Trailer Trash


How about a Monday? (Read 38 times)


    I may run 5 later today after work. I am not sure. My knee feels a little wonky.


    QOTD: What is the best advice you have had or given as a trail runner in the past 6 months?


    Something that comes to mind is what a guy told us at the pasta dinner before the Mt. Cheaha 50K last weekend. He admitted that he was not a strong runner and felt a little awkward giving information to a group, many of whom, were very good runners. Anyway, he said something that I already knew, but it really hit me like an epiphany. He reminded us that we were about to embark on a journey through some of the most beautiful terrain in the world, and we should take the time to enjoy our surroundings as we. He also warned us about some of the more technical portions of the course and warned that if you get hurt and can't finish, a lot of people who are slower than you will finish because they were more careful. Finish the race.


    That little talk just made me refocus on the things I do and why I do them. You never know when something simple, and pretty obvious, will do that.


    Occasional Runner

      I ate up 9 trail miles like a fat kid eats cake.


      QOTD: That's a tough one...Probably at Across the Years after 23 hours and 130 miles when my wife suggested I eat and rest for 45 minutes. I was definitely at a low point but didn't want to stop. After that short break, I felt like a new man.



        SRD today, but I did wake up early to run the snow blower around my driveway for a bit.  Only 5" so not anywhere near what sugnim's was dealing with.


        QOTD:  After a creek crossing, early in a race, a runner near me said he was surprise by how much sand was in his shoes.  I suggested he stop and take care of it and he waved me off by saying it was too early to stop.  I quoted some wise advice I had received and said "take care of the small problems BEFORE they become big problems".  He didn't, and after the race showed me his huge blisters.

        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


        flashlight and sidewalk

          Good Morning all you Trail People!


          Rest day for me.  Last week was ~35 miles running, almost 70 on the bike/rollers, and 1:12 working out otherwise.  I would like that running # to be closer to 50.


          QOTD: Not given as trail running advice, but interpretted as such:  Live in the present and enjoy the moment (something along those lines).


          **Ask me about streaking**



          running under the BigSky

            weight training this evening; the "weatherman" says we're supposed to get up to 41 degrees- I have to call bullshit; they've been consistently off on our predicted highs by 20+ degrees the entire last week (yesterday's high was forecast at 24, got up to a balmy 4)- this morning woke up to 0, just 41 degrees to reach our high- whatever they're smoking- I want some! Big grin


            qotd: the best advice I ever got, but took 2+ years to actually heed- listen to your body- easy to say, harder to do


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √


              Morning all,


              After finally recovering from a week of being sick (and not running for 5 consecutive days) I managed to PR in the 10k yesterday in 48:39 at the NERRC 10k, beating my old PR of 53:00 by over 4 minutes.  It was really hard, but rewarding since I never thought I could EVER run 7:50 pace for 6.2 miles. Some of my speedwork sessions this winter must actually be paying off.


              I'm pretty sore today and would like to get out for a few recovery miles be it's really cold and snowy here today.  Dammit I wish I owned a treadmill.

              QOTD: What mtwarden said, "Listen to your body." I've received and given this advice numerous times...especially to newer runners who want to follow an exact training plan to the T, making no exceptions. There's no coach or doctor out there who is more in tune with your body than you.



                QOTD:  After a creek crossing, early in a race, a runner near me said he was surprise by how much sand was in his shoes.  I suggested he stop and take care of it and he waved me off by saying it was too early to stop.  I quoted some wise advice I had received and said "take care of the small problems BEFORE they become big problems".  He didn't, and after the race showed me his huge blisters.


                That is a good one. It is very true. You really need to do that. Sand in your shoes can (does) act just like sand paper would on your feet. I guess there are all sorts of examples that would be similar.





                  qotd: Since I have been having a few niggles the past 4 weeks I have been reminded to "be patient".  I’m also helping a few friends who will be doing their first 50 miler in a few weeks. Been telling them to slow down, have fun and figure out what works for them as far as hydration and fueling are concerned. (I’m not worried about their training or abilities to do the 50 miles, they are both about 3 hour marathoners and doing more miles per week than I do.)



                    Mornin' all.  After several hours of shoveling this weekend (and some more this morning) I'm a bit sore.  Rest day today.  Orchestra rehearsal tonight.


                    QOTD: The best trail running advice I've received is to not lean forward when running uphill.  My back had always hurt after running steep inclines, and after I learned not to lean forward, I felt much better.


                    Faster Than Your Couch!

                      Heading out for a few miles on the ice. We didn't get any snow, in stark contrast to the forecasted 4 to 12 inches. LOL.


                      Yesterday's run in the snow was a bit more exhausting than planned. After the first two miles, things were great, and I really pushed hard through the deep, heavy snow, and it was fun. Alas, I paid the price on the last two miles, which were miserable, over slippery, packed snow, with a 400lbs gorilla's footprints right in the middle of the trail, and some eerie light which made depth perception practically zero.


                      After stumbling, slipping and tripping along, and almost faceplanting myself a quarter mile from the car, I decided to bag it for the day. Good choice, as it turned out later, when I struggled to lift my legs high enough to step into the shower...


                      Today, my legs are trashed, but I'll still make a few miles for recovery.


                      QOTD: "keep eating" in a 100-miler, especially throughout the night. That kept me going and saved me from more significant low points in the race. So as long as possible, keep eating. But still listen to your body - you still want to be able to run!

                      Run for fun.

                      Gator eye

                        Rest day. Although now I am a official mall walker now. I like to walk out my legs during lunch but it's been so cold I haven't got my walks in,today as I drove by the mall I though why not.

                        Even though I often thought of mall walking as the lowest form of exercise I found that people pay to walk on a treadmill and watch mall walkers though a plate glass window. I think I found rock bottom. LOL


                        QOTD: I got nothin.


                          Probably some sort of rest day since I was at the foot doctor this am and next steps are an MRI and perhaps an injection. Would generally prefer to gut ti out than deal with cortisone if there is no real damage.


                          QOTD: Not sure. I need lots of advice, though


                          Endless trails

                            Happy Monday, trailers.


                            My Saturday LR must have had an effect on my immune system bc I woke up Sunday feeling

                            lousy. I still tried to run, of course, but it was a mistake. I tried the trails and even with microspikes

                            it was a PITA so I gave up after 3 miles. I then went to a nearby spot to do loops and got a few more

                            miles in. Then, funny thing happened. I passed by a dude walkin, he said 'be careful there's a patch

                            of ice coming up', I thanked him then chuckled to myself (if you only knew what I typically run on).

                            Guess what happened next. SLAM!! right on an itty bitty section of ice. WTF. I did manage to finish

                            the week with 42 miles, pretty good for this time of year.


                            Gator: I wonder if it'd be okay to get a run in at the mall? That'd be a funny sight.


                            QOTD: Nothing comes to mind, although it wouldn't really matter bc I don't learn until I screw it up

                            royally anyway.


                              Even though I often thought of mall walking as the lowest form of exercise I found that people pay to walk on a treadmill and watch mall walkers though a plate glass window.


                              LOL.  One of my weekend early morning running routes goes by a YMCA that has a whole bunch of TMs and stationary bikes lined up facing out the window.  It always looks like the people are trapped in there.  Always temped to wave at them to come outside and run in the real world. I do think that it is good that they are doing something though.


                              For me, even when it is sweltering and 100% humidity down here I'd rather run outside.  Hang in there.



                                Had a good run yesterday except I started to feel some discomfort in my right Achilles.  Now this morning my right knee is slightly sore as well. Since it's cold I think I'll stay inside and spend some time on the bike trainer and maybe the elliptical.


                                QOTD: Since I'm fairly new to the trail running and always reading and looking for ideas I would be hard pressed to say what is the best advice I've received. Probably something along the lines of not worrying about time and focusing on finishing.
