Trailer Trash


Jittery Fridalies (Read 19 times)


Faster Than Your Couch!

    Something around 3.5 and 4 miles each, yesterday and today. I really dragged out getting out the door, but then I really enjoyed the run, and feeling energized afterwards.

    Today, DS ran with me for around 1.3 miles, and it was fun. That kid is forcing me up the hills way faster than I think I can, but of course, as I am not a competitive person, I take on that challenge (and usually lose).


    Gatsby, dhuff: good luck!


    QOTD: I remind myself that I am just running my own race, and nobody cares whether I come in in 8th, or 658th place. I try to just see if I can reach my own personal goal, and focus on getting in synch with my body.

    Run for fun.
