Trailer Trash


Pancake Friday (Read 22 times)



    Ok, I'll try


    Our HR department is making us pancakes and sausages.  It was hilarious to see the HR director flipping pancake.  The training manager is dressed up as Flo and taking orders.  Working here is fun.


    I did 5 last night on the TM as DH will be gone starting Friday and all of next week trying to clean up his mom's place after her death last Dec.  He's meeting his two sisters there and they are trying to get it ready to sell. Sat. I'm helping DD and SIL move to their new home by watching DGD but it's supposed to rain all weekend so we'll have to play inside somewhere.  She's only a little over 2 now so what to do is limited.  She does love to read tho so we can read books or go to a library for a little while.


    Can't really think of any QOTD that haven't been asked before.


    Refurbished Hip

      Pancakes sound delicious.  I haven't had any in ages.  I've decided that this summer I need to start biking to random diners in small towns for breakfast.  So maybe I'll have some pancakes soon too!


      I got nothing going on today.  Just a nice neighborhood walk at some point.


      Friday QOTDs are always easy.  What are your weekend plans?

      Running is dumb.


        I ran a pretty speedy 3 miles this morning in 23:31, about 7:51 per mile. I consider that to be a tempo run, especially in the dark. It was perfect running weather at 45*F this morning.


        QOTD: Do you work well without supervision?


        I work very well without supervision. You tell me what you want, and leave me alone. You don't have to worry about it, and I will ask for additional direction if I need it. At my current job, I have been empowered to work this way. Right before I came here, my old job had a little bit too much micromanagement that was counterproductive to productivity. They reworked the organizational structure, and my supervisor was someone who was almost 2 hours away and had no understanding of what I actually did at our campus. Prior to that change, I had quite a bit of autonomy to do what I needed to do, and we were very successful.


        Mandy's QOTD: I will run a little and try to find a turkey for my nephew to hunt for next weekend.




          LB I can't stand being micromanaged.  I pretty much am left alone here sometimes too much as my boss will say "we need to do x" and then that's it, when I give him x he picks at it and changes what he wants.  Plus there are a lot of politics here where I can't talk to some people even though as internal auditors we should have access to everything and every body.  Whatever, I adapt.


          Mandy that sounds like a cool idea.  Course around here biking is a dangerous proposition given no shoulders and asshole drivers.


            I got up in beautiful moonlit morning weather similar to LB2's, and did a 3 mi 'instant run'.   At considerably slower pace than LB2.


            Pancakes!!!  Darn, now I'm hungry.


            qotd (MM): run a little, clean the green gunk off the back deck, nap, repeat.


            qotd (LB2): I work really well w/o supervision.  I'm at the point where I get very little direction (I report directly to the Chairman and CEO), as long as the boss doesn't get any headaches stemming from the stuff my department does, he's happy and I'm good.


            Edit: plus I get to follow the March Madness brackets.....




              Pancakes? Yes, I make a pretty good one. I have a locked and loaded recipe now that uses cake flour and turbinado sugar (sugar in the raw). The cake flour makes them more puffy. Made a batch last weekend. I had 2 with mashed bananas between so like a pancake sandwich.


              Poured rain all day yesterday here. It looks like a river at the back end of my property from water draining down the hill by the "natural" area. Did not run, and spent most of the evening at the local junior high getting real ID verified. It was a bit of a cluster. Probably should have put it off but after we invested an hour of time we stuck it out.


              Not sure of run today. I will get out, might just wander the roads and up to the local trail with the Lady after work. Windy here now that the rain has stopped and might stay out of the deep woods.


              QOTD: Weekend plans, boring. Maybe go out for a decent meal, watch some hoops, get in a few runs.


              QOTD2: I've worked at home for almost 25 years now. Crazy. So I've been unsupervised forever. Yes, I do have a manager and they touch base occasionally but they do not manage my day to day work, or I guess they never have felt the need to do it because I do it quite well myself and keep my clients happy. I've probably had close to a dozen or more managers during my career. So far, no micro managers. I would not do well with that.

              In dog beers, I've only had one.



                Pancakes sound delicious.  I haven't had any in ages.  I've decided that this summer I need to start biking to random diners in small towns for breakfast.  So maybe I'll have some pancakes soon too!



                Jess and I plan some of our runs in locations where we can hit up places that have been on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives.  Blue Moon Cafe in Baltimore has Capt'n Crunch French Toast that is a great post run meal.



                SRD today. Hitting the road after work for about a 5 hour drive to Hillsville, VA (1/2 way to Hilton Head).  Tomorrow we'll get up early and go for a run on the New River Trail. Looks nice and we've never been there. Then another 5 hours to SC.


                QOTD: See above.


                QOTD 2:  No supervisors for me, but I get along with those who work for me.  I stay out of their work completely, and I think that's what a boss should do.  No micromanagement here.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                Refurbished Hip

                   Capt'n Crunch French Toast


                  Welp, I never knew I needed this in my life, but I do now!

                  Running is dumb.




                    Welp, I never knew I needed this in my life, but I do now!


                     Here's the Video from Blue moon Cafe


                    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                      dhuff - that's pretty cool of the HR dept to do that.


                      LB - nice run!


                      Sandy - I've been following it, and the Brexit stuff is crazy. Whenever I think our government is a mess, it helps to look at the rest of the world.


                      XT - Not a trail day here, as well. March winds and wet trails.  I think you said before that you do most of the cooking at home. Does your DW love that?

                      “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                        AT - Oh my, that looks good. Let me get this straight... you are stopping in a place called Hillsville VA and are going to run a flat river rail trail? That seems wrong! I drive through there often and have often wanted to stop to look for some trails in the mountains. There's got to be some.

                        Yes, my wife likes most all of my cooking... except salmon.

                        In dog beers, I've only had one.


                          TGIF!  I did not think it would ever get here.


                          I did 7.5 last felt good. I think I am making the journey back to where I was a month ago.


                          I think I am going to try the cake flour pancakes...and the banana filling! Mandy, I'd ride a bike on search of a great breakfast place any day. Of course, chances are I would fall off the bike before I got to breakfast.


                          QOTD#1: Planning an all day run hike in a hilly setting tomorrow. Making homemade clam chowder for dinner at the end of that adventure.


                          QOTD#2: I work a mundane factory like office job. I am managed by process...there is no independent thought involved. I am a small cog in a small, insignificant wheel. I live in dread of Mondays and then anxious anticipation of 430 on Friday.

                          January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


                          Faster Than Your Couch!

                            5.2 miles, I made sure I got out before more rain and snow take over the day.


                            It was pouring all day yesterday here, too, and I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to run along the creek today. 

                            Lots of mud, but, on the bright side, I ran a new pair of socks through their initiation - I had found them in my sox box only because they were so brightly white that it hurt my eyes, and now for sure they are not any more. 


                            dhuff: Great HR department! I might make some pancakes for dinner this evening because DS eats only very soft food with his new orthodontic appliance.


                            Mandy: I love that diner idea! Especially combined with the biking.


                            LB: Speedy fast!


                            Sandy: Looking at your charts - I have to admit, I was surprised that the EU actually granted the extension. It's in their best interest as well, but still. I also can't believe that May is still in charge, I expected her to be out and gone months ago already.


                            Taper: Glad you got your realID, I think it will be pretty convenient in the future to have one.


                            AT: I agree with XT, a flat trail in VA? Tell me where that is (actually, I looked it up on the map). Maybe it's just the river that's called "flat", in contrast to "whirly".   Tell us all about it when you're back!


                            moonlight: Way to go! Glad you feel things are improving again.


                            QOTD (MM): Work. Any questions?


                            QOTD (LB): I work very well without supervision, but currently I am in a micromanaged job environment. We used to be almost all (except for 1 coworker) college graduates or students in our department, so the understanding was that we are able to work independently and adhere to the rules. Our managers understood this as well, and it was fun. Now I am the only one who has more education than highschool (at most), including my boss, and it is terribly micromanaged, and nobody except me adheres to any rules or agreements. I'm not happy, and I don't do well with constant interference and criticism of minimal deviations from what the book says, especially if the result is the same or better. Just now I can't change jobs because my green card is about to expire (while my status as a legal alien remains unchanged), and my application for citizenship is not processed yet. So I'm sticking it out, zipping my lips as best as I can. 

                            Run for fun.

                            Queen of Nothing


                              There was day old donuts in the break pancakes.  Ran about 5.5 this morning under a big old bright moon.  Ear (the hound dog) was on a scent and hollered for about 2 miles.  At one point he was so excited he spun around got caught in his leash, fell to the ground and was flopping around trying to get up.  My friend was concerned but I laughed cause he looked like a fish out of water.


                              Still working but we did list the house with a realtor yesterday.   guess we are doing this.  I will miss this area and the friends I have made here.


                              QOTD:  I don't know yet...long run Sunday...probably just working around the house keeping it tidy and picking pine needles out of trees.

                              QOTD2: Yes...both at home and work.


                              Mandy:  I like your biking plans.


                              Moonlight:  Whoo girl you need a new job!


                              Sandy:  That doesn't look like March Madness to me? 


                              XT:  A chuckled that you were going out for a good meal, thinking you were insulting your wife when you are actually insulting yourself.


                              dhuffman:  Have fun with your grand baby.  Biggest regret of not having kids is I won't have Grandkids.


                              LB:  This guy ran with us this morning and he said, "I like running in the dark, you can see the hills."


                              AT:  You two kids have fun.

                               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

                               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                              Refurbished Hip

                                It's good to have you back, FTYC Smile


                                Y'all are welcome to come bike to breakfast with me anytime!

                                Running is dumb.
