can happen after a renal cyst ruptures (back and or abdominal pain is first sign). They can happen in men and woman pretty equally. CT will show for sure, and a urinalysis will also help diagnose. Many times it's a one and done thing, but it can be a sign of more cysts (CT will tell). Good luck.


                  2) I can get to pretty varied trails, as far as technicality and elevation, within 10-20 miles.  I almost always run with a hydration pack, since I can get on some remotely used trails, and having a phone is very helpful with "AllTrails" App, and in case of emergency.  Pack always has plenty of water and a few things to eat, but I don't usually eat unless it's a long run.

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                    LB2 - I did not realize you had a dog you ran with... maybe I missed it. Cool. You are required to post doc pics you know.

                    In dog beers, I've only had one.


                      LB2 - I did not realize you had a dog you ran with... maybe I missed it. Cool. You are required to post doc pics you know.

                      I'll have to take a picture with him the next time I run with him. I don't run with him very often. He can run hard for a couple of miles before he drops off pretty hard. He is too fat, but I have shed a few pounds off of him the last few weeks.





                        QOTD: I have not read any of the books or seen any of the episodes of Game of Thrones.


                        My DD#1 would call you a Virgin.  She says there are 2 types of people. Those who've seen GOT and those who will freak out when they finally watch GOT.


                        LB - what, a dog! Who knew?


                        XT - I do the same thing with every movie or TV show based off a book I've read. "Ready Player One" was a great book, and they cut things in the movie that made no sense.  Tyrion is my favorite in the book and show. Arya is my second.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        running under the BigSky

                          Tim- that looks nice Smile


                          dhuffman- I believe I live in one of the most trail rich towns in the US, dozens of trailheads within the city limits and you can link all kinds of trails to make a lot of different loops- you can easily link enough trails to make a 50 mile loop if you wanted.  On these local trails I don't usually carry too much,  just a handheld and maybe a windshirt tied around my waist.  If the route longer (or cold weather), I'll usually carry a small pack w/ water/food/little extra clothing/few emergency bits.


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                            Dreamer - saw this today and I thought of you. 





                            Ran 10 miles yesterday, 2000’ down and then back up. My legs better thank me for this one day.  Joined a Meet Up group for some of it.  Saw a bunch of turkeys (the feathered kind, not the runner kind).  Still lots of mud.


                            DHuff, I can get to lots of trails within 30 min drive. Everything from paved path to what I did yesterday.


                            Warden, need to check out your trip report. Did Tiny E forgive you for leaving him behind?


                            AT, I’m doing my hundred at Pinckney in MI, same place as your pics maybe?


                            Yes, dog pics are required.


                            QOTD: Nope. And no interest in it. Like Harry Potter. I know, I have some pop cultural blind spots but I’m ok with it.

                            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


                            running under the BigSky

                              Warden, need to check out your trip report. Did Tiny E forgive you for leaving him behind?


                              DW said he was sulking some, but he did give me a nice warm welcome back Smile


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                                Did my run last night, but this morning's run was "cancelled" due to lightening (similar to LB2 I guess).  One bolt was really close to the house, really impressive.  I'll probably just take tomorrow's SRD today, and then run tomorrow.


                                Cool photos AT.


                                qotd: I think I saw the first few episodes of GoT a few years ago, but then lost traction.  I think that was when I moved to Korea.  My DD has all of the CDs so far, I guess I should have a marathon session and catch up.


                                dhuff: I have a gazillion miles of suburban paths mostly paved but some nice packed dirt trails just out my front door. (For example, they have two little stretches to do yet, but when they are done I'll be able to ride a bike on bike paths door-to-door from my home to my work 20 miles away, without ever having to ride on the side of a road. They are also all heavily wooded by the way, need the shade around here.)  When I run on the suburban paths I can get by with a handheld since I can refill at water fountains (and gas stations or stores) that are spaced around. There are some large areas where water isn't available so I usually carry two handhelds. I can also get to longer 'real dirt' trails about 30 min away, and even more 60 min away. For those I'll wear the hydropak depending on whether I'm going more than abt 15 miles w/o access to water.

