Trailer Trash


the Thursdaily (Read 22 times)


I lost my rama

    Busy Thursday morning. 


    warden - Have fun on those skis.  Pretty soon you'll be putting them away for the season.


    Mandy - I think we're on the same path but going in opposite directions.  I started biking, then rock climbing, then endurance running.  I'll be sure to wave when we pass each other.  Sorry to hear about the running struggles, but you know what you need to do.


    AT - Nice pics!  Glad you got to enjoy some sunny days.


    dhuffman - Ironically, I have access to some great trail networks near my work in mid-Long Island.  Nobody would really think of it, but I'm not complaining, because I often have these trails mostly to myself, especially in the off-seasons.  Having said that, I also think it's good to train on pavement too (hope nobody else reads this, haha!).


    LB2 - Turd floater?  I just learned something new, other than a scope on a shotgun, which I can understand is good for spotting as well.  I also agree with XT in that a pic of your occasional running partner is warranted.


    Gatsby - I didn't realize there were turkeys (feathered kind) west of the Sierras, similar to poisonous snakes.  I'm jealous of the vert you guys get out there though.


    Sandy - Glad to hear you avoided the lightning.  Are you ready for Box of Rocks?


    Sue - I'm 12?  I will take that as a compliment. 


    QOTD - Haven't read the books or seen any of the shows.  Something tells me that I'm missing something.


    Got my 11 miler with 10 at marathon pace (~8:30 min/mi) done last night in some pretty wicked wind.  I'd like my MP to get closer to 8 min/mi, but I'll take just finishing 11 to be a win, since my running volume is pretty low right now.


    Getting my new lawnmower delivered to the cabin on Saturday.  Thank goodness I can drive around like a madman (or DW like a madwoman) instead of using a push mower for 3 hours every other weekend.  Getting old and/or lazy.


    3/17 - NYC Half

    4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

    6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

    8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours




      LB2 - Turd floater?  I just learned something new, other than a scope on a shotgun, which I can understand is good for spotting as well.  I also agree with XT in that a pic of your occasional running partner is warranted.






      1. That scope is not good for spotting. It has no magnification whatsoever.

      2. If you have a problem with that Cub Cadet throwing a belt, we may need to talk. I have an older model and had to do some tweaking to the pully system to get it to work right. I think they fixed the problem on later models.



      I lost my rama

        1. That scope is not good for spotting. It has no magnification whatsoever.

        2. If you have a problem with that Cub Cadet throwing a belt, we may need to talk. I have an older model and had to do some tweaking to the pully system to get it to work right. I think they fixed the problem on later models.


        Ah, I missed yesterday that you said there's no magnification.  Reminds me of my first deer rifle (30-40) had peep sights - way long ago.  Pretty damn accurate when you practice enough.


        Thanks for the info and offer to help on the Cub Cadet.  It's a new model, so I hope it doesn't have serious issues.  The nearest dealer is 30 miles away, so I may spend 3 hours repairing for a 1 hour mow.  In any case, just looking forward to having some fun on it for now.  I got one that has a 22 HP engine, since most of the land is on hills, and I can attach chains and a now plow if I want.

        3/17 - NYC Half

        4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

        6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

        8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours

        Gator eye

          Tim- that looks nice Smile


          dhuffman- I believe I live in one of the most trail rich towns in the US, dozens of trailheads within the city limits and you can link all kinds of trails to make a lot of different loops- you can easily link enough trails to make a 50 mile loop if you wanted.  On these local trails I don't usually carry too much,  just a handheld and maybe a windshirt tied around my waist.  If the route longer (or cold weather), I'll usually carry a small pack w/ water/food/little extra clothing/few emergency bits.



          I don’t believe you, I”ll be out the week of July 4th to find out for myself. 🧐


          still stuck at 6 most mornings and the temps are still stuck in the 20’s in the mornings. Hoping both will change soon


          QOTD: saw a commercial for game of thorns once, thats about as close as I ve come


          I have miles and miles of dirt roads at the end of my drive way. I can do a 30 mile circle and never hit pavement. This time of year the trails are usually smoother than the roads


            HD my whole post done and lost it! I don't have time to re type it...but I will share a quick story.


            As I rounded a bend yesterday on the trail at a creek crossing ...what do my eyes behold? A man, naked from the knees up ..thankfully with is back to me saggy ass in full view. I'm like "ahhh... hello!". He whips his pants up, we make small talk as I cross the creek.


            Not a sight I see often on my runs...fortunately

            January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k



               I don’t believe you, I”ll be out the week of July 4th to find out for myself. 🧐



              My 2 trips to MT show that over July 4th Glacier NP will be closed for either a fire or snow. 


              Still waiting to see that damn park.  Warden was nice enough to show his trails to us, and there were pretty spectacular. But for admission, he makes you throw a ball around the house for 3 hours to Tiny E.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                 AT, I’m doing my hundred at Pinckney in MI, same place as your pics maybe?



                Gatsby - This was Pinckney Island in SC.  It's a National Wildlife Refuge near Hilton Head Island.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 

                Queen of Nothing


                  Nothing..and not doing Pilates today because I hurt my lower back doing them Tuesday


                  QOTD: Neither.


                  Duffman:  A quarter mile out the door I have trails that lead me to a park that is full of trails.  Could easily do a 20 mile run without much repeat on the trails.  Get in the car and go 15 minutes and miles and miles of trails...go another hour in any direction and the sky is the limit.  Part of the criteria for moving here.  Long runs fill up the bladder based on hit, some type of food depending on what I have in the kitchen and a gu just in case I don't feel like eating.


                  XT:  I think LB isn't too consistent with running with his dog as we are.    I think...I could be wrong.


                  LB:  Running will help him shed the weight


                  AT:  I will have to see if my library has the DVD...


                  Gatsby:  Pretty sure Michigan doesn't have plam trees but than again I didn't go to So MI much. 


                  Sandy:  Very cool trail they are putting in for commuting.

                   05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                   08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                  running under the BigSky



                    I don’t believe you, I”ll be out the week of July 4th to find out for myself. 🧐




                    Gator- where are you going to be?  shoot me a pm if anywhere near Helena Smile


                    took the skis out, had to pack them on my back the first (and last) half mile as the trail is almost solid ice.  also had to creative with the route as it would go from lots of snow, to very little snow. Tiny E kept up with no problem, he's learning to get out of my way on downhills as I'm totally out of control! 




                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                    Faster Than Your Couch!

                      9.2 on the rail to trail, finally at almost my usual speed. I am so happy that I can "run" again!


                      Went to Best Buy after the run, still in my running attire, all sweaty, to get ink for my printer - I need to print pictures for a diorama for DS's school. Strangely, everyone kept at least ten feet distance from me?

                      But this ink is really expensive, and never lasts long in my household. Suggestions, anyone?


                      QOTD: Haven't read the books or seen the movie. I'm not in the mood for it, somehow. Maybe later one day...


                      dhuff: I have lots of trails available, a few right from my house (less than 1/2 mile of pavement), and lots and lots of miles from about a dozen spots within 5-15 min of driving (or 3 miles of running on the side of the road). We have a huge state forest with wild and natural areas, and some game lands around, and you can connect trails and run for many miles without any pavement or even gravel road, if you want to avoid that. Some trails have access to springs for water. There are also hundreds of miles of gravel roads available if you get tired of the rugged rocks-and-roots-trails.

                      Run for fun.

                      Queen of Nothing


                        Gator eye..not Gatsby


                        Gatsby- where are you going to be?  shoot me a pm if anywhere near Helena Smile







                         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                        Refurbished Hip

                          Mandy - I think we're on the same path but going in opposite directions.  I started biking, then rock climbing, then endurance running.  I'll be sure to wave when we pass each other.  Sorry to hear about the running struggles, but you know what you need to do.



                          I really hope your running fares better than mine!  I would never chose biking over running, but I don't get to make that choice right now.  At least climbing is always awesome.    Although I do "only" boulder.  Maybe one of these days I'll try the ropes if I wind up climbing with someone again.

                          Running is dumb.



                            You all with nearby trails are so lucky...when I retire, where the trails are will be criteria #1.


                            I lost my rama

                              You all with nearby trails are so lucky...when I retire, where the trails are will be criteria #1.


                              Hope you can make that sooner rather than later.  One of the advantages to trails I found, at least on the East Coast, is that trees help break up the wind, so you're not burdened so much by them.  OTOH - falling branches from the wind is another matter. 


                              Mandy - I used to boulder quite a bit as well when I didn't have any climbing partner.  Be careful though, as it led me to free soloing. 


                              warden - What the heck are those depressions to the right of your ski depressions?  If made by a critter, definitely something much larger than Tiny-E.


                              FTYC - Wish I could help on the printer ink issue.  I'm now convinced manufacturers are selling $100 printers (or just giving them away) to make all the money on the ink we have to buy.  *ugh*

                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


                                Walked 4 miles with DW. We've been pushing the pace on the walking lately, at least for two old fogies . I was going to go to the gym when she went to Weight Watchers but the weather is too nice so I'm getting the tractor ready to mow.  Planning on weight lifting later tonight. Starting to feel soft again.


                                My bike build is going far too slow. Ordered some wrong parts so now I'll have to wait for the right stuff to come.




                                Dreamer - saw this today and I thought of you. 



                                Yep, that fits me to a T,  Now if I could just get DW to let me rock a beard like that .


                                Bert-o - About Montour 24.  If that ever comes back we really have to discuss getting a team together to do the relay version.


                                LB2 - Your dog sounds like my last one.  HE loved me until he saw me with a gun.  He hated those things.  Thunderstorms as well.


                                QOTD:  The only reason I even know anything about G.O.T. is because I read about it on the investment forums when I'm following AT&T stock.


                                QOTD2:  Lots of great road riding and running right out my door. Gotta drive 8 miles for some really sucky trails, 22 miles for some semi decent and about 35 miles for the good stuff.
