Trailer Trash


Weekender Watch Party (Read 21 times)


    Well. . . .  I guess we can sort of have a watch party.



    Looks like things are off to a nice smooth start.  Fingers crossed.


    Mile 25:

    Gator: 5:34

    Gatsby: 6:19


    I plan on getting up early and doing anywhere from 8 to 15 miles.  I'm planning to go by feel and see what happens.


    qotd: I got nothing.



    Refurbished Hip

      Nice!  Thanks for updating, Sandy!  Good luck, gang!!!


      I need to run errands and pack today, so I doubt I'll get out and do much besides a walk.  Then I'm off to the Northwoods with no cell service, so I'll catch everyone next week!  Smile

      Running is dumb.


        I am here at Woodstock. Just saw Gatsby finish loop 3 and start loop 4. She looked great! All smiles. Have not yet seen Gator...but he should be through any time to start his final loop.

        January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


          Hi all-- Ran a dog jog last night in Rock Creek last night. Chowder's first trail run- 4.5 miles. Mixed results. We encountered a local all girls high school XC team. Teen girls terrify Chowder, and yesterday he hid behind me in a crouch while they passed. Then I turned an ankle (my fault), then again (Chowder's fault). Finished up with meeting the team again.  while walking back to the car. We're working in his socialization skills. And his running skills, but he's still young and this can't be a regular thing for another 3-4 months.


          Mandy-- what part of the north shore? That is my favorite place on earth so naturally, I'm jealous. I hope you can get to Grand Marais for some world's best donuts.


          qotd: a half marathon tomorrow, with a planned additional 5 miles to get home from the finish line.

          Q2: smartwool, hiking weight. I've tried darned tough, and they are a good, but second choice option. I have found they don't wear as well as my smartwools (which was a bit surprising to me).


            Running with a leashed dog is such a challenge. Hope the turned ankle is ok. Glad Chowder can get out there for a run.

            Hi all-- Ran a dog jog last night in Rock Creek last night. Chowder's first trail run- 4.5 miles. Mixed results. We encountered a local all girls high school XC team. Teen girls terrify Chowder, and yesterday he hid behind me in a crouch while they passed. Then I turned an ankle (my fault), then again (Chowder's fault). Finished up with meeting the team again.  while walking back to the car. We're working in his socialization skills. And his running skills, but he's still young and this can't be a regular thing for another 3-4 months.


            Mandy-- what part of the north shore? That is my favorite place on earth so naturally, I'm jealous. I hope you can get to Grand Marais for some world's best donuts.


            qotd: a half marathon tomorrow, with a planned additional 5 miles to get home from the finish line.

            Q2: smartwool, hiking weight. I've tried darned tough, and they are a good, but second choice option. I have found they don't wear as well as my smartwools (which was a bit surprising to me).

            January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k

            Queen of Nothing


              6 mikes with a friend yesterday...sure do like running in the woods....4 today.


              yesterday qotd: Darntough...Like run runtraildc I like the hiking socks especially for the long runs...unlike runtraildc I think darn toughs last longer than smartwool.


              Such a cute picture of AT and the Misses.








              Refurbished Hip


                Mandy-- what part of the north shore? That is my favorite place on earth so naturally, I'm jealous. I hope you can get to Grand Marais for some world's best donuts.


                Most if it.  Smile  Definitely will be stopping in Grand Marais for a donut and possibly riding my bike into Canada.  I'll be inland for a while and then hanging at Judge Magney for a few nights.  My forecast is gloomy, cold, and rain though.  Gah.

                Running is dumb.



                  Thanks again for BD and Anniversary well wishes. We had a nice dinner at an Irish Pub, and walked around town listening to music and sampling beverages. "First Friday" in Gettysburg is about Arts and Music all around the downtown area. Very fun when the tourists are gone, like last night.


                  Morning trail run on a twisty section of the Ironmaster's course. Most of the creek crossings were nearly dry, so I guess we need rain.


                  GO GATSBY and GATOR  !!!


                  Sandy - thanks for the link.  looks like a lot of DNF's.  I like the run prediction. I've had many runs lately where I'm not sure how I'll do.


                  Moon - keep the smiling.


                  DC - good luck at the 1/2.  Teenage girls used to scare me too (raising them, that is).


                  Mandy - if you skinny dip again, remember what Warden always says. take a picture of it didn't happen. 


                  Sue - thanks for the text.  We were indeed listening to some great music when we got it.

                  “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                  running under the BigSky

                    go Gator and Gatsby!


                    skinny dipping .... what?


                    so far I've took the recycling into the transfer station and cleaned the great room; nice and cool here (high of 69) so hopefully a few miles later after all this work DW is making me do! 


                    2024 goal 2024 miles

                    2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                    2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                    2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                      GO GATSBY and GATOR  !!!


                      Sandy - thanks for the link.  looks like a lot of DNF's.  I like the run prediction. I've had many runs lately where I'm not sure how I'll do.


                      LOL, I did end up with 10 mi, it got hot about halfway through since I started at 8am (I'm usually done by 8am but I slept in this morning).




                      Oh man, Gatsby !!!  Go !!!!  If I'm reading things correctly she's flirting with the cutoffs.


                      Cutoff time at the end of Loop 4 (66.66 mi) was 20 hrs, she did it in 19:57:24.


                      Cutoff time to start Loop 6 (83.33 mi) is 25 hrs.  Therefore she needs to do Loop 5 in 5 hrs, she was at the halfway point in 2:27:21.  (She did the last loop in 6:07:06).


                      Go Gatsby Go !!!!!




                      By the way Gator is doing great, he has about a 2.5 to 3 hr cushion under the cutoff times. And he's already out on his last loop (Loop 6).


                      Go Gator !!!!



                      Are we there, yet?

                        8.3 miles easy on an asphalt loop similar to what NC24 has.


                        Sandy - thanks for link


                        Mandy skinny dipping? I'll believe it when I see it.

                         2024 Races:

                              03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                              05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                              06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                          Oh man. I can taste one of those donuts. Magney and the end of the gunflint campgrounds are two of my favorites.  If you drive down Cascade Beach Road, looking for a summer cabin near Lutsen, turn down Black Point Road (marked private). At the very end is a one story norwegian, hand hewn log cabin (next to the big house). My great-grandfather and his brothers built that cabin 100+ years ago. But it used to be two levels and in Hovland.


                          Most if it.  Smile  Definitely will be stopping in Grand Marais for a donut and possibly riding my bike into Canada.  I'll be inland for a while and then hanging at Judge Magney for a few nights.  My forecast is gloomy, cold, and rain though.  Gah.


                            Woot Woot !!!!


                            Gatsby made it !!!! She headed out on her last loop with 13 minutes and 7 seconds to spare.


                            Now she has to do it again !!!!! But it should be cooling off so that'll help.


                            Go Gatsby Go !!!



                            running under the BigSky

                              go Gatsby!  Sandy- how about Gator?  (I don't know his name)


                              5 miles w/ Tiny E on a very pleasant 65 degree day Smile


                              2024 goal 2024 miles

                              2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                              2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                              2021 goal- 2021 miles √




                                Woot Woot !!!!


                                Gatsby made it !!!! She headed out on her last loop with 13 minutes and 7 seconds to spare.


                                Now she has to do it again !!!!! But it should be cooling off so that'll help.


                                Go Gatsby Go !!!


                                She ran that section faster than her last 2 times. Go Margaret Go!!!


                                Mike, Gator is looking good and on pace for just before 28 hr projection.  He’s  #69 Eric S.

                                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 
