Trailer Trash


still thawing Thursdaily (Read 44 times)

Irish Luck

    I have been sick for the last 8 days, so no running (well, with the exception of the 15K I raced in on Saturday). I think it was a bad move, but live and learn. Turns out I have an ear infection and a sinus infection.  Hope to be well enough by Saturday to try out two new local, small trail races--both are 5Ks, but it'll give us a chance to learn the trails of two parks nearby that we have never been to.


    QOTD: No, never forgot to register for a race.  The mister and I are OCD, so we have a spreadsheet with registration dates, price upticks, and distances.  I've had dreams where friends have made me late for a race and/or prevented me from running a race, but that's about it.

    BT survivor since 2003. Trail runner since 2009.

    I think brain surgery stimulated my running nerve and made me into a trail runner. I'm grateful for both.


    flashlight and sidewalk

      Beautiful 5.5 mile run for me this afternoon.  I snuck out of work a little early to enjoy the day and was rewarded.  Early in the run I saw 2 deer, then a bald eagle for the first time in my life (in the wild) which was awesome.  Late in the run I caught up to a group of 2 guys and a girl who were running and pretty heavily geared up.  Turns out they were doing a 25 mi. run on the Long Path.  All in all, some really nice distractions to my usual run.


      QOTD:  If I consider doing a race, I mark my calendar for the day I want to register and the day of the race.


      **Ask me about streaking**


      Queen of Nothing


        Hi still here and got my mojo back.  Ran 5 this am in the rain.

        QOTD: No








          SRD today.


          qotd:  No, but +1 to lace_up.  LOL.

