Trailer Trash


Snowy Sundailies? (Read 37 times)

    They are calling for snow later, but who knows?


    Marley and I had a nice 7 mile trail run. We ran up on a fox who was so focused on a squirrel that I had to speak before he bolted. I was maybe 20 feet away and Marley was back a bit farther.


    Tallahassee, Florida


    Faster Than Your Couch!

      Good Morning,


      TT: Your intro made me check for the weather in my area, and lo and behold, there it was: More snow tonight and all Monday. Yay, this winter never ends, don't pack away the snowshoes yet!

      Nice snow adventure with Marley and the fox!


      Getting a run in later today, I had some hard miles yesterday (which should have been the "easy" run, but it felt so hard). Took me 5 miles to just even warm up.

      I'll take my youngest to a kids' race today, just 1/4 mile, but he loves it! For the adults, it's a 10-miler ("Run around Egg Hill), but I won't run that one. DH almost got a heart attack when he saw how much I had spent for the OC100 already, so no need to push it.


      For kids in my area, my running club will hold a series of 5 short races in April through May or June, and when I told my little guy about this, the was thrilled!. I guess I got one new runner hooked!


      QOTD: Lynde's idea of boosting motivation by using something new on a run is the basis for my question today:

      Which of your existing gear do you like most, which one least, and why?


      Me: Currently, I like my microspikes the best, and my hydration pack the least. While the spikes look just badass and make me look like a pro when I run up and down the ice-glazed hills, I've lost my love for the pack. After all the "bare" winter running without a pack, and often without even a handheld, having to carry such a heavy load around with me seems just bothersome. But I know, come high temperatures, I'll probably love it again.

      Run for fun.

      Occasional Runner

        Resting today. Despite running through the night, I can never sleep after a 100 mile race. My body just won't allow it for some reason. I guess I'll lounge around the house until sleep finally comes to me.


        QOTD: I really like my hydration pack. I really dislike my running hat. It's wore out and needs to be replaced. It has seen a LOT of miles.


          Did 15 miles this morning.  The first few miles were quite "stale" but things loosened up a little bit after that.  Now I get to fly off to Scotland this afternoon.


          TT: Nice run.  I've only seen foxes while running in London (yes I'm talking about the 4 legged foxes.)


          FTYC: Have fun on the run later.  BTW, did you get the training plan I sent you?


          lace: enjoy the rest day.  I can't sleep too well after a 100 either, you'd thing it would be easy to conk out.


          qotd: I'm happy with the two hendhelds I recently bought (UD quickdraw plus).  I'm due for some new shoes, so I guess I like the old warn out ones I'm running in the least.



            Morning Folks!

            SRD for me.


            QOTD: I like my hydration pack the best. I like my cascadia 7's the least, i've completely given up on them and relegated them to hiking and lawn mowing duty.


            Faster Than Your Couch!

               BTW, did you get the training plan I sent you?



              I got it, thank you!

              Run for fun.


              running under the BigSky

                I have to ask- Spring?  two days now we won't even got out the mid 20's, normal highs are in the upper 40's and to add to the misery it's fucking windy to boot!- now that I have that off my chest Big grin


                an easy 6 miles along the Yellowstone planned- will wait for the "warm" part of the day to run Smile




                I'm really happy w/ the UD AK pack- it's everything I want in a light pack- can use bottles and/or bladder, carries like a dream and has enough room for a boy scout like myself to carry a few extra pieces of clothing/safety bits


                I need to find new shoes-my current show is discontinued and I'd like to find something a little lighter (w/ a little less drop as well)


                2024 goal 2024 miles

                2023 goal 2023 miles  √

                2022 goal- 2022 miles √

                2021 goal- 2021 miles √



                  Back to rain and low 40s for me today. The snow is mostly packed down and icy. Should be some interesting trail miles in a bit.


                  QOTD: I recently went on a buying frenzy and bought a hydration vest, two pairs of shoes, a pair or shorts and some leggings. They are all so new I can't say I have a favorite. But my least favorite from the winter was a pair of leggings(the only one I had) that would rub and give me a tramp stamp- rug burn. The first time it bled I made myself start shopping for some decent clothing.


                    Work induced rest day for me. I'm hoping they have this snow thing wrong and we just get rain.


                    QOTD: I don't like my hydration pack. It's a Camelbak MULE. When the bladder's full it presses between the shoulder blades and there are no easy to access storage pouches. I see a new pack in my future, just not sure which one. I'd love to get a look at the new Nathan Vapor Wrap. I really like my Hoka's. They have enabled me to put in a lot of miles on harder surfaces than any other shoe I've owned.


                      Daydreamer- I just got the Nathan VaporShape. I believe it's the same as the VaporWrap just the women's version. I haven't run with it yet but last night I tried it on, adjusted it, added things to it and hopped around for a bit. There are many easy to access pockets. Many adjustment straps. Obvious a runner actually put some thought into this bag. I'll have to let you know what I think when I actually take it with me on a run.

                        I went out for a short recovery walk/ hopefully a jog and felt really good so it turned into an easy 7 miles.


                        qotd: I tried a nathan  bladder out in my race yesterday and it is currently my least liked piece of gear! 1.5 miles in the hose came out and a waterfall ensued. So, no water left, soaking wet and 6 miles to the next aid station. My favorite gear is probably my smartwool socks. I have yet to get a blister while wearing them.

                        Pinhoti 100: Finished :D


                        Le professeur de trail

                          I was able to get in an hour at the gym - 20 min on the stairs and then a leg workout.  Happy about it because Sundays are hard to find time to do anything.


                          QOTD: I love my new DryMax socks.  They performed great yesterday - well as good as socks can perform.  I still have my Asics GT 2160's which might have some miles in them but I am not a fan anymore.  Even so, I take them out for a spin every other week.


                          Have a great night!

                          My favorite day of the week is RUNday



                          Queen of Nothing


                            After two weeks of no running I can finally post.  10.5 with running partner.  Felt good.  Things just got really busy at work so I would hit the wine when I got home.  Not sleeping good made getting up to run hard.  Then the mopre I didn't run the more I was afraid to run because figured it would hurt.  Well it wasn't too bad.


                            QOTD: I'm digging the hyrdration pack.  Since i usually have a leash (the big plastic hand hold) in one hand it's nice to have the other free.  My nike capris.  Have about 5 pairs, love them.  Whoops just realized it's what you like and don't like.  i hate that f*cking leash!!  Miss running with Labs who stay with you.  Current dog is a hound and not trust worthy to come when called.








                              Hi all,

                              got 4 miles in earlier between swim events.   Piriformis still doesn't feel right.  Plan B is new shoes.  Picked up some cascadias at REI earlier.  The 8's were too big in my usual size; ended up finding some 7's that fit perfectly.  On sale and used the dividend.   Didn't mention to DH that I have a pair of barely worn Asics by the front door and another brand new still in the box. Wink   I need to retire the ravennas and I like to rotate shoes.  And I"m sticking to that story.


                              qotd:  Not so happy with the ravennas. And I have an old Nike jacket that I love.  It's starting to fall apart though...


                                oops, accidentally double posted