Trailer Trash


Thursdaily (Read 15 times)



    Ran 6 easy miles today.  Left the watch at home so I could just relax and enjoy an easy pace. That's the plan for the rest of the week.


    QOTD:  New Years Eve plans?  We are doing our regular routine. 2 couples come over and we play cards and then go to the square in downtown Gettysburg for the countdown and fireworks at midnight.  Might join a group run on New Years Day if we get up in time.

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



      back was achy so I took a rest day and just had spaghetti and meatballs instead of miles


      QOTD: No plans, we don't typically go anywhere as it involves quite a bit of driving.  I have to work the 31st but get the 1st off.  I signed up for the team part of the 2019 in 2019 so want to start logging some miles on the 1st.


      QOTD2: Anyone ever do the Mo'Bell?  It's put on by AwesomeSauce Races and has a 55 hour cutoff.  I'm thinking if 2019 goes well it would work great for a 100 mile attempt as I can't beat that cutoff.


        Survived the rain, thunderstorms and tornado warnings last night.  Some wild weather around here.


        I'm at work today (came in late and leaving early) even though I was planning on taking this week off, just had some stuff that needed to be done.  I'm planning on running later this afternoon.


        qotd: It'll be a quiet evening. My DW has the head cold that I was suffering through (she blames me for passing it along to her...).  New year's day I'll volunteer at the local marathon like I do every year.


        qotd2: Nope, but a loop course like that would drive me crazy.



        Le professeur de trail

          No running.  Feeling ok just busy, no motivation, yada yada yada...  I will feed off of everyone's running in here.

          Christmas was fun.  We got our kids a trampoline for the yard.  I spent Christmas Eve putting it the dark.  I get er done! Kids were soooo surprised.  That was my favorite moment.


          QOTD: We usually don't do much.  It's often just like any other day/night to us.


          Have a great day!

          My favorite day of the week is RUNday





            You all don't mind I walk during my training and at races do you?  I might do a little run over the finish and perhaps a little jog along the way but I am not a runner and am ok with that....I mean look at Yolanda Holder.



              Survived the rain, thunderstorms and tornado warnings last night.  Some wild weather around here.




              Saw that wild weather when they cancelled that Bowl game down your way.  The radar that they showed looked like no end in sight.

              “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 



                You all don't mind I walk during my training and at races do you?  I might do a little run over the finish and perhaps a little jog along the way but I am not a runner and am ok with that....I mean look at Yolanda Holder.


                What's to mind.


                I did a 24hr race where a friend (and old forum member LouInPA) walked 85 miles in 24 hours. He had a hip replaced due to a congenital issue, and doesn't run anymore, only walks. He covered the distance, no one cared. And he beat several people.


                We could call you "Walking Diva", but Yolanda has that name.

                “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


                Le professeur de trail

                  Of course not!   I had to look up Yolanda - I had not heard of her. It's cool but you have to be able to do the head stand thing she is doing on her website!!!!


                  You all don't mind I walk during my training and at races do you?  I might do a little run over the finish and perhaps a little jog along the way but I am not a runner and am ok with that....I mean look at Yolanda Holder.

                  My favorite day of the week is RUNday




                    AT - yeah some crazy weather hit Dallas first than us down here last night.  I guess the mid-west is getting g it now.


                    dhuff - not one bit.


                    Dr J - thanks, I didn’t know Yolanda either so you saved me a search.



                    Are we there, yet?

                      You all don't mind I walk during my training and at races do you?  I might do a little run over the finish and perhaps a little jog along the way but I am not a runner and am ok with that....I mean look at Yolanda Holder.


                      I regularly incorporate walking in my training because I expect and plan to walk during my races.

                       2024 Races:

                            03/09 - Livingston Oval Ultra 6-Hour, 22.88 miles

                            05/11 - D3 50K, 9:11:09
                            06/17 - 6 Days in the Dome 12-Hour.





                        mt - I guess you have heard about this.  Right up your alley, perhaps you can go for a faster time.  


