Trailer Trash


Final Friday (Read 10 times)


    Rain coming in later today they say. Have not run yet, but I think it will be 4 miles or so at the lake around lunchtime with Baker. Last night we slogged a short 3 up at the local trail. It was warmer than I thought, and I was overdressed but at my slow jogging pace it was not really an issue.


    QOTD: The final month of the year already where does time go? Any big plans for the holiday, New Year?


    So far nothing. Usually we go down to GA between Christmas and New Years to visit my sister. Always enjoy that trip, have a few trail systems near her house that I love and the weather is usually milder and I can golf with BIL. Their holiday plans are up in the air though as they are dealing with health problems with BIL parents. I could go to FL to visit my parents, but I detest I95 at that time of year. Prefer to go after the holidays are over!

    In dog beers, I've only had one.


    running under the BigSky

      TE and I got 5 mile in yesterday.  Will hit the trails later; Tiny Elvis is at the groomers now w/ DW- guessing he's not liking that one bit 


      qotd: possibly a trip to see the grandkids, weather is always a question mark.  We are headed over there tomorrow to watch the Grizzlies host Delaware in the second round of the FCS playoffs- night game so it's going to be coooooooold!



      2023 goal 2023 miles  √

      2022 goal- 2022 miles √

      2021 goal- 2021 miles √