Trailer Trash


Where's the Light Mondaily (Read 19 times)


    I had a really good run tonight. First good one in a while.


    Congrats to Sue and George! I feel like such a slug ..I am in awe of your accomplishments!

    Gees, Gator! Must be way colder in your part of Michigan! I was up at Hartwick Pines and I think the low was 38.

    Sue looked pretty good for just running a hundred.


    No run today, i had to break out the long johns and mittens for yesterday’s run. Fall is here


    QOtD: It feels weird to run in the day light.

    To many cars, dogs, people.

    really scary stuff I’ll take the coyotes, deer, skunks and possums of the night anytime


    QOTD: I love night running. I run on trails so cars are not an issue. Just bought new batteries for my headlamp. Looking forward to not needing to use it for snowy night runs! The more, the merrier.

    January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k
