Trailer Trash


Hello and welcome (Read 271 times)


    It took me a few days to figure out y'all were here given that RA already has a trail running party room (but I'm sure you've discussed that somewhere; not here to ask the obvious).  Two things.


    1. I've been here forever, so if you have any questions about how to do stuff in the site, ask.  I see that practically everyone has already overcome the "profile vs forum preferences" avatar aha, otherwise known as "why isn't my picture displaying" and some of you have stumbled onto the idea that images in general work differently here.  No, when you want to put a pic in a post, RA doesn't suck up your image and pat your bottom like RWOL does.  On the other hand, you can embed pics already on the internet way way way easier.  If you have a pic on your computer, load it into picasa or tinypic (free, no login reguired, will resize images, and... free), link it and it just works.


    2. You can cuss here.  The shit is bananas.


    3.  I realize that RWOL "done you wrong" and all that, and believe me I'm in your corner.  But have you noticed that RWOL has not deleted any of the threads/posts where we've been leading people over to RA?  Nope.  They haven't.  The conspiracy theorist inside me says that this was a "don't let the door hit you in the ass" move.  Not so much for the trail forum as perhaps NRR, but still...  Anyway, my point is that they probably don't really care so much that people left because, well, they are Runners World.  With the slick mag.  Their site will backfill with new folks.  (and you can go get them, if you wanna).  So release the angst.


    Back to dirt and such.


    Yes, I said "two things".  Little joke.



      4. You can't delete posts here.  Hasher Rick showed how to deal with it in a thread, so I'll just restate it here.  If you say something you wish to take back.... which for me, is about half my posts... modify the existing post and replace all the text with a period.


      Ok, yeah, actually replace it with whatever the hell you please.  But the period is a pretty common way to do it and you will encounter it if you go out to the main board.  Which, btw, here is referred by some as "the gsp" (the great scary place).  It is not scary.  Not really.


      5. RA =/=RWOL in terms of culture.  Much is the same.  For example, +1 still means "I agree".  A few things are different.  For example, if you whip out "FE" in the main board, you might as well be speaking chinese.  Be mindful of the little differences and know well that it is a-ok to ask when you hit a term that's kind of a ???



      Dirty Girl

        Thanks for the info!

         4/13 Bull Run Run 50 miler- DONE!


        Refurbished Hip

          I was wondering when you would pop your head in here.  Fucking hello, SRL!

          Running is dumb.

            Thank you for the info.  Has anyone told you you look like John Belushi?



              I noticed that clicking on a thread title will sometimes take me to the new post and sometimes to the beginning of the thread.  Is there a rhyme or reason to this? 




              Refurbished Hip



                I noticed that clicking on a thread title will sometimes take me to the new post and sometimes to the beginning of the thread.  Is there a rhyme or reason to this? 


                Someone asked Eric to make a "Go to last unread post" button.  I do believe this is the solution, but I don't know if he's worked out the bugs yet. 

                Running is dumb.

                  Hey SRL!  So I've been trying to post pics and haven't had much luck.  I uploaded to TinyPic, copied the IMG code for message boards and forums, then used the insert/edit image icon above.  But it didn't post.  What am I doing wrong?

                    Oh for fuck's sake.  Just when I ask what I did wrong the pic comes through!


                    Refurbished Hip

                      Oh, do we need to start the nasty feet picture thread again?  Confused

                      Running is dumb.

                        Sorry -- I originally was going to post a pic of the swamp I had to run through last weekend, but it didn't appear to come through.  I then thought it might have something to do with the fact it was not one of my pics (I pulled it off FB), so I decided to post foot porn.  Now let's see if the swamp comes through:


                        Edit:  nope!  Now I'm wondering what the hell I did to get the damn foot pic posted!


                          This thread has taken an un-welcome turn

                            This thread has taken an un-welcome turn


                            Suck it up, buttercup!  Trail running ain't pretty Big grin


                              Suck it up, buttercup!  Trail running ain't pretty Big grin



                              Ya I know...I was trying to enjoy a breakfast burrito Tight lips


                              note to self...don't eat while reading trailor trash

                                Ya I know...I was trying to enjoy a breakfast burrito Tight lips


                                note to self...don't eat while reading trailor trash


                                Oopsie!  I am so sorry. 
