Trailer Trash


The Thursdaily (11/29) (Read 311 times)

    Is it cool if I join too?  I don't get to do too much trail running because of my location/time of running but I love to get out there when I can. 


    I'm in taper-mode for a marathon on 12/8 and I did 5 easy miles on the bike path this morning.  While I was running, I was contemplating my winter/spring 2013 and I've got my sights set on an 8 hour trail race in February. 


    QOTD - Like runtraildc, I prefer to convince others to run races with me while we are drinking together.  Last year, I convinced a friend to run her first marathon and this year, I think I've almost convinced the same friend to try her first 50K.  A few more drinking sessions, I think I'll have her!

    Wandering Wally

      Howdy all!


      6.2 miles last evening under a bright moon.  It was bright enough to wash out my headlamp.  Cool!


      QOTD - No.

      Run!  Just Run!


      Trail Runner Nation Podcast

      Endurance Guy

      Pain cave junkie

        Hi folks!


        Easy 3 miles last night in the rain.  The trails were perfectly tacky and made for a nice run.  Got attacked by a huge white owl and yes hey are really loud and pissy up close.  Today is a 45 minute mtn bike ride in zone one. 


        Be well,




        Endless trails

          Is it cool if I join too?  I don't get to do too much trail running because of my location/time of running but I love to get out there when I can. 


          I'm in taper-mode for a marathon on 12/8 and I did 5 easy miles on the bike path this morning.  While I was running, I was contemplating my winter/spring 2013 and I've got my sights set on an 8 hour trail race in February. 


          QOTD - Like runtraildc, I prefer to convince others to run races with me while we are drinking together.  Last year, I convinced a friend to run her first marathon and this year, I think I've almost convinced the same friend to try her first 50K.  A few more drinking sessions, I think I'll have her!


          Cool avatar pic, is that New England? 

            Cool avatar pic, is that New England? 


            Thanks!  That pic was actually taken during the Stone Mill 50 in 2011 (Maryland).  Great race!

            Queen of Nothing


              Got outside and did 4.5 which is ok but in my mind I always feel I should do at least 6. But running before work it's either requires me to either get out of bed or settle for what time I have left.  I felt like JohnM at one point running in the evergreens, it was wet, and foggy.


              QOTD:  Yes to signing up while impaired, no to regreting.


              TrailTromper:  You always seemed like such a nice guy, but this picture of you is SCARY!!!

              Jame:  Bummer on the feet.

              NOrthern:  I don't recommend speed work.  Takes the fun out of running.   

              Mandy:  Happy for you.

              steph6565:  Your lucky to have running, ummm run in the family.

              Jonferg:  DH is in antiques and he brought home a massager that is awesome!!!!  I need to post a picture one day because it's so cute.  Even if I just lay it on my legs it feels great. 

              PopcornFrog:  Yes totally cool if you join.

              Hey Mikey:  I like it!!

              Endurance Guy:  Pretty cool on the owls.  I have an old dog I have to take out in middle of the night.  The other night I heard owls whoing each other....awesome.











                Lace, I signed up for my first ultra a 50K last year while intoxicated....woke up with a hangover and a message on my putor' that said that I had been confirmed.


                I was pretty friggen happy that I did'nt check the 50M box for my first forway beyond the 26.2


                Oh and 7 this morning 3.5 uphill against the wind and 3.5 downhill with the wind

                  Last night I had to close up at work, so I had a 30 minute delay to the shoe store fun run. 


                  I changed into my running clothes at the Shoe store, and went out at 6:00 the dark...and I'd forgotten my headlamp.  So I was running Jedi style through the streets of Santa Rosa.  Most stretches still had streetlight but on others, every step was a surprise.  I finished 20 minutes behind everyone else, but the folks still there told me where the post run beer and meal was going to be...3rd street Aleworks. 


                  I had an Octoberfest Marzen and a Hop Therapy Session IPA along with Pesto Fettuccine and grilled Salmon. 



                  I've never entered any races because I was intoxicated or impaired.  I have gone for training runs under the influence of alcohol, but never a race...




                    I hit the dreadmill this morning before my Unit PT and put in an easy 3.5 miles. Then we did "Fight Gone Bad" crossfit workout for PT, which beat me down in a good way. My legs are back to normal from my sickness but I still have some lingering chest congestion. I plan on hitting about a 6 miler tomorrow after work. I hope the snow comes back cause that will make it more fun!


                    QOTD - No. I do drink but have never signed up drunk.


                    Faster Than Your Couch!

                      Thanks!  That pic was actually taken during the Stone Mill 50 in 2011 (Maryland).  Great race!




                      I also did the Stone Mill, I enjoyed it very much. Those trails were very easy to run, awesome!

                      Run for fun.


                      Le professeur de trail

                        Thanks!  That pic was actually taken during the Stone Mill 50 in 2011 (Maryland).  Great race!

                          I totally have that same pic (of me not you) jumping over that creek - also in 2011.  Yes was a nice race - especially the bonus miles!


                        And welcome!

                        My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                          6.9 in an hour at lunch at an easy pace.  


                          QOTD:  not yet.  I've been pretty sober during all of my sign ups.

                          1/8/22 - Frosty 50k - 5:21:19 (strava)

                          3/26/22 - Blackbeard's Revenge 100 - 27:27:06 (strava)

                          9/30/22 - Yeti 100 - Abingdon, VA - 25:46:01 (strava)

                          4/1/23 - Umstead 100 - Raleigh, NC


                          Old , Ugly and slow

                            What is the other trail group here called and how do you find it.

                            first race sept 1977 last race sept 2007


                            2019  goals   1000  miles  , 190 pounds , deadlift 400 touch my toes


                              03/23/13: Clinton Lake 10 miler

                              04/07/13: Chicago's Shamrock Shuffle 8k

                              05/11/13: DWD Gnaw Bone 50k

                                Afternoon TT'ers!  Just got back from an easy 9.5.  Was dreading it somewhat since it was raining, but it miraculously cleared up as I stepped out the door; HUZZAH!


                                AT-runner -- I got the same sensation when I started running in Hokas; freaky, huh?


                                Has anyone else started using the RA training log?  Pretty nifty.  I had just been using Garmin Connect, but had no way of keeping track of my shoe mileage other than an Excel spreadsheet.  It was really easy to upload everything; I'm definitely going to like it here!


                                qotd: although I'm sure I've been inebriated while signing up for races, I don't regret any of them.  Well, perhaps there's one: it was when I upgraded to the 100 for Rocky Raccoon from the 50.  Given my DNF, I kinda wish I had stuck with the 50. Oh well; I'm heading back in February to get that buckle!
