Trailer Trash


Smokin' Saturdailies (Read 18 times)

    To contrast with Warden's pic: Palisades and Robert Louis Stevenson Park, outside Calistoga, CA, for the Napa Valley 50k yesterday.  About 8000' vert.  Finished in 8:33, 20 minutes faster than last year!  Amazing wildflowers and very little mud or water on the course after a dry, sunny week.  Temps got warmish, around 70, but it was breezy and not too hot.




    Not smokin' anything this weekend, definitely not smokin' fast.  Slow and steady is about the only gear I've got.


    Was at my Dad's earlier for Easter breakfast and went to mass with him.


    QOTD: I've gone from sea level to high elevation runs a few times (6000-9000) e.g. Tahoe and Beaverhead.  I don't acclimate, I just go up the day before and do the race before my body knows what's happening.  I slow down on climbs, stop to catch my breath when needed, and drink more than usual since altitude has a dehydrating effect.  Altitude can affect people differently, though.  Some people really feel it and get nausea and headachy, but others adapt easily.   Have you been at higher altitude before, e.g. on travels or hikes?  If you can go a week before the race, that could help.  I'd say less than 3 days before would not be a good idea since your body will still be acclimating.

    6/9/24 Cinderella Trail Run 50k, Berkeley, CA

    7/20/24 Tahoe Rim Trail 56 miler, NV

    9/21/24 Mountain Lakes 100, OR


    Are we there, yet?

      QOTD: I've gone from sea level to high elevation runs a few times (6000-9000) e.g. Tahoe and Beaverhead.  I don't acclimate, I just go up the day before and do the race before my body knows what's happening.  I slow down on climbs, stop to catch my breath when needed, and drink more than usual since altitude has a dehydrating effect.  Altitude can affect people differently, though.  Some people really feel it and get nausea and headachy, but others adapt easily.   Have you been at higher altitude before, e.g. on travels or hikes?  If you can go a week before the race, that could help.  I'd say less than 3 days before would not be a good idea since your body will still be acclimating.


      First that looks like a beautiful course. I also saw your FB pictures.


      I've hiked in the Swiss and Austrian Alps, Sequoia, Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Glacier NPs, so I've been at altitude before, 11,500' is about the highest.  I've also been to Cuzco (11,000') and Machu Picchu (8,600'), but that was easy walking.  Whiskey Basin is only the second time I've had any adverse response and the other time I was at over 9,000 ft.  I'm thinking about going out a week before, doing my sightseeing first, then racing.  In any case the race would be a supported training run in preparation for NC 24.  Seems like a lot to see near there with Badlands and Wind Cave NPs, Custer SP, Deadwood, as well as the Crazy Horse Monument and Mt Rushmore.

       2024 Races:

            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





      Refurbished Hip

        Include Black Elk Peak to that list of things to do, George. It’s a nice hike. Highest in the US East of the Rockies.


        Gatsy, that’s a gorgeous picture! Those flowers!!

        Running is dumb.

        Queen of Nothing


          My run today sucked, bad attitude I think.  Now my heel hurts shoes are less than a month old so it can’t be that UNLESS I was wearing an old pair.  

           05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

           08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄





