Trailer Trash


The Thursdaily (Read 19 times)


    Morning trailers (or afternoon!)  Got in 6 hilly, icy and muddy miles in Rock Creek after a long, drawn out 'debate' with myself. I had this 6 mile route planned (a necessity in this park right now, due to trail closures and road construction), then lacked motivation. Tricked myself in getting out the door to run just anything and went my planned route. I did encounter  new 'trail closed due to severe erosion and dangerous conditions', but I uncharacteristically ignored it since I didn't want to backtrack. It was fine, but it did bother me to be one of those people in that the trail closure didn't apply to me.  A runner almost drowned in this park last week since she climbed over a rail guard to get a better picture and fell into the creek. In a storm, no one around. Luckily, someone did find her and was able to rescue her. And since the government shutdown, there aren't any park staff and emergency response was slow. She was very lucky to survive (and almost didn't).


    edited: Here's the link to the story


    Qotd: I could ask a question related to the above, but I won't. Instead: What was your most hated meal served you as a kid? Me, liver. Second runner up was a soup with liver meatballs. My mom is not the world's greatest cook and the liver was always fried to the texture of shoe leather. It was tough, chalky and had that terrible iron flavor. Lucky for me, this was my brittany spaniel's favorite dinner and I would slip him my liver piece by piece.


    I lost my rama

      runtrail - Yikes, that runner was very lucky indeed.  Glad you won the debate with yourself and got out the door.  Just getting the first step is often most of the battle.


      After a nice little 6 day and 50 mile run streak, it's time for a rest day today.  Good timing, since we're having heavy rains this morning.


      QOTD:  French toast.  Don't know why, because I like eggs and toast, but putting the two together made me gag as a kid.  To this day I won't eat it, even though I don't mind the taste at all now.  Runner up would be curry (cumin).  That crap would permeate everything on the plate.  Spent many hours at the dinner table trying to gag that crap down.  Now I really like curry.

      3/17 - NYC Half

      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



        QOTD: omg liver and onions, my two most hated items on any menu.  We had to stay at the table until we finished dinner so my brother and I get creative...we'd hid it in our milk, wrap it in napkins, anything to get rid of it.  Dog wasn't allowed in the dining room so that wasn't an option. My mom is German and everything else was great.  I don't care for any of the Hamburger Helper meals either since we were Air Force and back then they got paid once a month on the first so by the end of the month my mom was creative with meals.


        Glad that person ended up ok.  I've read those stories about people taking selfies and falling to their deaths, and I just can't fathom the reason a person would do that just for a picture.


        I got my 5 on the TM and will do some at the gym's track at lunch then home TM again to finish up 7 miles.  I'm glad you all can get out onto trails, I'm so looking forward to the Outlaw even if it might be cold.


          Six miles with the Lady last night out on the trails at Green Lane. A few icy patches to dodge but milder weather last night. Mid 40's. That meant a few mud patches as well but not too bad. Sort of slogged about as usual. Still feel like I am dodging/fighting a cold. Felt dead to the world yesterday after lunch so took a 30 minute power nap and then had the energy to get my run in later. I've been like that for almost 2 weeks now, but not every day.


          Very warm today (mid 50's) but raining. Might just do gym stuff at lunch but I believe it's drying out later.


          QOTD: Liver. It was a battle of wills whenever liver was served. Me, no I can't eat it. My dad, yes you will or you won't leave the table. Worst part about liver is I could always smell it cooking when I came home from school. You knew it was liver for dinner and it was gonna' be one of those struggles again. Eventually I could choke down a few pieces with ketchup and then I'd be excused. I think the liver deal ended by the time I was 11 or so. I wasn't forced to eat it anymore. My parents still love it. I took them to this local steakhouse place a few years back and when they saw liver and onions on the menu they ordered it. Then raved to the proprietor about how great it was. LOL.


          Runtrail - The local trail near me has a closed sign too. I've been thinking about ignoring it myself until I see some activity over there (tree maintenance). If that's the worst thing we do in life we are not too bad of people.

          In dog beers, I've only had one.


          running under the BigSky

            4 miles snowshoeing with Tiny Elvis yesterday; he doesn’t mind the snow, actually prefers it to hot weather- despite his half Chihuahua makeup 


            Saw some mule deer does/fawns on our loop- they look in great shape- plump, nice coats


            probabaly hit the gym today; working a couple of extra days this week- much to my chagrin!


            qotd: liver here too; I’ve tried to like it as an adult keeping the liver from deer/antelope/elk- it’s still a no go



            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            Queen of Nothing




              QOTD:  I can't remember but I am sure there was something.  I do remember my Mom would cut a slice of iceberg lettuce we had to eat and I hated it.  I hated all dressing back than.  I am sure if my Mom served liver I wouldn't eat it.


              Runtrail DC:  Many of my runs have no trespassing sign on them...I don't think they mean me...I think it is directed to criminals. 








              Thread killer ..

                Another for liver and creamed spinach , which always seemed to come together .  My mom would say if you eat that you can have pie and I would say, I don't want pie . I'm not sure some of us were force fed liver , it must have been the thing to feed children at that time.


                Are we there, yet?

                  5.2 miles in the rain


                  qotd:  I guess I'd go with liver also, but my mother overcooked everything, so there wasn't much I liked.

                   2024 Races:

                        03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                        05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                        06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                     But then I hear about someone needing rescue from a closed trail or area, endangering the lives of the rescuers. But probably like yours, I knew this section of trail and how to get out if it was really bad. But then, those people needing rescuing thought the same....  Unlike queen, I try to be a good citizen.



                    Runtrail - The local trail near me has a closed sign too. I've been thinking about ignoring it myself until I see some activity over there (tree maintenance). If that's the worst thing we do in life we are not too bad of people.


                      I'll do 3 or 4 after work today.


                      Wow, glad the woman is Ok. Lucky.



                      The un-written question:



                      The 'real' question:

                      My Mom used to make this tuna meatloaf stuff (not tuna noodle casserole, but some other mysterious thing), I absolutely hated it. Second was any kind of fish, she used to just heat it up without any breading or seasoning, just a hunk of fish. Hated that too.


                      I don't like liver, but my Mom never made it because she didn't like it either.


                      True story, one time my Dad made me eat peas, wouldn't let me leave the table until I had a few spoon fulls. I actually threw up at the table.  They never did that "you can't leave until you finish" thing after that.  Funny thing, I love peas now.




                        Heavy rain never let up so did 90 minuted on TM.  Stayed inside since I think I caught XT's cold. Maybe I should have eaten that liver and onions.


                        Closed signs on trails near me means "logging ahead".  Right now, however, some of the NP is closed off for the government shit shut down.  I don't cross those lines since park police are working and it's a $500 fine.  I've run on AT sections that are diverted and roped off.  They are usually for water damage, and only once did I have to turn around.


                        QOTD:  Mom was an adequate cook at best and we had the same rotating meal schedule.  Meat was always well done (Dad liked it that way) and LaChoy was her idea of Chinese food.  Liver and onions is #1 closely followed by shepherd's pie.  Her shepherd's pie had boxed potatoes,  well done ground beef (with no flavoring) and canned corn.  To this day, I hate canned corn. I'll eat 3 ears of corn on the cob,but can't have 1 spoon of canned corn.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                        Queen of Nothing


                          LaChoy  Chop Suey was my birthday meal when I was growing up . yum!!!



                          QOTD:  Mom was an adequate cook at best and we had the same rotating meal schedule.  Meat was always well done (Dad liked it that way) and LaChoy was her idea of Chinese food. 








                            LaChoy  Chop Suey was my birthday meal when I was growing up . yum!!!


                            AT and Queen, we had the LaChoy chop suey too!  I remember I wasn’t a big fan of it.
