Trailer Trash


Wet Wednesdailies (Read 20 times)


    Wow...busy here today. I posted on Tuesday...guess I forgot my was that unremarkable.


    Mandy...96? You keep that in your side I Lake Michigan! No run for the relay on Saturday. I thi,k I will run a grand total of 13something over two legs. It is supposed to be 87...despite the fact it is up North. I am hoping it goes all right. Team events are something I prefer to avoid. I don't know why I said yes.

    January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


      Thanks AT.  The test run went ok, was kinda crudy at first but then it warmed up and I hardly felt it (typical description of PF I guess).  Anyway I'm gonna go ahead with the plan and baby-it through (I'll also be carrying KT tape, an Ace bandage, and some Tylenol). Driving up (about a 3.5 to 4 hr drive) to the race tomorrow (Fri), should be a nice area plus registration and other stuff is late afternoon early evening tomorrow, then the run starts 6am on Saturday.


      Sandy - hope "shake out" run went well.  Good luck this weekend. 


      qotd: Down when I can, but AC is also good (at home it's a must like LB2 says.)



        Thanks AT.  The test run went ok, was kinda crudy at first but then it warmed up and I hardly felt it (typical description of PF I guess).  Anyway I'm gonna go ahead with the plan and baby-it through (I'll also be carrying KT tape, an Ace bandage, and some Tylenol). Driving up (about a 3.5 to 4 hr drive) to the race tomorrow (Fri), should be a nice area plus registration and other stuff is late afternoon early evening tomorrow, then the run starts 6am on Saturday.




        I am a huge advocate of KT Tape for PF. I know some people sort of scoff at it, but it worked wonders when I had PF. I was able to keep running pain free, and after a few weeks, I was able to take it off and never had another problem. During that time, I started working on shortening my stride and got into a lower drop shoe. I keep the stuff around most of the time. I need to pick up a roll. I hand it out like candy when others need it.



          Thanks Burke, maybe I'll do a little preemptive taping!!!

