Trailer Trash


The Tuesday (Read 18 times)


    Feels like Monday since everything was closed down yesterday due to the storm, even the non-furloughed parts of the government. That meant I snow-slush hiked 3 miles before meeting DH and DS at the local dive bar for half price hamburger night. 5:15 pm on a monday, it was packed. Really delicious hamburgers and a very good beer selection.


    qotd: Based on DHuff's thinking yesterday, what is the hottest and coldest runs you've done and where?  Hottest is a tie between Exuma island in the Bahamas and any summer day in DC. Usually 91-93 is the tops for me. And the bahamian run stands out as a particularly gruesome run as the humidity was at 100% and it was in direct sun for the full 5 miles. Coldest-- minus 5 in MN with a wind.


      I had a good run last night, even if it was just about 4 miles. Took the Lady out to Coventry Woods and we did sort of an 'S-shaped' out/back up to the ridge, along the ridge for 1/2 mile, and then turned around and went back the same way. A pleasant chilly evening and while the snow here in exposed places is mostly gone, the woods and trail were still coated. There was a spectacular sunset up on the ridge last night, which is one of the reasons I turned around, so I could enjoy it more on the way down. A nice crimson glow on the trees and the snow.


      I will run something similar today, late in the day into the sunset.


      QOTD: I always think of Chilly Cheeks race one year and frozen french creek run as my coldest. They were about 0 degrees plus or minus. I am sure I've been out there in colder wind chills, maybe even temps but those 2 runs resonate with me. Hottest, I am not sure I've run over 100 degrees. 95+ evening runs I've done quite often. Racewise if I recall one year the double trouble 30k and half wit half were both under those temps by the finish. But back in my real training days I recall going over to the local track for intervals on some very hot summer evenings, where the car temp pushed 100+. I never minded those track workouts at all. Sort of enjoyed them to be honest.

      In dog beers, I've only had one.


        An easy 5 miler is planned for today after work.


        qotd: Coldest was about a -5 deg F, dark, snowy, windy February morning in Oslo and the hottest was about 106 deg humid August evening in Houston.  I much preferred the Oslo run.



          No run today. I am waiting one more day to make sure the clot in from the tooth extraction holds.


          QOTD: coldest run, when I ran the Frozen Otter it was below zero with a wind. Warmest run, probably high 90's with 80+ humidity. After I lost 100 pounds I was much more heat tolerant!

          January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


          running under the BigSky

            3-ish chilly miles with my wife and Tiny E yesterday


            plan is to get out after work for 3-5 miles


            qotd: hottest was a couple of years back Elkhorn 50k, record setting heat even in the mountains, mid 90’s- possibly upper?  I got crushed by the heat, DNF’d and to add to the misery, had to walk 7 miles out giving me about 26 miles Sad  coldest, I’ve run several times when the mercury dipped below 0, if it’s that cold generally I’m on the treadmill, but not always Smile


            2024 goal 2024 miles

            2023 goal 2023 miles  √

            2022 goal- 2022 miles √

            2021 goal- 2021 miles √


            Queen of Nothing


              Last night came home and planned on making a healthy vegetable soup, but first a glass of wine.  Then I just felt tired  and sore from the back to back runs.  So I buttered some bread and ate it followed by the remaining Cherry Garcia in the fridge .  Did end of making the soup so I would have something hot for lunch.  SRD.


              QOTD:  My cold is nothing compared to what some of you have done.  I use to run around noon in SoCal in temps hitting close to 100 on pavement.

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                About to head over to the indoor track for a noon run. I hate cold weather running, although (segueing into QOTD) I have run in below zero weather.


                I started running in the tropics and ran in Belize every summer for a decade in addition to hot summer runs in Maldives, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, Fiji, and a probably others. I love running in the tropics. I lived and ran in Oklahoma and Arkansas for many years where it is both hotter and more humid than here in Penn. I will say, people in PA and Wash DC complain more about the heat and humidity than any place I've ever lived. They say "it's the humidity", but it's not that humid compared to the south, you can look up the dew points. I guess it's expectations. In the south you don't expect to be outside for more than a few seconds between A/C during the middle of a summer day. My brother lives in south Texas and last summer it was 116 one day and the next day was 107 ... and raining!


                My first race was a noon 5k in Arkansas when it was 104 degrees. My first marathon was 95 degrees in Denver (yes it does get 95 in Denver. Aug 18, 2001, look it up). Not such good luck with races but I have hit a couple that were perfect (Ironmasters 50k last year).

                  Queen — wine, bread, and ice cream is my kind of dinner!


                  4.3 easy miles with morning drizzle and skunks.


                  Although I’m not furloughed, apparently my work computer is.   Waiting for some IT help.


                  QOTD: I’ve run in Antarctica but it wasn’t as cold as some of the temps you’re reporting!  Hottest would probably be mid 90s, saw that at TRT last year, Chicago Marathon a few years ago, and possibly elsewhere too.

                  6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

                  7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

                  9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR



                    4.3 easy miles with morning drizzle and skunks.


                    Funny, I forgot to mention the other day, I came thisclose to stepping on a skunk.  It was before sunrise and I had a handheld light because I was heading for the trail and it gets dark in some places along the sidewalk I was running on. At a particularly dark point on the sidewalk for some reason I decided to turn on the light and a foot in front of me was a skunk plodding along. I just about stepped on the thing. Needless to say I stopped short, and only then smelled it.  It was cute but had it's tail up, luckily it didn't spray me.  It went off into a yard and next to a house.



                      Exactly this. I used to travel to TX and AZ in the summer for work and noticed very few people outdoors, and we always ran from car to doorways. It was hard, IMO.  I expect and WANT to be outside, any time of the day, in the summer (or winter). For that reason, I think DC is too far south for me. And I realize that a lot of people feel about cold in exactly the same way too. Minimize exposure.


                      . I will say, people in PA and Wash DC complain more about the heat and humidity than any place I've ever lived. They say "it's the humidity", but it's not that humid compared to the south, you can look up the dew points. I guess it's expectations. In the south you don't expect to be outside for more than a few seconds between A/C during the middle of a summer day



                        Crappy busy day, so just getting a chance to run on the treadmill.  Started with a visit to Dentist for a cleaning, and that's the highlight of my day, so yes, that bad of a day.  I'll do some intervals to keep entertained.  Maybe take DW out for Wing Night to try and salvage some fun.


                        Bert - did you go see them blow up the old section of the Tappan Zee bridge today?  Also 10 year anniversary of Capt. Sully landing the plane on the Hudson.


                        QOTD:  Ran Chilly Cheeks that year with XT, damn that was cold and windy.  Hottest is probably a run I did in SC on vacation with upper 90's and high humidity.  The hottest I ever felt during a race was in the NYC marathon (probably low 90's at the most but at race pace, felt worse).  I remember one second I was running and then my body just started walking. I never said "oh, time to walk", I just shut down.  On a side note, best Margaritas I ever had were that night.

                        “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                          I'm sitting here delaying cleaning up the living room carpet where one of my beloved springers peed while I was away at the salt mines today. Grrr! It's the retarded one that we rescued 2-3 years ago and while our hearts were in the right place well....I've never had any issues with my dogs I raised from puppyhood.  Rest day here from running but some weights, core, and a little time on the elliptical later. Tempo work tomorrow, which I really enjoy. Entered another snowshoe race in Phillips for the 26th. Done this one 2x before and it's a nice one.


                          QOTD--Hottest were a couple runs just tickling 100F. Don't deal well with heat and humidity so I really have no idea what I was thinking. Coldest- there have been several runs(if you can call them that) with the temps in the minus 10-15F. These days I try to set my limit at -5F if it's not too breezy. I'd rather run in the bitter cold though than excessive heat and humidity. Try to wear my most cushioned shoes as the freezing temps just solidify the midsoles making them a bit hard.    I remember some late Dec. bowhunting with below zero temps and after sitting there a bit not being able to pull my bow to full draw and thinking if I tried too hard it may just shatter in my hands. Good times!


                          Thread killer ..

                            Had some dental work done and it's snowing , so no run for me today .


                            QOTD:  I have run when it's 0°F and 105°F , right out my front gate . We are high desert 5,200' and get a big range . It's a dry heat here and usually feels about 10 less than it is , 100° isn't that bad . I did a 50m in San Jose that was exposed on pavement in August , I'm not sure how hot it was , over 100° and it was awful.


                            I lost my rama


                              Bert - did you go see them blow up the old section of the Tappan Zee bridge today?  Also 10 year anniversary of Capt. Sully landing the plane on the Hudson.



                              No, I didn't see the bridge get blown up.  They had to delay it a bit due to high winds.  Lots of folks were planning to see it over the weekend.


                              I remember the plane landing on the Hudson very well.  I had to drive down the West Side Highway that evening, passing all the emergency vehicles.  It was surreal to be a stone's throw away from where the plane landed just a few hours earlier.


                              QOTD:  I don't get affected by heat so much as the humidity (or dew point).  Also in the cold, both humidity and wind really get to me.  When the man-bits freeze, then it's COLD... I don't care what the thermometer says.


                              Got 8+ in this evening.  There was enough ambient light that I didn't use my headlamp.  Strange how you feel like you're running faster than you actually are in the dark.

                              3/17 - NYC Half

                              4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

                              6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

                              8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours



                                QOTD: Cold I think the coldest start was 30 at the Angry Jack 25k in MO in Dec.  Warmest was the same course in June at the Angry Bull 50k..which I set my 50k PR on.  I prefer warm to cold as the heat doesn't bother me as much.  When I'm cold it feels as if my muscles lock up and I can do nothing but shiver.
