Trailer Trash


Tired Mondalies (Read 20 times)



    Well here goes.  Got in 34 miles last week and so today is a rest day.  I have a new project at work but am SO very tired.  Bad dream last night and didn't sleep well.


    Can't think of a question right now but probably will right after I post this.


    running under the BigSky

      3 miles yesterday with my wife and Tiny E-was  like being in a snow globe that someone shook the hell out of!


      few more pics from the weekend


      qotd: speaking of sleep, normal go to bed get up times?

      I’m a early to bed (9-10), early to rise (5-6) person


      2024 goal 2024 miles

      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √




        QOTD:  Bed by 9:30 up at 6 am.  I found sleeping in on the weekends gives me a migraine so don't do it any more.



          Rest day today. Left hip is a bit achy from long run yesterday. I guess my legs aren't used to running flat. Back to the hills I go!


          Finished second season of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Saturday. What a funny show. Well worth watching if you have Amazon Prime.


          QOTD:  In bed around 10:30 or so and read or watch TV, or both. Fall asleep around 11:30-12:00.  Up at 7:00am.  I'm a Night Owl.

          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            No run or workout today and I just got back from the orthopedic doctor. They took some x-rays and such, I guess my whonky right knee is mildly arthritic and at this point he recommended cortisone and perhaps synvisc injection down the road. He does not think there is a major tear so that is good news for now. I had the cortisone shot today and will take it easy until the end of the week and see how it goes.


            I did get over to the gym yesterday where I did the usual nonsense with weights and stretching and 30 minutes steady state spin on the bike to nowhere. The contraption told me my trip to nowhere was 10.5 miles. My ass gets sore on that thing or I might have gone longer. Did have a nice sweat going which was nice. Followed that up with a slow and creaky dog jog with the Lady for 3 miles on the local trail. So crazy wet around here still.

            QOTD: Bedtime, 10-11pm typically. Rise and shine is more seasonal, with the sun. Typically 6:30-7:00am.

            In dog beers, I've only had one.


              SRD for me.


              Been having some weird dreams too, I think it's because my DW is having surgery to remove her thymus on Thursday. She doesn't have any symptoms or other issues at all, but they found a very small growth when she had a scan done for another reason.  They re-scanned it and it hasn't changed at all, but the typical protocol even on small growths, is to remove the thymus and do a biopsy on it afterwards. The main problem is the location of the thymus (behind the breastbone, between the lungs and near the heart) make it very tricky.  It's really hard to get at the growth itself, so they just take the whole thing out.  She'll have the procedure on Thurs, we'll stay the night and go home on Friday.  We're confident, but it is still very scary none-the-less. Her doc is the head of the thoracic surgery department for a major Houston medical center hospital.


              Nice photos mt, thanks. I miss snow.


              qotd: go to bed at about 10pm and read for a few minutes, then up at 5am if I'm running or 6am if going to work.


              Queen of Nothing


                My company left tis morning at 5:30 am her but was ready to see them leave.  Not a parent so I know I am not aloud to critiques other parents...but dam!  It's gets a  little old doing whatever children want to do.  Such indulgence in my opinion really isn't doing your kid a favor.


                Ran 8 this morning.


                QOTD:  I want 8 hours of sleep, so if I am going to get up at 5 am I'll head off around 9.  Most days I want to be in bed by 10, on the weekends and no long run the next morning I have been known to go wild and stay up to 11:30 ..........what Warden said.



                Oh and while drinking and not watching the Spiderman movie; I seemed to have signed up for Sisykou out and Back  100K.


                Warden:  We went sledding fun to watch the dogs in the snow...they go crazy! 


                Sandy:  Praying for smooth sailing for your wife.








                  Good afternoon trailers. My easy January continues. I did not run or do anything exercise related yesterday. Barely went outside, though we did take DS to the airport to return to AZ. I'm heading to the gym shortly. Might just do the elliptical for a change from the treadmill.


                  qotd: Usually 10 or so to 6:30 am.

                  Queen of Nothing


                    From Thursdays...beautiful sky dailies...



                    Image may contain: sky, tree, plant, twilight, grass, outdoor and nature

                    Image may contain: sky, tree, twilight, cloud, plant, grass, outdoor and nature


                    Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor and nature








                    Le professeur de trail

                      No running related activities over the weekend unless you call running from one kid's basketball game to another and to another running! In that case I did lots of running.  I do quite enjoy watching and coaching my kids at basketball but I am wiped out after three games in a 4 hour span of time.  I will try and get out tonight to run.


                      Sandy - praying for the Mrs.

                      dhuffman - 34 miles last week - very nice!


                      QOTD: In bed around 10-10:30 but don't go to sleep until 11ish.


                      Have a great day!

                      My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                        A couple indoor miles today after lifting. Can't seem to get motivated to run. Barely maintaining past couple months. Might return to the NBA (Noon Basketball Association) instead of running on MWF.


                        QOTD: Usually bed 10:30-11:30 pm, up 4:30-5 am. Never been much of a sleeper, it's been a problem. Never used an alarm. I fantasize about oversleeping some day. I wish I could.