Trailer Trash


What about the weekender?! (Read 6 times)

    Not too late!


    Had a good day at the HM yesterday.  A beautiful fall day.  Hilly, technical trails through redwood canyons and up into the hills.  Around 2700' of climbing.  Chatted with a few running friends.  Won my AG.  A nice outing.


    Today, catching up on yard work and laundry. Niners game on the radio.


    QOTD: Paying attention the World Series at all?  I don't care who wins but I'll put it on the radio.

    5/11/24 Grizzly Peak Marathon, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


      Uneventful weekend, did 10 mi on Sat and took a SRD today.  Did some stuff around the house.

      qotd: Just following the scores since the Astros lost. I guess I’m rooting for Arizona.
