Trailer Trash


Thawless Thursdaily (Read 43 times)


    Morning all!


    I got in 10.1 miles and ~2300 ft elev gain up and down the La Luz trail last night with the dog. Felt tired but ended up with a decent time. Now my calf is super tight, seems to happen when my mileage starts getting up there, guess I'll have to get it stretched out. Have 8 planned for tonight.


    QOTD: I am training for Cedro Peak 45k coming up in few weeks. My main focus race for the year will be Speedgoat 50k in July, I'm pretty excited about that one!

      TT: Your runs are getting longer. Spring fever?

      Maybe partially.  I planned to ramp up my mileage a bit any way but lately have felt like going longer than I planned,  I think that easing into retirement has been a factor.


      If I could just get over my sensitivity to high altitudes!

      Yeah that can be tough.  I am a bit concerned about that for my upcoming JMT hike after having to bail on a Colorado Rockies bike tour last year with what I believe was HAPE.  I plan to drive out a couple weeks early for the JMT and gradually get well acclimated before the hike.


      Tallahassee, Florida


      Refurbished Hip

        Moose MT is beautiful. I've done it a couple times along with twice doing the 50k in the spring. Mandy has a nice writeup if it's still around on her time doing it over at RW.


        DC -- you should definitely run Moose Mountain Marathon.  Love the trail, love the race, love the whole area up there.  I'd like to run the 50 miler at some point, but not this year.


        Running is dumb.


          Now to get your trail fix while up there just take a turn to the west off the Gunflint onto the Kekekabic and have a family member pick you up in Ely. Smile

          Haven't you read "Lost in the Wild: Danger and Survival in the North Woods" ?  Stepping into the BWCA woods is not recommended, especially on unpaved, unmaintained trails?  Big grin.  Actually, I've passed Kekekabic many times, but have opted for other trails.   Maybe this spring trip-- thanks for the reminder. 



          DC -- you should definitely run Moose Mountain Marathon.  Love the trail, love the race, love the whole area up there.  I'd like to run the 50 miler at some point, but not this year.


          thanks, MM-- I'm hoping a work conference that I attend each year will be in the region-- it's at the same time.  Helps justify another trip  Smile

          It's a tough trail/race so I don't know if I'd be up for the 50.  Maybe....

            Trail tromper, I was in Independence for the 2010 Fourth of July and saw a number of JMT thru hikers come into town for the Festivities.  If you can spare a day and the timing works out, it is a cool piece of Americana complete with pit BBQ, parade, fun run, and big fireworks show.


            Last night I shortened up my easy recovery run to 3 miles and found at the end I was glad.  Went downtown for a seafood taco and a couple of beers... We drank the beers outside but got cold and ate inside.  It is definitely spring in North Bay Area of CA.  This was from a friend in Jackson Hole...



            As for big trips, this summer's Wind River Mountains trip in July , and what I hope will be a return trip with a deer and antelope tag in the Fall are my "Events".  Anything with a bib number is just a mid-range goal....




              Haven't you read "Lost in the Wild: Danger and Survival in the North Woods" ?  Stepping into the BWCA woods is not recommended, especially on unpaved, unmaintained trails?  Big grin.  Actually, I've passed Kekekabic many times, but have opted for other trails.   Maybe this spring trip-- thanks for the reminder. 


              thanks, MM-- I'm hoping a work conference that I attend each year will be in the region-- it's at the same time.  Helps justify another trip  Smile

              It's a tough trail/race so I don't know if I'd be up for the 50.  Maybe....


              I think I did read that one. Is that the book that chronicles two lost adventures up there at the same time? The canoeist guide that bonked his head and the greenhorn backpacker that was pretty lucky to survive. If I'm thinking of the same book it was a good read mainly because of my interest in the area. Too lazy right now to look it up.


              That backpacker reminds of a canoeist I bumped into up in the region west of Red Lake Ontario on a solo trip one year. Much, much wilder country than the Quetico/BWCA area and no people. This was his first canoe trip of any kind, let alone a solo trip and when he spotted me he wanted to stick with me like a shadow. The weather was miserable and this guy was in way over his head, practically in tears. In a way I admired his gumption for taking on a big adventure but he really should have started his tripping in the BWCA to gain some knowledge and confidence. Hope he made it out. Wink  (Darwin)


              flashlight and sidewalk

                I'm thinking 4 nice and easy miles this evening.  I have officially cleared myself to begin (patiently) building back my mileage.


                QOTD: I'm signed up for a 10 miler  on the first weekend of April called Lost Brook Trail Race, which is local to me (so I couldn't turn it down).  I'm trying to build back enough that I can do the Ironmaster's Challenge 50k in AT-runner's neck of the woods...that one is the last weekend in April.  My gameplan is to take off the fall race season and try to get a nice long stretch of quality training in.  I kinda feel like I need to start over and build a better/bigger base.


                PS: I think I want to check out the Oil Creek 100.  I've never been to a 100 mile race, so I guess volounteering or just watching would be a good first step into considering thinking about one day contemplating undertaking such a thing?


                **Ask me about streaking**



                  I ran another great 11-12 miles in the snow yesterday and added in some really good hill work. Not sure today, but probably something shorter/easier.


                  QOTD: I'm signed up for a marathon at the beginning of August. It's the first ever local marathon! It has "trail" in the title, but in reality it will only be about 8-10 miles of trail. But I already know the trail portion inside and out(its right behind my house). I keep telling myself I need to run the road portion at least a few times to know what I'm getting myself into, but it's so much easier to hit the trails.

                    SRD for me today, hope I have time to hit the gym after work.


                    runtraildc, hope that piriformis feels better (mine gets angry too and is a real pain in the butt) yoga definitely helps.


                    QOTD Planning a long weekend with my  girlfriend in Philadelphia for the dirty German 25K in a few weeks.  It's  my first trail race but get excited!


                    Run Muppy - I'll be there for the 50k! I've heard it's a really good race, and easier by trail/ultra standards. I'm sure it will still be quite difficult for me though, as it will be my first 50k as well. I also struggle with piriformis issues, and find yoga and foam rolling to help out a ton. Good luck, and maybe I'll see you there!



                      I think I did read that one. Is that the book that chronicles two lost adventures up there at the same time? The canoeist guide that bonked his head and the greenhorn backpacker that was pretty lucky to survive. If I'm thinking of the same book it was a good read mainly because of my interest in the area. Too lazy right now to look it up.

                      yes, that's the one.  And you summarized it exactly.


                      Faster Than Your Couch!

                        Got a nice run in, 9.5 miles in icy snow. It was nice, though. The hardest part was the last few miles on a more frequented trail, where there were many deep tracks (footprints, pawprints from dogs), all iced up, so it made for some nice, uneven footing. On that section, I started to hate other people because they all ruin the trail for me!! Angry

                        Hope it will thaw up soon and disappear, but with temps in the lower 20's and some wind, this is unlikely, and the weather is not going to change in the next few days. Scratch my previous post, it's clearly still WINTER!


                        Jamezilla: Volunteering at an event is the first step to doing it - and it has quite some addictive power!

                        Run for fun.


                          I'll take LadyB out to the rail trail tonight for 8.5 miles, but can someone please tell spring to get on with it already. We had a tease 2 weeks ago but it's gone.


                          QOTD: I am signed up for the Laurel Highland's Ultra (70.5). My training hasn't been what I've hoped for but I still have a bit more than 2 months. Also am planning on the SweetwaterH20 50k, and a volunteer stint at MMT.

                          In dog beers, I've only had one.


                            Hot day out here today so stayed in the gym for lunch and did some stairs and weight work out will probably get 7 or 8 miles later tonight.


                            QOTD: Going up Mt. Whitney in early August and have a 50 miler next month, I hope to use the 50 miler as a qualifying run for the AC 100 next year.


                              Ended up with 12.5 miles on the mountain. The road was a mix of mud, crusty snow and ice. The trails had 6-8 inches of snow with a thin crust on top and wet underneath. Totally impossible to run any of the uphill's. Still it was fun and I probably got in a workout equivalent to a 16-18 miler. Other then some Coyote tracks nothing else had touched the trails. It's about time spring shows up. I have a 1/2 marathon planned for the last Saturday of the month and I don't really want to do that in snow.
