Trailer Trash


Red Sky Thursdailies (Read 21 times)



    This morning the sky was red...which reminded me of what I heard living along the east coast...Red sky at night, sailor's delight, red sky in morning, sailor take warning.  Tomorrow we have 100% chance of rain...was snow then wintery mix and now just snow.


    It was clear enough though so I finally saw Venus.  Pretty cool.  We can see Mars sometimes too.  Out here there is no light pollution so the skies are awash in stars if there is no cloud cover.


    Sandy best wishes for DW today.


    Mandy is it arthritis?  Does something like the meloxicam I'm taking help?  It's a prescription strength NSAID that some people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and some other thing affecting the joints take.


    I got 5 miles in last night on the TM...have 6 scheduled for today.


    QOTD:  Is there a part of your job that you dislike?  My boss gives us projects and is very vague about them...we work on them and along the way he changes the parameters so a couple week project ends up taking 2 months.  At least he doesn't micromanage.

      8 yesterday, 4.8 today.  No red skies here, although there’s more rain th one forecast for tomorrow, yay.  Here red skies usually means bad air quality.


      Sandy, hope all goes smoothly for your DW today.


      Bert-o, they let me keep posting here when I did a road marathon recently. Diversity is good!


      QOTD: I work for the federal gov’t, enough said. Trying times, although at least my agency is getting paid.

      6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

      7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

      9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


        Got almost 4 in last night on the treadmill. I chose to 'run' the Falmouth road race course, which is a nice distraction. I adjusted the TM for uphills and downhills so it wasn't a run on auto-pilot. We had the treadmill conversation last week-- there are instances, such as avoiding dark, windy and cold weather such as yesterday-- that I like the treadmill.


        qotd: NA but back in the day, it was working with a control freak/narcissist that still gives me nightmares.

        Queen of Nothing


          Plane was to get up and run...plan fall through; so that's a TURD right? 


          qotd:    I've been a supervisor waaaaayyyy tooooo long.  I am so tired of having to develop other people.  I just want to come to work and work on projects and be able to let someone else know THEIR member is not doing their job...please take care of it.  Right now we are dealing with a guy who refuses to come to work until we move his desk to a different location because he doesn't like where it is.  We said he could move but told him he needs to wait 2 weeks until his supervisor returns and now he pulls this shit.  This is a grown ass man acting like this! 


          Gatsby:    we use to have such beautiful pollution filled sunsets in SoCal.


          Sandy:  Good thoughts for your wife coming your way.

           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








            OMG Sue that's the number 1 reason I do NOT want to ever be management.  There's always one and I'd probably either be fired or thrown in jail for how I responded to stupid shit from a grown person.


            Thread killer ..

              I'm still doing the flu thing but I feel like I'm on the other side now , I have run about 2 miles .


              Mandy - it could be worth a try , riding horses is a very passive stretch of your hip joints . A walking horse moves your hips passively while you sit . I have horse friends in WI who could connect you with a place to try it .



              QOTD: My Boss . Right now I hate my husbands employer , the management changed and they have been getting rid of all the employees who have been there prior to the new management , my husband is one of them . He has to go to lunch with his boss today , he doesn't think he's getting the boot because they have been letting people go on Fridays .



                Looks like Lady's Day around here.  Speaking of that, haven't heard from FTYC or Moon in a while.


                Sandy - hope all is going / went well with your wife.


                Ran 6 on some snowy wet trails.  We had 2" of snow last night but ground is not frozen ye, so muddy and wet running. Feet were pretty cold by the time I was done.


                QOTD:  Govt. regulations for healthcare providers. A bunch of a-holes in DC think they know more than those providing the actual care.  Example, they mandated a few years back that we have to have electronic records, yet there is no standard system in use, so my system doesn't "talk" to another hospital or provider's system.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                Refurbished Hip

                  Mandy - it could be worth a try , riding horses is a very passive stretch of your hip joints . A walking horse moves your hips passively while you sit . I have horse friends in WI who could connect you with a place to try it .


                  Thanks, Valerie!  I'll let you know if I get to that point.


                  dhuffman, when they opened me up in 2014, they told me I didn't have any arthritis, but who knows if things have changed since then.  I will go back to the doctor if this continues to drag on through spring/summer.


                  QOTD: Most of it! 

                  Running is dumb.

                  Queen of Nothing


                    Yes I just went though that..I thought "The PORTAL"  was a government portal and my new doctor should be able to access it.  Nope.  They all have their own portal.


                      Example, they mandated a few years back that we have to have electronic records, yet there is no standard system in use, so my system doesn't "talk" to another hospital or provider's system.

                     05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                     08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                      Sort of cold and blustery here today. Actually not that cold, but constant howling high winds are making it feel that way. Not much on tap for today. Walked the Lady around the block (1 mile) and will hit the gym later for strength, stretching, and bike to nowhere.


                      QOTD: On-call rotation. We don't get much if any activity these days but it's still inconvenient.


                      AT/Queenie - The portal my family doctor uses is pretty good. At least my routine stuff is out there, and all the historical reports on MRI studies and such. I guess it depends on those 3rd party systems feeding their portal. Sometimes they are just fax reports. Sort of my line of work, the integration pieces. No way would you want a single government based portal!

                      In dog beers, I've only had one.


                        DW wanted a family portrait since we havn't had one in decades, or so it seems like. SO that's what we did this morning.  Just got off the trainer. Did 18 miles in a hour.


                        Now we are getting ready to go watch the pro rodeo. DW and DD have to pay. I get paid to watch it 'cause I'm special .  Just hope no one gets hurt so I don't have to actually work and can hang out with the cowgirls and there horses. Some cute horses there .



                          I'd probably either be fired or thrown in jail for how I responded to stupid shit from a grown person.


                        Ahhh,,, you sound like my type of person. Don't take crap off the idiots!!!!!


                        QOTD:  As a paramedic in the area that I currently work in I may be on a ambulance or a squad unit. If I'm on the squad I'll rendezvous with the BLS ambulances that need, or think they need, a paramedic to treat the patient.  Recently we have a few of the crews that are blithering idiots. Really makes my life stressful, like really, really stressful. So I'm hating that right now.  The flip side of that coin is that I really like running with the good crews. Always hate dealing with the idiots in management as well. 


                          Hi all, no run today.


                          DW’s Sugery went great. I just saw her for a few minutes in post-op. She’s doing great. She’s groggy and woozy but still making her doctor and nurses laugh.


                          Thanks for the kind thoughts and prayers.


                          qotd:  if I could cut down on the flood of emails I get each day it would be good.


                          QoN, where I work it’s very rare they let people go, but if someone pulled that crap they’d be gone.



                          running under the BigSky

                            5 miles with DW and Tiny E near Yellowstone, we’re staying at Chico Hot Springs and will get a little snowshoeing in at the Park tomorrow; it’s really tough soaking in the hot springs drinking a good local IPA 


                            qotd: nothing now that I’m working half time Smile


                            2024 goal 2024 miles

                            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                            2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                              Another day w/o a run.  I’m doing an “extreme taper” to borrow a phrase.


                              DW continues to rock her recovery and they sent her home from the hospital today. They said she was a model patient and worked really hard.  We couldn’t be more impressed with the way they took care of her and even how they kept me in-the-loop at every step.  Full disclosure, she was at Houston Methodist Hospital.  She’s still doing great and walked a half a mile this afternoon.  She said she felt a million times better once they took the chest drain out.  Now we have to wait for the biopsy, but either way it’s out.


                              qotd: starring role in “Sandy Male Nurse” this weekend...  wait, maybe that didn’t come out right. 
