Trailer Trash


Three for Thursday 2/21 (Read 21 times)


    Slackadaisical day yesterday. It was late by the time I finished shoveling the snow and still sort of cold and sleeting and decided to bag running and take a weather related day off. Did some stretching and stuff, but that was about it. Only 2-3" of snow here, so not too bad, and hopefully most of it will melt today. Let the muck continue on the trails! Yay. Not. So not sure of running plans today. We have that crunch layer that I had but I suppose it should be mostly slushy in the woods later on. Cold slush on trails. Yay again. Not.


    QOTD: Give me 3 movies that you will watch anytime you happen to catch them on the television while bored and browsing channels. Me:


    Forest Gump

    Ferris Buehler's Day Off


    Bonus. If you want a laugh, watch the Pound Puppy from SNL.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.



      qotd: Tombstone; Guardians of the Galaxy; Jurassic Park (any of them).


      Think I'm getting a cold.  Feel like crap, runny nose, cough and omg I am so tired.  I did the bike at the fitness center yesterday cause the personal trainer I scheduled never showed and the desk girls had no clue as to my scheduling one.  Since the center is free for me I can't complain too much but will contact the lady in charge later and see about rescheduling.  This month's miles have gone down the drain as I'm just not feeling it.


        Started off on the TM last nite with the intention of just walking for 2-3 miles. Ended up starting to jog and one thing lead to another and next thing you know I was doing a tempo run trying to get in 5 miles in a hour. Sounds slow but considering the first part was a lot of walking I got in a pretty good workout.  Then I hate running on my home TM as it just seems so hard. I don't think it's calibrated right and since it's just a walking version and really, really old  the motor is not very smooth.


        WE got about 3-5 inches of a nice fluffy snow then it started the sleet/freezing rain/rain/whatever other crap that God's R&D department decided to test out on us .  I shoveled just enough that DD could park her car when she came home from work.  This morning that was covered in 1/2 inch of ice and the unshoveled stuff was crusted over and heavy as lead.  Got the tractor out and cleaned it up that way.


        Planning on a run on the TM at the gym when DW is at Weight Watchers.  Hoping for about 6-7 miles.


        Dhuff - Sounds like your month has been like my last week or two.  I've just been lazy and not feeling like doing anything.


        QOTD:  I rarely watch movies even when bored. But there are 3 that I'll stop to watch even if I'm busy.


        1: The Longest Day

        2: Any of the Indiana Jones

        3: Lord of the Rings



          Slippy sliding here. Had 8" of snow and then rain and last night iced up. Foggy road run for me today. I wore orange and could have used a headlamp as it was really foggy. Only a few cars passed by and that was a good thing.  Might get some melt here, but I'm sure trails will be a mess this weekend.


          Now going to take my mom to see the orthopedist. She fell on ice on Monday and broke her left wrist. Hopefully he'll just cast it and she won't need surgery. She's in her 80's so won't be a fast heal.  Se went out to get the paper at 6:30 in the morning, because obviously that was more important than her health.   If she had waited 1 hour ice was all gone and the paper would have still been there.



          Big Lebowski (or any Coen brothers movie)

          Royal Tenebaums (or any Wes Anderson movie)

          Inglorious Bastards (or any Tarantino movie).

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

            10 yesterday, rest day today.


            AT, sorry about your mom. Thank goodness it wasn’t her hip.


            Good luck to everyone dealing with slush and muck and cold (and colds).



            Shawshank Redemption

            Blade Runner

            Any LOTR

            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


            running under the BigSky

              with the day off yesterday got a lot in


              strength trained in the morning


              6 tough miles (trails not packed) with Tiny Elvis


              finished off with a brutal 1.5 hour removal of a snow/cement berm the plow driver left us- we've been driving over the 2' berm for the last couple of days and was sick of looking at it; it was no shoveling and all chipping away with a large/heavy ice bar- sucked!!!!!


              only supposed to get up to 10 today, might bundle up and take Tiny E out- going to find a better packed trail if we do


              qotd:- I'm with Tim on this one- I'd add Guy Ritchie to that list of directors as well


              * also anything w/ Steve McQueen! 



              2024 goal 2024 miles

              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

              2021 goal- 2021 miles √



              Refurbished Hip

                Slackadaisical day yesterday.


                Ditto.  I also applaud you for the word slackadaisical.  Nice.


                Your poor mom, AT. 


                I'm off work tomorrow, so tonight will just be an easy neighborhood walk.


                QOTD: None.  I don't ever turn on the TV and flip channels.  People still do this?  I only get like 5 channels anyway.  Whatever the antenna picks up.  Hypothetically even if I WAS flipping channels and actually had hundreds of them, I still wouldn't stop on a movie.  When I'm dog sitting for my BFF who has cable, I just usually turn on the food network if I'm really that bored.

                Running is dumb.


                Are we there, yet?

                  I'm in for the Whiskey Basin 33K on April 13th.  Thanks, Mandy. Great recommendation.



                  Jurassic Park

                  Most of the Indiana Jones movies (exclude Temple of Doom)

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                  I lost my rama

                    AT - Sorry about your mom.  Hope it heals quickly.


                    Sounds like a lot of fun out there playing in winter wonder land (or not).


                    Got to meet Sandy last night and we ran over the Brooklyn then Manhattan Bridges.  A little snowy and sloshy, but not too bad.  Sandy treated me to a beer afterwards (thanks!), so we ended the evening right.  


                    Looking for Sandy on the Brooklyn Bridge (wasn't too difficult)....



                    Enjoying a romantic moment on the Brooklyn Promenade overlooking lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge...



                    Sandy and I down in DUMBO with the Manhattan Bridge behind us...



                    QOTD:  Tends to change, but Shawshank, Gladiator, and Bourne Identity.

                    3/17 - NYC Half

                    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                    Refurbished Hip

                      Jealous of the Berto and Sandy FE!  Super cool, guys!


                      I'm in for the Whiskey Basin 33K on April 13th.  Thanks, Mandy. Great recommendation.


                      You're welcome!  Maybe you'll get to meet up with runtraildc too if she decides to go.  Here's a view from the 33K:


                      Running is dumb.

                      Queen of Nothing


                        Thought the moon was bright last night as my bushes were glowing...when I woke up it was because they were covered in snow.  No run , no nothing.


                        QOTD: Good Fellas, Steel Magnolia's...and....Animal House


                        AT:  Sorry about your Mom..hope it wasn't her drinking hand. 


                        Berto and Sandy:  Looks very romantic!

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                          We haven't finalized our travel plans, yet!  Technically, spring break doesn't start for a few days after this race, so it means DS missing school. I think I just need to go ahead. A race for me is more important than school for the kid, right?  Hope to see you there, WC.


                          I'm in for the Whiskey Basin 33K on April 13th.  Thanks, Mandy. Great recommendation.



                          Yesterday was a rest day. My back has been acting up and I'm hoping to get over it asap. Got in some yoga for the hips and quads. Usually that helps.


                          qtod: Not a huge movie fan, but here goes:

                          1. Jeremiah Johnson 
                          2. Almost any Coen brothers film
                          3. Any 30 Rock episode (yeah, I know it's not a movie..)

                            AT - That is awful about your mom. Hope it's just a cast like you say,


                            Mandy - Well some of us around here are really old, not fake old like you, so we do stupid stuff like browse the cable tv menu sometimes. Glad you like my new word. It's fitting. Oh, and nice picture. Dry and sunny would be fabulous right now. I picture mud free trails.


                            Berto - Nice pics. Big city run in the snow. Looks awesome.


                            Queenie - Welcome to the crappy weather club!

                            In dog beers, I've only had one.


                              A misting rain this morning on my loop, but it sure made things pleasant and quick.


                              QOTD: Below are my top 3, but there are quite a few others.


                              The Big Lebowski


                              Pulp Fiction


                              Queen of Nothing


                                 I love it!


                                Queenie - Welcome to the crappy weather club!

                                 05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                                 08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





