Trailer Trash


Crisp Sundaly (Read 28 times)


    8 miles  Champion Hills in the misty rain. Tried out new Brooks road shoes. Stable with firm cushion.

    sandy congrats.


      It is a beautiful day here. I ran a 9 miler with my run buddy. It was perfect. The temperature, the sunshine, the smell of fallen leaves! I want a this to be my groundhog day. I spent the afternoon mowing and blowing leaves.  The sun is amazing.


      Sandy: Congrats. Hope you have a great recovery.


      NHLA: beautiful pics! Where do you live?

      January , 2022 Yankee Springs Winter Challenge 25k


        moonlight  Hendersonville NC    Google jump off rock Laurel Park NC.  I live on Echo Mt jump off is at the top.

        qotd from yesterday  had a very close encounter with a black bear. 15 yards is close. He would not leave his garbage can.

        We  had a good year last year so lots of cubs. This year no food so they are comming into town. I live next to a sacuary so its a bear highway.

        Took down bird feeders. Left garbage out wed. and a bear scattered it all over the yard. See lots of deer and turkeys.


          Thanks everyone for the nice words!!!!!!  It was a great trail, but very tough in places (ascent 16,250 ft / decent 16,400 ft).  There were only 55 starters, so I’d say that I ran about 3/4 of the time by myself.  Loved running the trails at night alone.  It was very well marked, although I did lose a total of about 15 minutes in 2 places that I had to backtrack a bit due to missing 2 turns.  The aid station people were really great and helped a lot, the only thing is the actual stuff they had sucked. I only took water, a couple cups of coke, and one rice cake from the tables, I had a boatload of Gels with me so that’s what I ate the whole time.


          While the race director is an ultra runner and has put on a few runs on Cheju Island, Korea, this was the inaugural run of the “Ultra Trail Busan 100k”. And it is one of the few trail runs in Korea although they have a million road marathons here.  Here’s the link: (you may want to hit the “English” button in the upper right.)


          Full RR will come along at some point.


          QoN: It was run on the mountain trails surrounding Busan, Korea (where I am currently living.)


          blargendarg: Yes, the long-term plan is still ‘on-track’.


          moonlight: Thanks the recovery is going well.

