Trailer Trash


Too Early Tuesdaily (Read 20 times)


    It is really early or really late...depending on your perspective, I guess. I am wide I thought I would kick off Tuesday and catch up on Monday.


    Monday's QOTD: It is legal in Michigan. I am not in favor...I don't think we need one more thing out there for people to get addicted to. I know that they say it is not addictive, but I have seen many adults who indulge daily and it seems to suck the drive to do anything right out of them.  And, just because it is legal, does not mean one's  job is not at risk should an employee indulge and get tested. The day after the measure cleared in the state our HR came out with an announcement that testing positive would lead to dismissal as it has always been.  I am even very angry right now to see commercials on tv for Jewl and other vapes. They imply that it is better than smoking cigarettes and make it sound as a good alternative to quitting smoking. It is all just marketing lies.


    No run yesterday, just a lot of RICEing. The brace seems to help at work some. I did ask my ortho about targeted massage and deep water running. He said to LEAVE IT ALL ALONE AND LET IT CALM DOWN. It is so hard to behave.


    Warden: I am just guessing that your hike pace is pretty grueling, I can see why you would likely maintain your fitness. You are amazingly consistent and rigorous.


    AT: I kind of liked the endings, I guess on GoT. I wish the last season would have been a bit longer so the story lines could have been a bit more fleshed out. The only thing I did not like was Bran winning. But I did like that Tyrion was going to functionally be King while Bran goes to sit under a tree and dream of dragon(s). I think I need to re read the books I read years ago and finish out the series.


    Jamie: good for you on the 2.5! So glad you are finally able to get out. Sounds like your wife is loving on running...maybe.


    RunTrail: hot and muggy? We have not had much of that here. It was the 50's today. We have had one day in the 80s. I know summer is coming, but it is delayed here.


    Berto: Mental health issues are so difficult, so glad you felt comfortable enough to talk about it with us. I am not bipolar, but once I was on an antidepressant that put me into mood swings that mimicked it. I would go though weeks where I swear I could almost see sounds and hear colors. I would be intensely creative (unfortunately it did nothing for my talent) and I would be totally focused on my "artistic" passion. I could think of little else. And I was joyful...sooooo joyful. And for someone who had gone years without feeling any happiness due to depression the feeling itself was addictive. Then....I would feel it begin to slip....and I would say to myself..."NO! I AM NOT LOSING THIS THIS TIME! And it would slip more, and soon I would fall headlong into a hopeless depression with  spontaneous and disruptive suicidal thoughts.. I was diagnosed as being bipolar, and meds were added. They were afraid to take me off my antidepressant for fear it would destabilize me further. I was finally the one who figured it out and went off everything....but at the time I was in therapy, so I had a safety net if things went bad. I still have passionate artistic "fluctuations", and a still disappointing lack of talent, but I don't know if I am really bipolar. For now I am a happy but functional wanna be artist/writer who loves to run. But I know from long experience when I need to seek professional help should things shift for the worse.  Good luck to you, BertO. This is a battle worth fighting.


    LB: The storms in various parts of the country have been crazy. Stay safe out there. We have had some mild storms, but nothing like the midsection of the country and down your way.


    Mandy: sucks about the finger. Climbing sounds dicey. Hope the finger heals quickly for you.


    CRunner: hope the life flows to your legs soon1


    Sandy: Made sense to me, and thank you for the 3 am shout out. Insomnia can be such an ugly thing. I sleep very little at night....actually I sleep little at all. I know all about the tv choices on my 144 cable stations. Forensic Files is one of my steadfast companions at night. Right now, watching Signs On Demand.


    Queen: running long miles and running with a have it made! I worry about the genetic effects of mental health issues and alcoholism for my grandchildren. Their bio dad comes from a long line of alcoholics, drug abusers, most with a litany of  mental health problems. He does not see his kids because he is violent, does not work, has warrants out for his arrest and is an all around POS. His behavior mimics his bio dad, who had no part in raising him. It scares me and my daughter and I will be vigilant for any problems should they appear as they grow.


    DD: I also am unsure that weed is not harmful. Legalizing it gives it a legitimacy I don't think it deserves.


    QOTD: If injury or circumstances beyond your control prevented you from running, what do you think could fill the void it would leave in your life?

    I have thought about this a lot lately as I age, and as I watch my parents (both almost 90). And I don't have a good answer. I love paddle boarding, but presumably if I could not run I might not be able to haul a board around. Mandy, you have done so well adapting to your reality with your biking and climbing and hiking. I guess hiking would be my go to if I could not run, but if I can't run hiking may also be precluded.


    Ok, I am off to other night time vistas. I hope everyone has a great day.

    January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


    I lost my rama

      I got 4 on a more technical trail last night which I call "Stop & Shop" because, well, it starts next to a Stop & Shop supermarket.  Just ran when I wanted, hiked when I wanted.  It was very warm out, so it was nice not to push the pace.  It will be cooler tonight, so another trail run planned.


      dhuffman - Thank you for the offer.  I may take you up on it if I get caught up in my own head-space (which happens often).  Glad to hear you averted your father's demons.


      moonlight - Not too early, or not too late.   Thanks for sharing your story.  It's incredibly difficult to see yourself slide in and out of those mental spaces, which you have no control over.  I'm sure your artistic talents are better than you give yourself credit for, but I also know that you can be your own toughest critic.  Bipolar is tricky.  I've probably been in denial with it for many years now and just pretended it was never there - haven't had an episode for quite some time, although I probably did have them, but just went unnoticed or not severe enough.  Heck, my wife who has known me for 13+ years now didn't know I was bipolar until recently (talk about keeping a secret!!).  Ironically, it was when I decided to quit drinking that my bipolar symptoms flared up.  But in the end, it really doesn't matter if you are labelled bipolar or not.  What matters is whether you are healthy.  All the best to you!!!


      QOTD:  I think I'd probably go back to surfing.  It's not too physically demanding and if you wanted to, you could just sit out there in the water and float all day.

      3/17 - NYC Half

      4/28 - Big Sur Marathon  DNS

      6/29 - Forbidden Forest 30 Hour

      8/29 - A Race for the Ages - will be given 47 hours


        No run this morning. And I am none too happy about it. Just too much going on to get it done and have a reasonable night's sleep. I will be back on track in the morning. I did get the spindle in for the mower yesterday afternoon. I came home an cooked, procrastinated about putting it on until my mind was in the right place. I was focused and calm, a rare thing when I am dealing with a lawnmower. I put everything back together, and gave it a test run. Wow!!! It cut like it was brand new, looks like golf course. I just kept on riding and the next thing I knew it was dark and the yard was done. I guess that balances out the missed run.


        QOTD: I guess I would probably start fishing the river, wading. I do like doing that. I don't think I have ever fished the river wading and not caught some fish. I don't like fishing from a boat.



        Refurbished Hip

          Had a good climbing session last night.  Stayed at the gym way too late chit-chatting with some folks and a gym employee.  It was nice though.  My finger is fine - just an old injury that I need to stay on top of and be smart about.


          Berto, that sounds like a nice run.  I'm ready to feel warm for once in my life here soon.  (High of 50 here today, high of 75 tomorrow.)  I'm glad you've stopped drinking.  I think that's always a sound decision.


          QOTD:  Well, I'm living, breathing proof that you can go on without running.  But I'm sad to say that the void never gets filled.  At least it hasn't for me.  I miss running every. single. damn. day.  I like to bike and I like to hike and I really like to backpack and I'm really liking all things climbing, but none of it is running.  And I'm still in pain most days.  So maybe that's part of it.  I don't know.  It's been 7 years since I've run normally and it's been 7 years of a void.  I still have hope that someday I'll get to start another running life with a brand new hip when it comes to that point.  Maybe having that thought is a double edged sword that keeps me from letting go.  I don't know.  It's difficult.

          Running is dumb.



            We're in the middle of some nasty storms.  I was in Joplin and got back to Wyandotte just in time to avoid the nasty hail.  It was bad enough that driving home later one of the little towns I drive through which has tree lined streets had leaves stripped off so it looked like the road had been mulched.  Our driveway which is gravel is nothing but channels where the rain water cut through it.  Right now we're under a tornado warning and I keep watching the radar on the NWS.


            I wanted to get 3 in yesterday but the weather was too unsettled and probably again today.


            Bert I spent some years growing up on the east coast of FL and spent quite some time surfing.  It's so peaceful being out on the water like that just floating.  I'd love to live there again but there are way too many people.


            qotd: I was forced to run in the Army and after I got out and finally settled somewhere I got into endurance and dressage with my horse.  Then a few years back in order to deal with some personal issues I started running 5ks, that grew to 50ks but by then my Graves Disease kept me from running but I could walk them just fine so that's what I do now.  I need the adventure and even though we've worked through the issues I still need to get out there, mostly alone, and just breathe.  Other than my back which was from hitting a deer I've not really had any injuries.


            My biggest fear is loosing my eyesight and not being able to do anything.  I have cone rod dystrophy and may eventually go legally blind.  They are working on gene therapies but so far no cure.  It's only slowly progressing so I may have years yet but no one knows.  I know there are now blind runners who run with a guide, or maybe I could use a guide dog since I'm only hiking.  We live in such a rural area that finding such will be difficult.  Something will pop up I'm sure.


            Hang in there moonlight.

            Queen of Nothing


              It dark and dreary outside...perfect day to stay on the couch with a book.  May still take the dogs for a run and than a bath.  Day two of retirement ...still feels weird and unsure if it was a right choice. 



              Qotd:  just to stay in shape I would substitute swimming for running.  As it is, some of the women (me included) have been talking about slowing down the running.   Go for a hike and hang out at that lake for a few hours instead of just running by it.  So hiking.

               05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

               08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄







                It dark and dreary outside...perfect day to stay on the couch with a book.  May still take the dogs for a run and than a bath.  Day two of retirement ...still feels weird and unsure if it was a right choice. 


                I think a lot of people have a hard time letting go of work. It is almost like we complain about "having to go to work", but then when you don't "have" to do it, it seems like something is missing. I am sure that you will get into a groove that you like soon. Also, the anticipation of a life change is very exciting. Leading up to it, I see people just giddy about it. And sometimes, they put it off a little longer, maybe to enjoy that feeling of anticipation a little longer because they realize that, as a human (cougar in your case), they are a creature of habit. Anyway, I am sure that in the coming days and weeks you will find a routine that satisfies you.



                Refurbished Hip

                  It dark and dreary outside...perfect day to stay on the couch with a book.  May still take the dogs for a run and than a bath.  Day two of retirement ...still feels weird and unsure if it was a right choice. 


                  I've read that it takes 6-12 months to adjust and to let go of the stress from work.  So two days is nothing.  Give yourself tons time to decompress and figure stuff out, Sue.

                  Running is dumb.


                  running under the BigSky

                    got a cool (low 40’s) hill workout in with Tiny Elvis, ~2000’ of gain in two miles (4 miles total) yesterday evening


                    planning on 4-5 this evening


                    weather for the Bob Marshall Open is looking poorly- very cold and appears precip throughout (rain and snow); the on silver lining is that flows have decreased quite a bit; at this juncture most likely going for the shorter route which includes a couple of really tough fords- if the flows increase in the next couple of days will take the longer route


                    qotd: I could live without running I think, as long as I could hike/backpack/snowshoe/backcountry ski/elk hunt; if all those were off the table- I’d be in a world of hurt; hopefully “napping” is still an option 


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      I was able to sleep a little longer last night (woke up at 4:30 instead of 3:00) since I was wide awake after a while I ended up going for a run before work instead of later in the day.  Figured I'd just get it done.  I did 4 tropical miles, it was 79 deg at 5am.  But it was unusually windy this morning.  It's typically very calm at that time, but it was blowing a gale.  The other thing is that since we've had about a foot or so of rain this month the vines and underbrush is going crazy.


                      dhuff - not exactly sure where you are located, but I hope everything is ok up your way weather-wise.


                      moonlight - I usually sleep pretty well, except when I'm jet lagged or worrying about a project at work (I have both going on at the moment).


                      qotd: I'd probably do some hiking and a little easy trail biking.  I'd still like getting out in the woods.




                        Sandy....NE OK up near the KS, AR and MO borders.  We have some flooding and the hail yesterday was awful. Horses were ok but I worried about all the lightening too.  Thanks for the concern.  Looks like rain chances every day here so Possum looking dry will be nice .  Are you going to the race briefing?  My friend and I plan on going.  Still looking for somewhere to eat dinner.



                          6 easy miles on some non-technical trails.  I know non-technical varies by location, but for PA, that means no rocks / boulders. The trail had plenty of roots and some climbing.


                          moon - you could totally become a writer.


                          Bert - surfing in NYC sounds difficult. 


                          LB - happy birthday to your DD.


                          Mandy - what was the initial finger injury, flipping off that asshole? 


                          dhuff - stay safe.


                          Queen - you'll settle into a routine and hopefully sell the house. If not, after Oregon, take a trip to see the parental units. You deserve that.


                          Warden - can we track you again this year at the Bob?  That was fun last year.


                          Sandy - my cousin just got transferred back to Texas. He's an FBI agent, and was there many years ago. He hates hot weather, so should be fun for him.


                          QOTD:  If I was able to hike and bike, I'd do that. Like others said, I'd just want to still do things in the woods.  If not able to do that, I'd do more coaching and work with kids.  I do some clinics once in a while for our local swimmers, but they are trying to get me to come back and help out on regular basis.  The head coach is one of my former swimmers.

                          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                            Not much running over the weekend as I was in mulchapaloooza mode but I got all that work done and had time to golf and get a short run in on Sunday. Now I am freaking out because some electrical components in my pool equipment are on the fritz and I have company coming this weekend that would probably enjoy a heated pool and spa. Why couldn't it wait another week to break? Impossible to get a pool person out there this week so I am hoping my self diagnosis works. Part coming tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

                            Well, last night I got out for 7 miles on the trails along the lake. First shirtless run of the year. It was warm but not oppressive. Started out pretty well but I kind of faded due knee whonkiness and some mud patches. Good enough. Gym stuff today at lunch and probably a short dog jog tonight with the Lady.


                            QOTD: Hiking/walking in the woods. Work on my golf game. Not sure if I would take up mountain biking. Maybe. Trip to Iceland last year we did no running and all hiking (well other than a jog/trot coming down from some elevation in a mild storm).


                            Moonlight - Sorry about your running issues. I agree with a lot of the comments, probably not the time to do a long event. I have some OA too I suppose, well I've been told. Still running but have phased out the long stuff pretty much.


                            DHuffman - Be careful with those storms. A tornado was reported about 40 miles west of us on Sunday which is unusual for these parts. We barely got rain.


                            Queenie - Ah, the life of leisure. You need more hobbies now!


                            Berto - Best wishes with your coping and challenges.

                            In dog beers, I've only had one.


                            Refurbished Hip

                              Mandy - what was the initial finger injury, flipping off that asshole? 



                              A2 pulley injury on my ring finger.  (Super common in beginners...your muscles develop faster than your tendons.)  I was climbing a bunch of crimps last March and strained it.  It took forever to heal.  I didn't even climb from August 2018 - December 2018.  (Not for injury reasons, but I'm sure the time off helped the injury.)  Re-started climbing again at the beginning of this year.  I climbed some crimps top roping last week and could feel the old injury in there after I was done.  So just trying to be cautious.

                              Running is dumb.


                              Faster Than Your Couch!

                                So my computer and the website were not on talking terms over the weekend, and I could not post. Not that there was much to report anyway, but after installing a few updates, the artificial non-intelligence seems to be back in a good mood again today. Yay!


                                To comment on the weather: We had some very severe thunderstorms over the weekend, maybe six passing through within 3 hours in the afternoon, and then 3 or 4 going on simultaneously over the mountains when I drove home after my closing shift at night. Crazy showers, but luckily no hail this time.


                                Planning on a nice run later.


                                Mandy: Good luck with the finger, hope it heals up quickly!


                                moonlight, Sandy: I sleep very little, too, usually 4 hours a night, sometimes 3, sometimes up to 6. Good thing I often start work early in the morning, so there is not much lying in bed, trying to catch some zzzz's.


                                moonlight: Take care of your knee and behave! In my own experience, many injuries (especially knee) heal up just fine with time - the less you do, the better it will heal, but it takes its time.


                                QOTD: I'd prefer to do something else that takes place outdoors, like biking, hiking, boating, fishing, motorbiking, off-road driving, etc.. My worst fear is that I'd be unable to do most physical things and be tied to the house or even a wheelchair or bed. Then I'd read, write, cook, sew, do artsy crafts, knit and crochet, translate, etc.

                                My father was an excellent role model for me with switching his focus. As he got older, he was not able to do all the strenuous expeditions in the fashion he used to (and loved), so he switched to researching his insects even more by microscopy and taught himself everything about DNA analysis. That way, he was able to remain in his field of research (entomology) and still be on the cutting edge, pursue his passion, and even pass on his knowledge by teaching other scientists.

                                Run for fun.
