Trailer Trash


Wednesday Weight (Read 11 times)


    I had a pretty decent run out at the lake yesterday with Baker. Ran 2 laps of the cedar loop with Baker at lunch. I'll call it 2 miles per loop, might be a little less. Hard to tell, the trail is compressed into a small area, and it twists you around like a snake. Spin cycle loop. It's pleasant though and rarely do we see anyone there, though we did encounter a solo mountain biker yesterday.


    Today will be weights, plus a short road run late in the day through the hood.


    QOTD: Do you strength train? If so, what is your routine? Have you tried anything new?


    I would not call it strength training, but 1-2 days a week I spend some time with the dumbbells. It keeps me fit enough. I do 7 or 8 exercises, usually 2 sets of 20 with 20 pound weights and then some planks and such for abs. Like I said, not heavy lifting but it keeps me tone. I've been tempted to get heavier dumbbells or a set but am a cheapskate and this works ok for me. I recently added in this foot strap thing where you can wrap a dumbbell to the bottom of your foot for hamstring curls and such. Really have to use low weight with that thing. It feels weird.

    In dog beers, I've only had one.


      Today is a rest day. I may do some strength training later. I have a few errands to run and some work to do.


      QOTD: Yes. Typically, I do all dumbbell work. I will usually do curls, shoulder presses, front raises, flies, side raises, bent over rows, shrugs, pushups, crunches, leg lifts, tricep extensions (different variations), calf raises, and squats (no weight). Once is awhile, I will add lunges, but the last time I did lunges I injured myself using dumbbells. I try to get weights in 3 times per week, but I am okay if I only get them once. But I just started this in earnest a few months ago. To be honest, I have slacked off a little bit in November. We had that week of deer hunting, and I am sort of heavily engaged in work right now. I'll do a hard 90 day routine after the first of the year to be in top shape for the New Mexico hunting trip in April.



        Did not run last night as I said I would. Got up reluctantly this morning. After 2.25 miles, we walked it in. Chowder was balking at running and was stopping at points, refusing to go ahead. Thought he might be feeling badly, but then we got to our neighborhood park and he ran after many many squirrels. 

        qotd- not recently - still wearing a wrist brace, which makes things difficult. Though I have been doing more squats and lunges for the Grand Canyon