Trailer Trash


A taxing Mondaily (Read 49 times)


    Happy tax day everyone.  I know it sucks... and it's a Monday.   Since I'm out of the country I get to file for an extension !!!!!  (Actually I already filed a while ago.)


    SRD for me today.  Had good weekend runs of 17 and 23 miles.  Then spent the day yesterday people watching up in Camden Town, it was the first nice day this spring and there were thousands of people out.  Even the eclectic folks up in Camden.


    qotd: refund or do you have to pay?


    I try to balance my W2 so there are no big surprises at tax time.  This year I'm getting a modest refund.


    Occasional Runner

      I woke up to snow this morning! This is getting old...


      Heading out for 6 miles and some circuit training at the gym.


      QOTD: Refund!


        Hi all!  rest day for me.  Might get in some cross training, but I'm not getting my hopes up as I'm getting ready for another trip.


        qotd:  small payment.  We also work to balance it out so a small refund or payment is typical.


          Morning folks! 9 muggy miles at the Busse woods preserve in Chicago. Feels good after spending all day yesterday traveling.


          Lace, I'll trade you the snow for the humidity.


          QOTD: I revise my withholdings each year. This year I got a whopping $4 back.


          Le professeur de trail

            Morning all.  I fell in love this morning.  I got a pair of Brooks Cascadia over the weekend.  The Salomon XR Mission just did not do it for me so they got to go.  But the Cascadia are awesome.  Combo of pavement, grass and trails and it felt like I transitioned well on all.  Ran a total of 6 miles.  I have a 50k this Saturday - wondering if I should chance running in the Cascadia's? I will run 1-2 more times in them this week to test them out.


            Sandy - great runs over the weekend!

            lace - more snow? crazy.


            QOTD: Refund.  Kids are good for something.  Hehe.  Kidding of course.  We have used some of our refund for upgrades to the house (a nice double oven), some painting and decor stuff to make the house better.  Hoping to maybe move by this time next year.


            Have a great day!

            My favorite day of the week is RUNday




            flashlight and sidewalk

              Good morning all...hope everyone had a nice weekend!


              I'm planning on doing an hour around the neighborhood.  My Garmin stopped communicating with the two computers I use so I returned it to REI...on the plus side, I'll get a new Garmin out of the deal...on the negative side, I have to wait until it gets shipped to me (none in stock).  I'll probably stick to routes I know so I can ballpark my mileage.


              I got a new toy this weekend (new to me anyways)...a road bike.  I will be using it for a couple of charity rides that are coming up this spring.  I took it out on my local 5k course...bicycling is easy!  I did the 5k course in about 10 minutes while screwing around trying to figure out how the shifters and gears work.  I can already feel my wallet getting lighter.


              Congrats to everyone who raced this weekend...sounds like there were some successful runs for a lot of people around these parts.


              QOTD: I received and spent my tax return already.  Nothing to write home about.


              **Ask me about streaking**



                Morning, all.  Probably 5-6 easy at lunch time today; still sore from my race on Saturday.  Mini-RR:  Race was a 17k, one loop of a three loop 50k race, the Traprock 50 in northern CT.  Loved the trail, very similar to what I run on regularly with lots of runnable, rolling single track, rocks and roots, and a couple of tough climbs.  Conditions were great, 50-ish degrees and pretty dry ground, and the organization and support were fantastic.  Leapfrogged with a couple of guys for most of the race, felt pretty in control the whole way and did a good job of walking and shifting paces when necessary, something I haven't been very good at.  Finished 6th out of 70, 8:00 pace, which I was happy about.  One takeaway was that if I ever do ultras, I'm not going to pick ones that are multiple loops - heading back out for a second or third loop would have been psychologically painful.


                QOTD:  Owe federal, state refund - it's a wash.


                Funny poster advertising the Traprock 50k:


                running under the BigSky

                  Morning all


                  ^ great poster- love it!


                  we got another inch or two of snow, so I think I'm going to break out the snowshoes for a 6 miler this afternoon- yesterday's run was on the bubble snow depth wise- I think this will put it over the bubble


                  qotd: refund- albeit not as nice as some years


                  2024 goal 2024 miles

                  2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                  2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                  2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  Faster Than Your Couch!

                    Good Morning,


                    Waiting for the late breakfast to settle, then heading out for a run. Planning on something around 10 miles.


                    Sandy: Sounds like a great weekend, and some good miles!


                    lace_up: No more snow! Don't jinx it...


                    traildc: I hate it when traveling gets in the way of running, but sometimes it can't be avoided.


                    Birdwell: Muggy sounds really good to me right now.


                    Jamie: New wheels, yay! I ran the Hyner last year in new Cascadias almost right out of the box, and it worked well. However, I had just sized up 1/2 size, not gotten a new model.


                    Jamezilla: Road bike - sweet!


                    DD2: Hope you'll recover quickly. I am dreading my first 100-miler which will be 3 loops - I'll need a good pacer to kick me out onto the third loop! (actually I'm planning on switching them halfway through the second loop, not at the start/finish).


                    Edit: Warden: snow shoes are probably easier than trying to run in that stuff - have fun!


                    QOTD: Refund, but all money already planned to be spent.

                    Run for fun.



                      Morning.  I got 2 small runs in this weekend.  Lungs are still not healed up and I'm done with the antibiotics.  I have a poor history with pneumonia, probably due to second hand smoke (father was heavy smoker).  I think I got 10 miles in for the week.


                      QOTD:  Taxes are sitting on my desk with a check to IRS.  No benefit in being in healthcare or being a business owner anymore.

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                        Morning all -

                        Spending the first bit of my AM watching Boston online while responding to work emails...


                        Got in a really nice 9 miles last night. Easy pace but felt pretty great the whole time. Tonight I'll head out for 6 or 7 after work. 


                        QOTD: Refund! 


                          No running for me over the weekend. Took advantage of the gorgeous weather yesterday to head out on the boat before work. It's sunny again today so I'll actually get to wear shorts on my run! I'm going to Colorado in a month to be in by best friends wedding and I'm going to be WHITE.


                          QOTD: I always do taxes right away. I wouldn't like not knowing. This year DBF and I both got modest returns which we put into the boat fund, which is now empty, but with a boat in its place!


                            Recovery spin of sorts on the bike ... boy that really helped after 50 miles Saturday Smile


                            QOTD: Refund (again, nothing to write home about)


                              I might get in some time on the elliptical this afternoon, hoping for an hour. Still trying to take it easy on the ankle.


                              Jame - I'd vote to wear them. The Cascadia's do well for me in that type of terrain. Last year DS ran with a pair that wsa almost fresh out of the box and had no problems.


                              Jamezilla - Congratulations on the new toy. As much as I love trail running if I had to choose between biking and running I would pick biking. And yes it can, and will, lighten your wallet.


                              AT - Pneumonia can suck. I have several friends who have had a really tough time with it over the past couple of years. One used to smoke, the others didn't and hadn't been exposed to a lot of bad stuff other then sick people in the medical field.



                              QOTD: I normally balance my withholding quite well. I don't like getting a refund, I look at that as a free loan to the government. But, this year we got a whopping refund. Between DS tuition and mine, we qualified for the maximum educational credits Big grin. It's just too bad that I have to transfer most of that money to pay off  his school loans Cry.