Trailer Trash


Wet Wednesday (Read 20 times)


    I decided to take a rest day because it was supposed to be raining this morning, but it isn't. It is coming, but I may slip out for a run after work. But I will probably wait until tomorrow.


    QOTD: I got nothing...



    running under the BigSky

      4 miles on snowy trails with Tiny E after work yesterday, will be snowier yet as it’s coming down pretty hard- temps are decent though- upper 20’s, so will get a few miles this evening


      qotd: normal breakfast and favorite breakfast?  DW calls me rain man as I it the same breakfast day after day (year after year Smile)- whole grain cereal with fresh berries of some sort, slice of pumpkin/chocolate chip bread (local bakery) with whipped cream cheese, small glass of orange juice and a tall latte.


      Favorite almost anything cooked, but a green chili breakfast burrito is at the top- flour tortilla with eggs/hash browns/onions-peppers/cheese smothered with green chili sauce- sometimes with shredded pork inside


      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √




        I did 7 miles yesterday, 2 on the indoor track at lunch and 5 on the TM at home later.  I have 5 today.  I made an appt. to see the doc since I'm still having some issues with my back...she says maybe MRI, PT so we'll see what happens Friday.  The stretching/yoga doesn't seem to be helping but it doesn't hurt to walk so I'm still doing that.


        I have tons of questions but can never remember them until later...I think of them when I'm driving.  Normal breakfast is either cereal, I like grape nuts, or Eggo waffles with a glass of rice milk.  Favorite is pancakes with bacon or eggs over medium, bacon, English muffin and hash browns.  I do have a new one that I like it's got hash browns, eggs, sausage, diced ham, milk, all mixed up and cooked in muffin tins.  Not sure what it's called but's good.


          QOTD: My normal breakfast is a sausage and egg sandwich/muffin. My favorite breakfast is grits and eggs. I have to say that I make very good grits. Simple recipe:


          (Just double, triple, or quadruple these measurements for more than one serving)

          1 cup of water

          1/4 cup of grits

          salt (1/2 tsp.)

          pepper (to taste)

          cream cheese (a chunk of about 1.5 square inches per serving)

          extra sharp cheddar (shredded coarsely. Use how much you want)


          Put water in a pot and add the grits, salt, and pepper.

          Let grits boil until it becomes somewhat thick, about 5 minutes. (Make sure you stir regularly to keep it from sticking).

          Add cream cheese and sharp cheddar.

          Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring often.


          You may have to practice this a few times before you get it right, but you'll know when it is right. You can also substitute chicken stock for water or use half water and half half and half. I have even used heavy cream before. But water is just fine, too. Obviously, using half and half or heavy cream will increase the calories, but it will also add some additional flavor.



            I ran about 6 last night on the hilly trails of Coventry Woods. Cold and crisp (high 20's) but no wind so pretty nice. Mixed up my route a bit for something different. Same trails. Just hooked them up in a slightly different manner. Trails were in pretty good shape. No snow left, and icy spots were minimal. Mostly just crusty or dry, except a few low spots that accumulate water. Those were frozen solid but easily avoidable.


            Plan for today is 6 or 7 at the lake or rail trail.


            QOTD: I mix up my breakfasts during the week. Oatmeal with apples/raisins or berries on Mon/Thu, shredded wheat and cheerios with berries on Tue/Fri, fried egg/ham/cheese on bagel on Wed. Always have a banana too. Weekends have my favorites, omelet or pancakes, or fried eggs and bacon. Breakfast rocks.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.



              Probably a TURD today since I have to stop by my home at lunch to check on the roofers progress (they called me with a few questions). Big job and hopefully they'll be done today or tomorrow. Then I just have to pay them. 


              QOTD:  Usual breakfast is a chocolate Slim Fast on the way out the door. If I have more time, a bowel of cereal or oatmeal (with homey).  Favorite is eggs Benedict with hash browns.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


              running under the BigSky



                QOTD:   a bowel of cereal or oatmeal

                must be using one of those fancy doctor spell checkers



                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                  must be using one of those fancy doctor spell checkers



                  Haha. Just trying to type like Queen, I guess.

                  And yes, it does have a medical dictionary attached. 

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  running under the BigSky


                    Haha. Just trying to type like Queen, I guess.

                    And yes, it does have a medical dictionary attached. 


                    be careful typing in “my pen is great”


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √





                      be careful typing in “my pen is great”


                      Unfortunately computers are needed because of this.

                      (Sad to say my writing is a lot like this. )

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                      Queen of Nothing


                        7.11 this morning.  Jordan took us on a loop that was half  trail and half pavement.  We did cross the suspension bridge and the morning was glowing over the creek below.  Very majestic.  The last mile or so was going through town up a hill, Jack starting dragging...I think all the pavement broke his spirit. 


                        QOTD:  Right now the normal is Greek yogurt on fruit.   Right now the fruit of choice is pineapple...I am on a pineapple kick.  Favorite sometimes just a simple fried egg over easy, hash browns  and rye bread toast...with a Mimosa of course. 


                        LB:  Never had grits...maybe try your recipe.


                        XT:  Love that you have a breakfast schedule! 


                        AT:  Hell I didn't even get it...had to re-read it a couple of times to see what Warden was pointing out. 


                        Warden:  How old are you, 12??!! 

                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                        running under the BigSky



                          Warden:  How old are you, 12??!! 


                          going on 13!


                          2024 goal 2024 miles

                          2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                          2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                          2021 goal- 2021 miles √


                            Man, I need to join some of you all for breakfast!


                            Lol "bowel of cereal".  There was something going around the internet a while back about bad website names.  "" (pen island) was one of them.  I think my sense of humor is a year or two below Warden's.


                            Queen, what suspension bridge are you talking about?  Sounds nice.


                            Ran 9 this morning.  Beautiful crisp clear sunny day, even the ocean was mellow.  You all probably don't want to hear that, sorry...


                            QOTD: usual breakfast is cereal, typically Cheerios, Special K, or Frosted Mini Wheats (or Safeway generics of same).  Favorite breakfast would be anything involving bacon and/or sausage.  Also breakfast breads (banana nut esp), muffins, and cinnamon rolls with a good cup of coffee or two.

                            6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                            7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                            9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR

                            Queen of Nothing


                              That's why I can relate to Warden. 


                              The bridge is on the outskirt of Nevada City.  It crosses the Wolf Creek.


                              Man, I need to join some of you all for breakfast!


                              Lol "bowel of cereal".  There was something going around the internet a while back about bad website names.  "" (pen island) was one of them.  I think my sense of humor is a year or two below Warden's.


                              Queen, what suspension bridge are you talking about?  Sounds nice.


                              Ran 9 this morning.  Beautiful crisp clear sunny day, even the ocean was mellow.  You all probably don't want to hear that, sorry...


                              QOTD: usual breakfast is cereal, typically Cheerios, Special K, or Frosted Mini Wheats (or Safeway generics of same).  Favorite breakfast would be anything involving bacon and/or sausage.  Also breakfast breads (banana nut esp), muffins, and cinnamon rolls with a good cup of coffee or two.

                               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                                Did 3 easy miles today.  Felt pretty sluggish.


                                qotd: Usually eat Greek yogurt with honey and some banana bread or similar.  Favorite is eggs over easy, bacon and an English muffin.

