Trailer Trash


Trail Runner Kills Mt. Lion after He's Attacked (Read 18 times)



    Not what this guy expected on his daily run. 


    You can always tell a story by a non-runner, when they use the term "jogger".

    “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


      Glad he's Ok and really glad for him that it was a small one.  Hope he doesn't end up with any infections.


      Hopefully some idiots don't read this and think that Mtn Lions are easy to defend against and go looking for some to fight.   I can just see some of the jackasses in our society doing just that.

      Queen of Nothing


        Don’t worry guys.... I’m safe... isn’t wasn’t me who he got..... i am a much older and wiser Cougar 

         05/13/23 Traverse City Trail Festival 25K

         08/19/23  Marquette 50   dns 🙄








          Don’t worry guys.... I’m safe... isn’t wasn’t me who he got..... i am a much older and wiser Cougar 


          “Paralysis-to-50k” training plan is underway! 


            Don’t worry guys.... I’m safe... isn’t wasn’t me who he got..... i am a much older and wiser Cougar 


            Based on your dream from a couple of nights ago, you would have probably gotten him to submit.




              Based on your dream from a couple of nights ago, you would have probably gotten him to submit.


              Getting pounced on by a Cougar isn't really always that bad to tell the truth. It happened to me about 28 1/2 years ago. Took her 6 months to clean me up to be fit for den life.  Now after almost 28 years of being hitched, and having two cubs,  it just proves that a Cougar and a lone Wolf can coexist  .  I just keep PRAYING that she keeps PREYING on me .