Trailer Trash


Fishing from My Parking Lot Fridaily (Read 21 times)


Are we there, yet?

    Intervals!  12 x .25 miles.  For years I've been saying this is my favorite workout, but darn it all, it's brutal and i could barely muster a shuffle for my cool down.  I also think I really need the speed workouts to be able to maintain a pace that will keep me under the cutoff times.


    qotd:  by early summer I'd given up on making my goal of 1440 miles with 1100 looking more likely, but then I finally got the a-fib taken care of and all of a sudden I could run a lot easier and faster.  I just passed 1500 miles for the year yesterday.

     2024 Races:

          03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

          05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
          06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





    Le professeur de trail

      Intervals!  12 x .25 miles.  For years I've been saying this is my favorite workout, but darn it all, it's brutal and i could barely muster a shuffle for my cool down.  I also think I really need the speed workouts to be able to maintain a pace that will keep me under the cutoff times.


      qotd:  by early summer I'd given up on making my goal of 1440 miles with 1100 looking more likely, but then I finally got the a-fib taken care of and all of a sudden I could run a lot easier and faster.  I just passed 1500 miles for the year yesterday.


      That is awesome George! I hope you hit all of your goals in 2019!

      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




      running under the BigSky

        Sandy- I did see that; will probably pass on that one 


        well Tiny Elvis crossed the 1000 mile mark yesterday w/ 4.5 miles- he seemed fairly nonchalant for such a milestone Smile


        hit the gym this morning to strength train, got 3 miles in with Tiny E this afternoon- nice to work part time!


        on the topic of running vs walking- what a bunch of $hit!; I'd like take one of those pussies on one of my "walks"- perhaps bagging three peaks in a day most of it scrambling off trail or packing out 90-ish lbs of meat 12 miles uphill or a 19 mile snowshoe trip or maybe 35 miles across the Bob Marhsall through raging streams and snow choked passes- a good share of my "walk" miles are considerably tougher than any of my run miles- what a bunch of $hit! 


        qotd:: my goal is always 2000 trail miles, I never hit my goal- I get close, was over 1900 miles last year, a little over 1800 miles this year- it's all good



        2024 goal 2024 miles

        2023 goal 2023 miles  √

        2022 goal- 2022 miles √

        2021 goal- 2021 miles √




          Congratulations to Tiny E!
